I tried the Lever yesterday and It said that the device was not operable. Gonna teu again later, thanks!
Hm....you're using the lever at the BOTTOM of the elevator, right?
I tried the Lever yesterday and It said that the device was not operable. Gonna teu again later, thanks!
Guys, am I going crazy now or what?
Is it not possible to befriend Djura without opening the barred door to Old Yarnham?
Yes, at the bottom. This is the elevator that takes you back to a room with some antidotes and is a shortcut to the first lamp in Forbidden Woods.Hm....you're using the lever at the BOTTOM of the elevator, right?
Hmm, those levers should become operable once an elevator has been triggered at least once, and if it's not in your current location (it's at the top when you're at the bottom, etc).Guys, I'm playing Bloodborne for the 1st time and I'm having a blast.
However, I think I screwed over. I'm at the Forbidden Woods, right after the windmill where you face those snake guys for the 1st time.
I know that going right after that windmill you'll encounter an elevator that takes you to a lamp. Problem is I fell down from the elevator and now I can't get It down.
That means that I lost that shortcut forever? Hope Not, please help.
Hmm, those levers should become operable once an elevator has been triggered at least once, and if it's not in your current location (it's at the top when you're at the bottom, etc).
But you're saying, you sent the elevator up, you can't use the lever to bring it back down, and you can't approach it from the top side since you never opened the shortcut from up there?
I've never heard of this happening to anyone before, but if that's all true, then you have lost the ability to use the shortcut.If you're able to use the PS4 share feature to get video of the lever not working and the shortcut still being locked from the top side, it could serve as a good PSA / warning to the community.
Exactly. I stepped on the elevator, but for some reason i decided to do a rolo (oh, the regret...) and the elevador went up without me. There's a lever on the right side, but it's not working.
I'll try to make a vídeo about it.
So I tried summoning Henriett for Ludwig fight but she got destroyed and now her summoning sign is gone, any way to bring it back ? In 3 hours of attempt I managed to get a few time sub 20% buit his giant energy slash got me.
Use Valtr, he tanks Ludwing enough for second phase with ease but required to equip the League rune,
Anyway look at his sword, if the sword shines he is ready for its special attack, if the sword pales ludwig is gonna charge it with an AoE charge atack
Hmm I'll have to check where to getthe League rune. I just soloed Ludwig, I'm so proud of myselfIs there a cut off point to when the DLC is not accessible ? I'd like to complete it on my first playthrough but the bosses are quite a step up I'm having trouble with Laurence now. I guess I'll push farther in the main game and get back to the DLC later.
Hmm I'll have to check where to getthe League rune. I just soloed Ludwig, I'm so proud of myselfIs there a cut off point to when the DLC is not accessible ? I'd like to complete it on my first playthrough but the bosses are quite a step up I'm having trouble with Laurence now. I guess I'll push farther in the main game and get back to the DLC later.
I tried both things, and somehow the Lever is working now.Have you tried restarting the game or warping out to other area? - Technical support Hunter service
Before I bump my LTTP thread again, I ask here:
I beat Vicar Amalia. I read (shame on me) that I now shall interact with the altar to change the state of the world. Do I have to do this to unlock certain areas or can I discover the areas that are to the right and left first?
When does the DLC unlock and what would be a good level for it? I'm currently on a level between 30 and 40.
And does it pay of to discover that area where the guy with the sack brings one if he kills one?
And most important of all: What is a good attire that looks cool with the Yharghul hood I found?
Yes you have to touch the skull in order to a) progress the game, b) access the DLC. DLC is end game level areas, you can go there now but it will be very tough, I would recommend waiting until you have at least a+8 weapon if not +10.Before I bump my LTTP thread again, I ask here:
I beat Vicar Amalia. I read (shame on me) that I now shall interact with the altar to change the state of the world. Do I have to do this to unlock certain areas or can I discover the areas that are to the right and left first?
When does the DLC unlock and what would be a good level for it? I'm currently on a level between 30 and 40.
And does it pay of to discover that area where the guy with the sack brings one if he kills one?
And most important of all: What is a good attire that looks cool with the Yharghul hood I found?
After certain actions (one is defeating Amelia) the time starts to move to sunset to nightime ending into a full moon, Some NPCs starts to appears, others move, others no longer appear and there are some specific sidequest that could end abruply if you didnt explore well
DLC unlock right after Amelia, the unknown creature outside Oedon ward sends you to the dlc.
Yes, you can find an optional boss which leads to a shortcut, a good armor set, an arcane weapon and dead, lots of dead.
The Yahargul armor =)
Yes you have to touch the skull in order to a) progress the game, b) access the DLC. DLC is end game level areas, you can go there now but it will be very tough, I would recommend waiting until you have at least a+8 weapon if not +10.
The paths either side of Amelia are optional but especially right (from Amelia's boos room) is important because of a) the item gained after boss and b) another optional area. tbh it's better imo to do those before Amelia, but it doesn't really make a difference, I just do them for the upgrade materials pre-Amelia. The otherside opens up later but you can still do a loot run/have a peak now.
Yes it pays to be kidnapped by the sack guys and this area (as it is now) has a time limit on it (you have a couple of main quest bosses to go first) so again do it sooner rather than later - it has some nice loot, but the boss can be left for later if you find it tough as it will still be there when you return to that area later on (it will make sense when it happens).
