Borderlands is a unique experience blending skill-based first-person shooting with role playing game elements. The game boasts a groundbreaking content generation system allowing for near-endless variety in weapons, item drops and character customization. Borderlands allows for multiple players to share the same game experience simultaneously online in co-op gameplay. Players can freely join or leave each other's games at anytime, or choose to play in the full single-player mode. These features, along with a rich and deep fiction that touches upon the mysteries buried beneath the surface of a danger-filled planet, combine to form a breakthrough experience that challenges the conventions of modern shooters.
TITLE | Borderlands
PLATFORM | PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
GENRE | Role-Playing Shooter
DEVELOPER| Gearbox Software
OFFICIAL WEBSITE | http://www.borderlandsthegame.com
PC | US: October 26th, 2009 / EU: October 30th, 2009
Xbox 360 | US: October 20th, 2009 / EU: October 23rd, 2009
Playstation 3 | US: October 20th, 2009 / EU: October 23rd, 2009
ESRB: M (Mature)
# OS: Windows XP/Vista
# Processor: 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor.
# Memory: 1GB System Ram (2GB recommend with Vista)
# Graphics: 256mb video ram or better.
# Hard Drive: 8 GB or more free space.
# Sound: Windows compatable sound card.
TITLE | Borderlands
PLATFORM | PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
GENRE | Role-Playing Shooter
DEVELOPER| Gearbox Software
OFFICIAL WEBSITE | http://www.borderlandsthegame.com
PC | US: October 26th, 2009 / EU: October 30th, 2009
Xbox 360 | US: October 20th, 2009 / EU: October 23rd, 2009
Playstation 3 | US: October 20th, 2009 / EU: October 23rd, 2009
ESRB: M (Mature)
# OS: Windows XP/Vista
# Processor: 2.4 Ghz or equivalent processor.
# Memory: 1GB System Ram (2GB recommend with Vista)
# Graphics: 256mb video ram or better.
# Hard Drive: 8 GB or more free space.
# Sound: Windows compatable sound card.

Borderlands is set in the distant future on a planet called Pandora. Rumors of rich natural resource deposits lured thousands of colonists to the desolate planet but they were disappointed. Those too poor to leave struggle to survive on the alien world with no rule of law.
There is a legend on Pandora, of a great Alien Vault, full of powerful otherworld technology. When the Atlas Corporation discovered tiny shards of material from this alien tech, they became the most powerful corporation on the planet. The vault is rumored to contain pristine artifacts, which Atlas wants for itself.
Players take on the role of a vault hunter, searching for the legendary cache.
There is a legend on Pandora, of a great Alien Vault, full of powerful otherworld technology. When the Atlas Corporation discovered tiny shards of material from this alien tech, they became the most powerful corporation on the planet. The vault is rumored to contain pristine artifacts, which Atlas wants for itself.
Players take on the role of a vault hunter, searching for the legendary cache.

There are four playable characters in Borderlands. Each has a unique story and special abilities. A player can improve his character qualities like max health, ammo capacity, and accuracy as he progresses through the game. There are 3 separate specialties for each of the characters. These specialties allow you to invest points to add to or enhance your fortune hunter's abilities. There's an unofficial talent calculator available for those of you that would like to create builds suitable to your play style or you can use the official ones listed with each character bio.

Lilith is one of only six Sirens in the galaxy, a group of people with incredible power. Unfortunately for her, she lacks a way of controlling it and thus seeks knowledge of her origins and abilities. She came to Pandora because she heard there was another Siren on the planet and wants to find whoever it is in the hope of learning more about herself. Her powers include the ability to increase her allies' rate of fire and the creation of temporal bubbles that slow down enemies' rate of fire and projectiles, or speed up allies. She specializes in Incendiary, Shock, and Corrosive guns. Lilith has three skill trees - Controller, Elemental, Assassin. Click Here to view Lilith's Skill Tree.

Mordecai traveled to Pandora in search of man named Quinn. Quinn is dead so now Mordecai seeks his killer. His skills include "Angel on Your Shoulder" which gives a critical hit boost whenever he headshots an enemy attacking his allies, and others that may simply increase hit percentages for allies. Partway through the game, he will befriend an alien creature that will assist in combat known as Bloodwing. Mordecai's weapon specialties are sniper rifles and pistols. He has three skill trees - Sniper, Rogue, and Gunslinger. Click Here to view Mordecai's Skill Tree.

Roland is a former soldier of the Crimson Lance, an elite private military group working for the Atlas Corporation. Roland's Leadership, Support and Medical abilities include generating new ammo for both himself and those in his party, increasing experience gained by the party and increasing health regeneration. Roland can gain the ability to shoot 'healing' bullets, which will damage his enemies, but heal his allies. He is also capable of deploying a turret with a shield barrier which can attack enemies or heal allies. Rolan is proficient with assault rifles and shotguns. His skill tree includes - Infantry, Support, and Medic. Click Here to view Roland's Skill Tree.

