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Beer |OT|



All of these worth way over $6 a piece.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
A store near me is carrying 750ml bottles of IRS from Spencer's. Is it any good? Rather reasonably priced for a US beer in Europe, €6.


Saint Nic
How are you guys storing your beer?

And what beers can you NOT store? I have a fridge in my garage that I'm assuming is fine, but I opened up some Alpha King that had been in my fridge for like 2 months. It had a very "off" flavor. Is it possible that it went bad in such a short period of time after having been kept cold? Is that a trait of various types of pale ales?


How are you guys storing your beer?

And what beers can you NOT store? I have a fridge in my garage that I'm assuming is fine, but I opened up some Alpha King that had been in my fridge for like 2 months. It had a very "off" flavor. Is it possible that it went bad in such a short period of time after having been kept cold? Is that a trait of various types of pale ales?

Alpha King definitely went bad on you. I've only have Zombie Dust in bottles while the rest of my 3F experience has been on tap, but the Zombie Dust fell off within weeks.

Basic rule
Light and/or hoppy = drink fresh
Dark and possibly high alcohol or a sour = good to age
Alpha King definitely went bad on you. I've only have Zombie Dust in bottles while the rest of my 3F experience has been on tap, but the Zombie Dust fell off within weeks.

Basic rule
Light and/or hoppy = drink fresh
Dark and possibly high alcohol or a sour = good to age

And also consider certain flavors will mellow with age. Anything with coffee in it will mellow out a lot as time goes on in my experience. If you like coffee flavor, drink that stuff as fresh as you can, otherwise it is nowhere near as strong.

That reminds me, I think I am going to open my last KBS from earlier this year. I remember last year's not aging as well due to the coffee taste going away.


Right, any adjuncts are bound to fade with time. Coffee, coconut, cinnamon, and fruits seem to fall off the fastest. Take a raspberry sour. Fresh it will taste like there is a squirt of raspberry juice in there. Let it sit for a couple years and the color will fade and the raspberry taste will just be a faint hint in the background.


Local brewery does a limited bourbon-barrel stout release (12oz bottles) with an initial limit of 4/per person. For some unknown reason they decide that there is no bottle limit at the time bottles go on sale. Expected fuckery ensues as bottles sell out quickly and many that thought they would get some are screwed. Not sure what they were thinking with this one and have not given a reason for abandoning the limit. The people who got theirs act like the release was fine and those who didn't get any should have gotten there earlier... Some people just don't get it. If the first person in line bought all of it (no limits right?), would they have been OK with that? Sometimes the scene looks so bad when this stuff happens.

No, I was not there for the bottle release. Went down later to get some on draft as I knew the release would be a shit-show. Didn't know it would be THAT bad.

That sucks. What brewery?

Same shit is happening here. People buy up stuff so they can trade it for other stuff. Drives me nuts.

Limits keep getting cut around here, which is fine with me since I never buy more than two of any big release. Holy Mountain has even cut down on the limit during the release based on how many people show up. Gotta spread the love the best you can.

J Wakefield Brewing down here will do weekend releases for their big stouts and Sours, event will start at Noon and I've seen people say they will get there at 4 or 5 in the morning to wait in line. Waiting in line for multiple hours in the South FL heat is about the last thing I am willing to do. Longest I have waited is like 45 minutes at Funky Buddha, and their system has improved a lot over the last year or two. That said they have two big Barrel Aged beers coming this year that could be a shit show.
Right, any adjuncts are bound to fade with time. Coffee, coconut, cinnamon, and fruits seem to fall off the fastest. Take a raspberry sour. Fresh it will taste like there is a squirt of raspberry juice in there. Let it sit for a couple years and the color will fade and the raspberry taste will just be a faint hint in the background.

True as well. Thank you for that.

This past year when I did several years of Three Philosophers you could definitely tell that the sweet fruitiness fades over the years and it mellows.


Was excited to try some Charleston beer. Needed a restraunt that fit several dietary options and Southend brewery and smokehouse fit the bill. Was disappointed to find they were bought out by lagunitas and their taps were closed as they transitioned. Tried their little sumpin sumpin in bottle and was surprisingly good.

