
From the GameTrailers review:
Much like the character herself, the way Bayonetta 2 handles unlockables is surprisingly unconventional. There are so many outfits and weapons that can be earned, with none of them hidden behind pre-order bonuses or DLC. As if that werent enough, the game comes with an enhanced version of the original Bayonetta. Rarely are we so rewarded for a purchase. If only this were the norm instead of the exception.
She's back!!!
Bayonetta 2 Metacritic Page
GameSpot - 10
Bayonetta 2's combat is so expertly constructed, and its presentation so joyously insane, that you'd have to try so very hard to get bored of it all. In a year filled with the promise of ever more elaborate experiences on all the shiny new hardware, that Bayonetta 2--a homage to classic game design and escapism--should be the most fun I've had playing a game all year is unexpected. But maybe it shouldn't have been. After all, its predecessor still stands as one of the finest games of its genre. To have surpassed that with Bayonetta 2, and to have created a game that will be remembered as an absolute classic, is nothing short of astonishing.
Edge - 10
Sega's loss is Nintendo's gain: Bayonetta, twirling away from a gigantic demon's maw and smacking the highest choir of angels on the nose, has just given Wii U its first true classic.
Eurogamer Germany - 10
Buy it if you liked the first one. Buy it, if you love it. Buy it if you love video games. Buy a Wii U if you have to. Bayonetta 2 sings all its praises in a celebration to this hobby of ours. But don't make the mistake of not playing it.
Destructoid - 10
When Bayonetta came out in 2010, I thought it was nearly perfect. Four years later and Platinum hasn't lost its edge with Bayonetta 2. It's just as stylish and as fun as ever, and a must-buy for action fans who own a Wii U.
Nintendo Insider - 10
Bigger, badder and exquisitely better, Bayonetta 2 knocks its predecessor off its enviable perch to become perhaps the greatest action game of all time. From the word go, it will send your adrenaline into overdrive as you venture on a quest that will take you to the very depths of Hell and back. The plethora of unlockables promise to keep you coming back for more in new and refreshing ways, while Tag Climax suitably extends the experience beyond a purely solo offering in a richly rewarding way. Bayonetta 2 is game of the year material without a doubt, and a worthy purchase for any action fan.
God Is A Geek - 10
Intense, gorgeous and thrilling to play, this is Platinums best game so far. Nintendo have clearly had an input here, with a game thats more forgiving for new players, but still has enough challenge for fans; all without watering down or compromising the experience for either type of player. A non-stop climax of excitement from the moment you start the Prologue, this is one of those games that demands to be played.
FNintendo - 10
Quite possibly the best action game ever made, Bayonetta 2 is a pure gem of wonder, filled with epic fights, perfect gameplay, a magnificent visual and sound environment and even a multiplayer mode which fits perfectly within the format. A diabolical masterpiece that no Wii U should go without.
Zwame - 10
Platinum Games did the unthinkable and made a game even better than the original; loaded with humor, sexuality, action and bigger than life setpieces, Bayonetta 2 is the pinnacle of its genre, an absolutely brilliant action game that will be hard to overcome.
Gamereactor UK - 10
When the credits rolled we were left completely exhausted. It's been a very long time since a game required this amount of energy and reward all the frustration it takes to learn to master the game. Anyone can jump in and start being violent, but when you're really skilled the result is something of elegant, brutal beauty. Something that's wholly satisfying from beginning to end, and a workout that's in a class of its own. It's one of the most compelling reasons to pick up Nintendo's console and if you already own one, own this as well.
Gamereactor Denmark - 10
Bayonetta 2 is a triumphant return for the series and for Platinum Games. Extreme bosses, a crazy good style and an addictive co-op mode are just the icing on top of an excellent fighting system. Go get it now for your Wii U.
MeriStation - 10
Bayonetta 2 is the best action game ever made. Masterclass in terms of combat system, depth and accessibility, with frantic and intense progress. Unforgettable challenging boss battles, full of content to unlock and a lovely main character.
Vandal - 10
Platinum Games manages to improve everything we knew and loved from the first game, creating a master piece everybody should play.