As for Fashion Souls, no idea - I have my favourites and that's all I know!
edit - beaten because slow typing!![]()
So I should go through Yhargul or whatever it's called and the two areas besides the cathedral before I interact with the altar in the boss room?
I thought interacting with the skull changes the time to night, not defeating Amelia.
The altar just gives you a key for new areas, you are already on nighttime which is the most optional time to find the Survivors and some secret sidequests
You can. Just warp to the Cathedral Ward instead. The Grand Cathedral is not warpable because... reasons....Guys, I've just killedand It seems that the game doesn't let me go back to the Cathedral. Is there a way that I fight later or I'll have to start the game again?Rom
You can. Just warp to the Cathedral Ward instead. The Grand Cathedral is not warpable because... reasons....![]()
So picked this up a week ago and pretty much powered through the game in just under 50hours, what an incredible experience. The level designs are unbelievably good, this game mindfucked me on so many different occasions specifically with discovering short-cuts and hidden pathways. Oh and I also didn't get the memo that this game was pretty dark in disturbing ways - like there are some seriously gruesome content within the lore found in this game which in many ways is a lot darker than most recent horror games I've played.
I believe I've beat all the bosses in the game with the exception of bosses found in chalice dungeons. So I'm currently in two minds whether I should pursue the DLC content now or work my way through the chalice dungeons.
Also how do I start the DLC content because I thought I'd have to go to a specific location to trigger it but it seems all area's I unlocked aren't showing up so I'm assuming if I want to continue with my character I'd have to unlock everything again?
Glad to hear you enjoyed it, it's an awesome game.
I'm terms of bosses, there are a few that are optional, including one in a hidden location: CCainhurst, and the second one inastle. I have no idea if you've found them or not though.the upper Cathedral
Are you in NG+ now? Either way, the DLC is accessed after Vicar Amelia (you pick up an item outside the shed in Hunters Dream, near the doll), and from the lantern at Oedon Chapel, gothrough the door on the left, and then an Amygdala will grab you near the fence.
I'm not sure if you need to beat Amelia before you access it on NG+, but you need to be in that area at least.
It really is an amazing game. I probably should have given Dark Souls more of a chance when I first tried that game because I literally gave up within the first 30mins. I really wanted to give this a try and forced myself through the brutality of quick and unforgiving deaths - I've never felt so rewarded after progressing this far with any game.
Yeah I'm in NG+ now, I fortunately backed up my save before the final boss. I found both those areas you mentioned, the former probably a bit early(?) because I got battered over and over for two days straight by that boss before I had to move on and come back when I was stronger.that doll let me know who was waiting for me out back lol.
I found the Hunter's Nightmare, but I think it would've been inconvenient if I didn't have my back up save. Do you think I should bother with the chalice dungeon stuff?
No prob. Make sure you do go visit the Grand Cathedral to see what's going on.Thanks for the advice, man!
If your save is backed up before NG+, I'd just go to Hunter's Nightmare from there. The DLC is hard enough as it is, and I've heard it gets absolutely brutal on NG+ and beyond.
I didn't really bother with the Chalice Dungeons. There are some new bosses in there, and you need to get to a certain boss to get a trophy, if you're going for the Platinum.
In terms of missing bosses, did you get 3 of the third of umbilical cord items?
That's essentially what I've decided to do, just going to complete the DLC without using my finished game save. Which is quite stupid but I don't want to have to go from the beginning again at least with the same character build, I'd rather start again from scratch if I'm going to have to do that. There's another key boss in the dungeons? Not really bothered about the trophies in it mostly for the lore, but having said that I'm like 3 trophies away from platinum.
Didn't know what to do with them third eye things but after I defeatedI loaded up my save again and did theGehrmanFound out via youtube there wasrefuse ending.and did it all againa third endingtwo boss fights in a row is clearly the true ending lol
When I say true ending I mean the most satisfying ending, all alternative endings make some sort of sense and serve an intended purpose but only one of them sit well for me.
Apparently Sanadsk has been datamining the game and will post a video soon.
Edit: Here it is.
You can still fight Paarl, he is in the exact same place in Yahgul as before.Can anyone tell me how close I am to the end of the main game? I just discoveredNightmare of Mensis and Nightmare Frontier
I didn't beat the boss atbefore the area became unavailable (not sure when it becomes available again) if that mattersHypogean Gaol
Can anyone tell me how close I am to the end of the main game? I just discoveredNightmare of Mensis and Nightmare Frontier
I didn't beat the boss atbefore the area became unavailable (not sure when it becomes available again) if that mattersHypogean Gaol
Can anyone tell me how close I am to the end of the main game? I just discoveredNightmare of Mensis and Nightmare Frontier
I didn't beat the boss atbefore the area became unavailable (not sure when it becomes available again) if that mattersHypogean Gaol
Who is the?second boss in the Nightmare of Mensis
Fuck Ludwig.
Traded the game in, really knocked the shine of it for me.
.Mergo's Wet Nurse
There might be a snippet of dialogue with the doll you miss if you do it after, other than that it doesn't make a difference.Oh cool. So the consensus seems to be, tackle the DLC before this boss. yes?