Stopped at Savanah next and tried Southbounds IPA. Beer was on point. Some good stuff.

Looking forward to beericana in 2 weeks here in Raleigh. Going to have 70+ breweries from mostly nc breweries.
Looking forward to beericana in 2 weeks here in Raleigh. Going to have 70+ breweries from mostly nc breweries.

Sounds awesome. I have a feeling an old coworker of mine from NC will be there, and then tell me about all the great stuff he tried that I can't get. But all in good fun.


Saint Nic
Interesting info on beer storage and aging. Appreciate it.

Does that mean my DFH 120 IPA is probably bad after having stored it for a while?
Hops fade over time regardless of cold storage (but better cold than warm). However, 120 is more barleywine than IPA. It's fine.

I have a slightly below grade basement in my house that stays between 55 and 60 degrees year round. My old fridge from college is down there along with a little shelf and boxes of lambic, big stouts, etc.
Contrary to a lot of the received wisdom, most beer is better when fresh. There are a few styles (big stouts, old ales, some wild ales, etc) that benefit from some mellowing with age and are designed to be put down for a while. Additionally, some beers don't benefit from age, but aren't hurt too badly by it.

If there's something you want to save for a special occasion or you want to put away to share with somebody later, that's cool. But you're mostly not doing your beers any favors by shelving them for years. Even those barleywines and sours, drink 'em fresh.


Contrary to a lot of the received wisdom, most beer is better when fresh. There are a few styles (big stouts, old ales, some wild ales, etc) that benefit from some mellowing with age and are designed to be put down for a while. Additionally, some beers don't benefit from age, but aren't hurt too badly by it.

If there's something you want to save for a special occasion or you want to put away to share with somebody later, that's cool. But you're mostly not doing your beers any favors by shelving them for years. Even those barleywines and sours, drink 'em fresh.

Would you age this?
Also, if a beer has been pasteurized, aging will do nothing. Bend Brewing did Outback XX, a 10th Anniversary Dark Ale with Brett. It was a collab with their former head brewer who is now in charge of the sour program at 10 Barrel. Due to the exploding Swill bottles around the same time, they pasteurized Outback XX. The Brett in the bottle was effectively killed and won't do anything over time.
That's what I was starting to think, just gonna invite a friend over and go to town, maybe on both bottles.
That's my angle. I've got plenty of beers stashed away that I'm not inclined to drink right away, but I'm not saving them to make them better. I'm saving them to share with folks who appreciate them.
I don't purposely age my Cantillon bottles, I just don't want to drink them because then I won't have any left. Currently have 750s of Kriek, Rose de Gambrinus and Lou Pepe Framboise, and a Kriek 375. I should probably just drink them.

I am purposely aging some Fantome and Ale Apothecary bottles, though. They were both "sick" and need time to clean up.
That's my angle. I've got plenty of beers stashed away that I'm not inclined to drink right away, but I'm not saving them to make them better. I'm saving them to share with folks who appreciate them.

Some of mine I just want to see what some time does to them since I never stored stuff before. Most I just stash away to forget about them and bust them out when I want something special. If I kept them all cold I would just drink them too quickly.


I've got a bit of a hoarding problem as well but I do subscribe to the thought that beers should be drank, not stored. I just find it hard to justify opening some beers knowing their perceived worth... bleugh.

Been slowly trying to open more beers recently though. I have a backlog of beers, not games
well, games too.
Combination of running out of room and just getting tired of the whole 'game.'


Saint Nic
Snagged a few new beers (to me) last night.

Permanent Funeral by 3F
Hibiscus Gose by Boulevard Brewing
Unfiltered Wheat by Boulevard Brewing

The Unfiltered Wheat was actually given to me for free by my coworker who I saw at the liquor store while I was there. It's his favorite beer and he buys the store out every week (7-10 cases). He drinks it at home and at the cross-fit gym he's a member of, so I don't think he's drinking it all solo. Even still, I had never tried it and he tossed me a 6 of it.

I am going to drink the Permanent Funeral over the weekend - heard great things. The Gose is quite good. First sip was amazing as I really got that floral taste. By the end of it, the sour notes were overpowering the floral and it kind of tasted like every other gose. Still excited to drink the rest of them.

