<-- Ar is playing Dark Cloud 2:
Presentation, shows many intesesting scenes, looks promising.
*skips cutscene*
Combat: not bad, fast and smooth. Too bad the camera keeps spinning and is giving me a beginning of headache. Over in a minute. Looks promising.
*skips cutscene*
*skips another*
(I miss Xenosaga)
...*skips many more*
Dungeon: 1st sloor: whack whack whack, slowly move around, slow slow, whack whack whack, slooooooooowly opens a chest, slow, whack, slow, whack, slow, chest, whack, slow, whack.... *goes on for 10 minutes*
Passed. Finally. Im bored.
Combat gets old fast, too simple and repetitive, too many pauses between kills.
The random dungeon is as unispired and repetitive as it gets, so cant even watch the architecture for a distraction.
Glance at the map: 1..2...3... 8 more floors to go. KTHXBYE. Reset.
Cant diss the game, is probably munchkins heaven, may have some impressive content buried in there, and I know many loved it. Seems definitely good in its own way.
But I dont have the patience for this, or interest in watching my weapons level up or do fishing minigames. Arc ToS, greatly panned here, was more engaging for me - at least took less time to get somewhere.
Btw, on the PS2 can also play FF4/5/6, Chrono Trigger... and if you have a CD burner or hd, Genesis ans SNES emulators. Wonder if Lufia 2 runs well on it.... maybe should burn and find out fast =)