Bought a PS4 for this game the day it came out. PLayed through it the first time with a buddy...this was the ONLY Soulsborne game I've ever done this with. Played through all the others blind (no guides, not looking anything up for the first playthrough) and solo.
I remember really enjoying the combat, though I felt the game lacked the variety in customization I became accustomed to in Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. What really broke my heart was the ability to avoid invasions as long you killed the bellmaiden. I remember after a time played it took so long to invade someone and that made the game less for me as I live for PVP in Souls. I did not like the magic system...I also hated the Chalice Dungeons.
Therefore, while it's a great game, I can't say it's my favorite Souls game. That is reserved for Dark Souls 3. I will say Bloodborne had the best bosses of any Soulsgame, even Elden Ring. The setting was absolutely perfect and the combat still kept the feeling of needing to time your strikes while still making the game faster. It made it so that speed was actually a useful tactic, which was a nice change of pace (pun intended?)