Giant Bomb - 5/5
Bayonetta 2 doesnt drastically change the already wacky formula that the first game introduced, but its a bigger and more nuanced version of its predecessor. Its also the best game of its kind in years. If youve ever enjoyed this breed of reflex-heavy, hyperactive, ludicrous action game, Bayonetta 2 is a no-brainer.
Joystiq - 5/5
If you bought the Wii U months ago explicitly in anticipation of Bayonetta 2, congratulations, your decision has paid off in spades.
The Guardian - 5/5
The sheer polish applied to every part of Bayonetta 2 is something every major studio should aspire to: the exceptional and wide-ranging soundtrack, the huge number of unlocks, the Nintendo easter eggs, the making of materials, and the unlockable characters that bring their own style. Not a single thing has been held back. In this second adventure, Bayonetta over-delivers in every regard, and it will be a long time before another fighting game threatens her crown.
Gameblog.fr - 5/5
With Bayonetta 2, Wii U has its trump card: a queen of spades that takes advantages on almost every game of the genre and hits us right in the heart. It's an outstanding production, beautifully executed, with state of the art mechanics and ridiculously generous. And it can be enjoyed by everyone as its difficulty and handling can be adjusted. Definitely a beat them all no one has the right to ignore.
GameXplain - Loved
Bayonetta 2 is an utterly fantastic action game, perhaps even the peak of its genre.
Kotaku - YES
Just thinking about how the developers at Platinum will surpass the excesses on display in this month's release is enough to rub a body raw. Bayonetta 2's combat design remains robust enough to be a very strong main attraction. But any emotions stirred up during my time with Bayonetta wound up feeling shallow. I'm glad for those times when I kicked ass in a stylish manner but still found myself bemoaning the terrible storytelling I endured to do that. If Platinum somehow manages to shore up those failings, the next encounter with Bayonetta won't just be a pantomine of lust. It might turn into love.
GameTrailers - 9.8
From its peerless combat to its outlandishly entertaining world, Bayonetta 2 is a triumph. Platinum Games has created a classic so thoroughly excellent that it cant be ignored. Action games dont get better than this.
Games Village - 9.7
Towers over the prequel in every possible way. On a whim I can't honestly imagine a better action game than Bayonetta 2.
IGN - 9.5
Every aspect of Bayonetta 2 feels polished and focused. At times, the writing feels ridiculous, but I still love how it plays. The superb pacing and combat are just that good. By the end I was convinced: This sequel builds on everything that made the original great, and delivers one of the most satisfying action games I've played.
EGM - 9.5
Filled with amazingly tuned combat, countless larger-than-life moments, copious amounts of legitimately challenging boss battles, interesting locations, lovable characters, and one of gamings most unforgettable heroines, Bayonetta 2 retains the crown as the standard for which all other stylish action games should strive to achieve. And, if you missed the start of the series, you get the original Bayonetta bundled in for freemaking this some of the best action gaming $60 will ever buy.
GameSided - 9.5
Bayonetta 2 is what character action games should strive to be. Its excellent combat system drives home an intensly-intricate story that builds a universe completely discernable as its own. Platinum Games did an excellent job continuing the story from the original Bayonetta without losing a beat, transferring that pure essence of heart to the sequel 5 years later. With a deep soundtrack and marvelous settings, the art style makes up for minor shortcomings on technical and purely-graphical limitations of the Wii U. The added feature of the original game included in the retail package is just the cherry on the top. Bayonetta is back, and she's much, much more than just a pretty face.
Wiitalia - 9.5
Bayonetta 2 is one of the best action games ever released. Visually impressive, its relentless gameplay is fast and packed with tons of stuffs to do and experiment. This game is totally classy, and the first one included in the package is just the cherry on the top.Don't miss Bayonetta 2 (but be careful at the final boss!).