E: And on the topic of storing/saving beer, I never buy to keep. But I'm going to make a point to not over buy anymore. I think the problem I ran into was that when I bought my last case of Alpha King, I also bought a Magic Hat IPA Sampler and a case of Blue Moon for a party. I tend to limit myself to 1 beer a night during the week, occasionally 2 if I'm grilling. I'll do 2-4 on weekends...Don't want to get a beer gut. So I need to buy no more than 12-24 beers at a time.
Distantmantra I am looking at you for the freemont release :)

Fuck no. Everyone out of region descending on social media with ISO ISO ISO and tagging friends is just making this release more of a shitshow than it would already be.

And $28 for each 375 is making me consider sitting this one out.
First of Fremont's five fresh hops today, Interglactic Hop Shop tomorrow, three Holy Mountain bottles on Saturday, Ancient Bbomb and Ancient KDS next Saturday, Zwanze tickets the Sunday after and lots more fresh hops coming.



First of Fremont's five fresh hops today, Interglactic Hop Shop tomorrow, three Holy Mountain bottles on Saturday, Ancient Bbomb and Ancient KDS next Saturday, Zwanze tickets the Sunday after and lots more fresh hops coming.

Well if your into trading I have the east coast on Lock.


Saint Nic
Fuck no. Everyone out of region descending on social media with ISO ISO ISO and tagging friends is just making this release more of a shitshow than it would already be.

And $28 for each 375 is making me consider sitting this one out.

$28 for one bottle, huh? That's something...
Well if your into trading I have the east coast on Lock.

I'm not really into trading. Shipping is stupid expensive and I'm quite happy with what's available. My wife goes to Boston for work regularly so whatever (Trillium, Night Shift, Jacks Abby) she brings back is good enough for me.
$28 for one bottle, huh? That's something...

They used 35 year old Heaven Hill barrels, so the price is understandable. I had the first batch of Ancient One from 2015. It's really good. I'm just sitting this one out, beer is getting out of hand recently and I need to make smart decisions.

If they're on draft, I'll just go over and have a small pour of each. Much cheaper and I can still spend the morning with my family.


Fuck no. Everyone out of region descending on social media with ISO ISO ISO and tagging friends is just making this release more of a shitshow than it would already be.

And $28 for each 375 is making me consider sitting this one out.

I'll probably be at the release; what time you think I'd need to be there?

You know more than I would. Almost didn't get Rusty Nail and showed up at 9AM I think.
I'll probably be at the release; what time you think I'd need to be there?

You know more than I would. Almost didn't get Rusty Nail and showed up at 9AM I think.

I got to Fremont for Rusty around 9:45-10 or so and was fine. I have no absolutely no idea what time you should be there for this shitshow. It's gonna be crazy stupid.

I'm liking my idea of getting there at 11 for a couple pours more and more. Separate lines for bottles and pours.


Saint Nic
Welcome to craft beer ;)

It's why I've stopped caring as much as I used to about craft beer. Finding a couple of great beers that I can get regularly for a fair price is more exciting to me. I'll still grab a bottle or two of nicer unique stuff once in a while, but I don't go out of my way. It's also nice that Indy has a shit ton of really solid breweries that I can go to whenever I want - there's no shortage of beer to try locally!
There are still tons of lax beer releases and such around here. Hell, 99% of the time Fremont and Holy Mountain are super chill. People just lose their fucking minds over stouts in a bourbon barrel or sour beers with fruit in them.


I got to Fremont for Rusty around 9:45-10 or so and was fine. I have no absolutely no idea what time you should be there for this shitshow. It's gonna be crazy stupid.

I'm liking my idea of getting there at 11 for a couple pours more and more. Separate lines for bottles and pours.

I'm gonna try getting there early: I'll be with my wife, hopefully bring chairs a blanket and breakfast.
There are still tons of lax beer releases and such around here. Hell, 99% of the time Fremont and Holy Mountain are super chill. People just lose their fucking minds over stouts in a bourbon barrel or sour beers with fruit in them.
Sours with fruit and barrel aged sours are to die for. I don't blame them.
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