Paste - 9.5
Bayonetta 2 justifies the existence of my Wii U (sorry, Mario Kart 8youre fine, but Im just not in love with you). I plan to sink several more happy hours into its infinitely replayable chapters. Its rare that a game actually offers me a compelling story, a nuanced heroine, jokes that are funny and never cringe-worthy, plus combat mechanics that I can sink hours into perfecting again and again. Bayonetta 2 has caused me to fall back in love with videogamesor maybe just with Bayonetta herself? Not that I ever really stopped loving any of that, but its always nice to remember what a great game looks and feels like. This is it.
Famitsu - 38/40
Jeuxvideo.com - 19/20
Official Nintendo Magazine - 93%
PC Games - 93%
Everyeye - 9.3
It boosts the genre to new heights, dethroning its own predecessor and giving the WiiU the best reason to own one.
Cheat Code Central - 4.6/5
It's absolutely a pure Bayonetta game, it's an absolute blast to play, and it absolutely belongs on Nintendo's growing roster of excellently crafted games for the Wii U.
4Gamers - 91/100
The queen of the action games is back. Bayonetta 2 manages to impress in almost every aspect with a combination of non-stop action, adrenaline, a bit of naughtiness and really responsive controls. The story and atmosphere might not suit everyone, but even the biggest pessimists will have to recognize that in terms of gameplay this game is among the best. With Bayonetta 2, the developers have succeeded in making the game very accessible for newcomers, while maintaining the depth of it for the hardcore gamers. Future action games will have a hard time topping this, because Bayonetta 2 managed to push the bar very high for this genre. If you didn't have a reason to buy a Wii U, then Bayonetta 2 is an excellent one to do so.
Game Informer - 9
Creating a sequel to an already-polished game is a challenge, but Platinum Games approach ultimately succeeds. Bayonetta 2 is rooted in its past while taking steps (but not strides) toward the future. Though I was disappointed by some of the familiarity, I was usually having too much fun to care.
CVG - 9
Bayonetta's second adventure offers more of the same peerless action mechanics, barmy spectacle and wonderful depth.
USgamer - 4.5/5
Bayonetta 2 is the high-flying return of everyone's favorite Umbra Witch. Platinum Games pushes to the Wii U to its limit with fast action, magnificent vistas, and huge bosses. The addition of the original Bayonetta just pushes the entire package over the top. If you're a Devil May Cry fan, this is a must-buy.
The Escapist - 4.5/5
Bayonetta 2 may be nonsensical, tacky, and visually anarchic, but its got some of the finest combat an action game could offer. It's packed with style, looks magnificent, and is as elegant as spectacle fighter as you could hope for.
Metro - 9
The worst thing you can say about Bayonetta 2 is that its still not much of an improvement over its predecessor, but even that supposed criticism still confirms it as one of the best action games of all-time. Creating Bayonetta 2 may not make much business sense but unlike most sequels today this isnt a game made for the love of money, but for the love of gaming itself.
Nintendo Life - 9
Bayonetta is is a must buy for any action gaming fans. It's fast, intense and ridiculous, all with an entertaining story and a protagonist that is forever subverting and playing with her audience. It's pure Platinum Games, too, which means it'll likely be adored by its converts and ignored by too many we hope that won't happen, as what we have here is one of the Wii U's best games, and a rare arrival on the system that's unashamedly violent, gory and mature, while still mischievously winking at the watching world. Bayonetta 2 is brilliant, brash and impossible to ignore.
TheSixthAxis - 9
Bayonetta 2 is amongst the most refined and dynamic action games to appear on any console, taking the best parts of the original game and building upon them. It is crazy, chaotic and characterful and a genuine pleasure to play.
Digital Chumps - 9.0
Bayonetta 2 expresses a meticulous devotion to excessive elaborateness of style and action. It's a calculated brawler that not only minds its rules with painstaking diligence, but trusts its operator with how to best interpret them. The delicate engineering of merciless destruction has long been Platinum Games' modus operandi, and Bayonetta 2 is the purest and most potent declaration of their intentions.
Lazygamer - 9.0
Bayonetta 2 is something new blended with something familiar, improved in every way possible. Few other games can top it for sheer audacity and ballsiness, and if this is the last time well ever see the leggy witch, then shes going out with one hell of a bang.
NintendoWorldReport - 9
Bayonetta 2 is one of the best games to ever grace the Wii U. The sequel feels tighter, less obnoxious, and is a blast to play through. While the Wii U GamePad is not used in any significant way, and Tag Climax could have benefited from local co-op, this is the action-packed Bayonetta followup that I wanted. Fans of Platinum's outings owe it to themselves to check it out and start exploring the many twists and turns along the journey.
Eurogamer - 9
Bayonetta 2's biggest disappointment may be that it's an iterative sequel, but it's not such a problem when it's iterating on genius.
Eurogamer Italy - 9
Bayonetta 2 is simply awesome. Platinum Games has done a great job improving their previous game, adding small details and creating a gorgeous looking new adventure for the sexy-witch. If you love action games, you can't miss this perfect cocktail of fun gameplay, great graphics and over-the-top humor.
VideoGamer - 9
Bayonetta 2 is a system seller. It's a Nintendo-published game that is rarely seen, and a game that will legitimately make non-Wii U owners jealous. It's everything I want from a hardcore Nintendo title, offering genre-leading combat and eye-popping visual spectacle. The fact that Bayonetta 2 delivers the goods is no surprise. Nintendo being the firm behind its continued survival, however, is a surprise we should be very grateful for.
IGN Italia - 9.0
Despite not being as fresh and surprising as the original (which probably remains a better game overall), Bayonetta 2 is a heavenly triumph of excess: not only a sublime action game, but also a true killer application. Simply put, do not miss this one hell of a ride.
Gamekult - 9
SpazioGames - 9.0
Gamona - 88/100
VentureBeat - 87/100
Bayonetta 2 is surprising. Some of that is because it is an M-rated Wii U exclusive. Its also because it is a good game in a genre that doesnt seem long for this world. With everything moving open-world and online, Platinum is still sticking to its better zone. And its working.
I dont know if Ill ever need a Bayonetta 3, but Im certainly glad that I got to play Bayonetta 2.
Kill Screen - 86
Bayonetta 2 erects some of the most solid fighting mechanics and phantasmagorically gonzo visuals in gaming to datecertainly, something as compulsive and massive as this boosts the Wii U to the front of the packand through its formal choices communicates a singular, unfiltered vision of sexualization.
XGN - 8.5
Even though Bayonetta 2 is very much like the first one in the franchise, it is lovely to hack and slash around with the oversexualised Cereza. The animal transformations of the witch are awesome and it is a very solid game for hours of fun.
Shacknews - 8
Bayonetta 2 is manic, adrenaline-fueled combat at its best, showing tremendous depth beyond its shallow lead character.
GamesRadar - 4/5
Bayonetta 2 is sheer class. Yes, it takes a little too long to get going, given its length, but the final four hours are relentlessly, breathlessly exceptional. Granted, it's all just 'more of the same' with a shorter haircut, but we're talking about more of one of the best games ever made.
The Daily Dot - 4/5
In terms of polish, variety, and just pure fun, there is a very strong case to be made for Bayonetta 2 as Platinum Games' best action game yet.
Polygon - 7.5
When Platinum Games is on, it's really, really on, and Bayonetta 2 is in almost any respect that counts a better game than the first, whose mechanics were already exemplary. But every time I'd feel on a roll, enjoying my time with Bayonetta 2 immensely, I'd be broken out of it by another cheap shot of T&A. I would be wrecking a flock of angelic or demonic enemies, sliding in and out of witch time almost at will, and then the special weapon I had picked up became a literal stripper pole for Bayonetta to dance on, because ... well, because, I guess.
Game Revolution - 3.5/5
If youre an action gamer with a Wii U or even an older Nintendo fan with patience enough for Bayonettas Moon River remix soundtrack, then summon the strength to face this bad hair day with both guns up. Actually, make it all four guns up. Bayonetta manages to pull it off without tucking her ankles behind her head, though you might strain something if you try it her way.
Level - 60
Over the top yet unimaginative. At least the fights are dynamic and the game itself can be a breath of fresh air, considering what else is available on the Wii U.