Brick is a gigantic hunk of muscle and meat with the mass of all three other characters combined who specializes in beating the ever-living crap out of anything he can get his hands on. He has bolts strapped to his fists and boots for that extra maiming action. His active skill is to inject himself with some kind of super-steroid for a temporary boost in melee power. Brick is known to utilize his fists and explosive weapons. His skill trees include - Brawler, Tank, Blaster. Click Here to view Brick's Skill Tree.

TV Ad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhKg64Wgr1Q
Claptrap Behind the Scenes Ep. 2: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/claptrap-behind-borderlands/56813
Claptrap Behind the Scenes Ep. 1: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/claptrap-behind-borderlands/55553
Newer trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDSRdp6Ar3M
Characters Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/character-trailer-borderlands/55839
E3 09 Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG7lSTFtZ9Q
Gametrailers.com Preview: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/preview-borderlands/56123
GamesCon Interview: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/55047.html
PAX 09 Footage Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWtZjR8mz9c
PAX 09 Footage Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwSopF-AuL4
Original Borderlands Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSvTqfmv3DE
Claptrap Behind the Scenes Ep. 2: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/claptrap-behind-borderlands/56813
Claptrap Behind the Scenes Ep. 1: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/claptrap-behind-borderlands/55553
Newer trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDSRdp6Ar3M
Characters Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/character-trailer-borderlands/55839
E3 09 Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wG7lSTFtZ9Q
Gametrailers.com Preview: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/preview-borderlands/56123
GamesCon Interview: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/55047.html
PAX 09 Footage Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWtZjR8mz9c
PAX 09 Footage Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwSopF-AuL4
Original Borderlands Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSvTqfmv3DE

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned - November 24th, 2009 for the Xbox 360 and PS3 (800 pts/$9.99) and later this year on PC - Tasked with keeping the workers of Jakobs Cove alive, Dr. Ned (who is not related to Dr. Zed from Fyrestone) does his job a little too well, creating zombies and other abominations that now run rampant in this region. Players will have to work alongside Dr. Ned as they embark on a quest to cure the inhabitants of Jakobs Cove in this full-fledged expansion filled with new enemies, new quests and rare loot drops. - Screenshots and details at Joystiq.

Looking for reviews of Borderlands? Check out Metacritic's Xbox 360 page, PS3 page, or PC page for the game. Or you can check these quotes from trusted sources:
Official XBOX Magazine - 8.5 said:"... Borderlands is great but not for everyone. It's narrowly aimed at a certain type of player, and if you love fierce combat and the kind of group level-grinding that Blizzard's PC games specialize in, you'll feel right at home."
GamePro - 4.5/5 said:"The fun I had with the rock-solid gunplay and extensive role-playing elements was considerably amplified by each additional player. Borderlands is an absolute blast that I'll go back to again and again, even if my friends aren't around to help out."
IGN - 88/100 said:"It's something action role-playing game fans looking for an experience more up-close and brutal than genre entries of the third-person variety should have a blast with, and one of the more memorable products of 2009."
1UP - B+ said:"Call it a first-person Diablo, an evolution of Resistance 2's co-op mode, Monster Hunter for the west, or a party game for FPS gamers. Call it the best example of the transformative power of multiplayer. Whatever you designate it, Borderlands is a decent single-player FPS/RPG that simply becomes great -- when playing with others. Besides, sheer midget panic is something that has to be shared with friends."
GiantBomb - 4/5 said:"It's also one of those games that's so strong in parts that its shortcomings become almost glaring by comparison. As such, the game's barebones story, lackluster AI, and insufficient player trading options are real disappointments that prevent the game from reaching its full potential. But when you're frantically trying to stay alive while getting swarmed by an angry horde of gigantic spiderants, chances are you won't care much about that other stuff."
Team Xbox - 9.0 said:"Borderlands is one of the years most enjoyable games, and I highly recommend iteven to those who may not like shooters or RPGs, because theres a lot to like from this interesting hybrid."

Q. Are there any differences in Borderlands among the three platforms?
A. The Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions of Borderlands are expected to be identical. However, PC gamers will be able to experience the game with the best graphics of the bunch and some additional features. First, you can export item cards to .jpg files allowing you to share your latest item with folks online. Secondly, Gearbox made menu and inventory changes to better suit the capabilities of PCs.
Q. Do the console versions support split screen?
A. Yes. You can play split screen with 2 players on both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. However, it is not known whether or not you can utilize horizontal screen splitting. We have only seen vertical.
Q. How does death work on Pandora?
A. As your character takes too much damage, you enter a "Fight for Your Life" state, which immobilizing you. You will begin to bleed to death, but can continue to attack your enemies. If you are able to kill your enemy in this state, you will be given a second wind. However, with low hit points. Should you be unable to kill your foe, you will be sent to the nearest New-U-Station. Any enemies killed prior to your death will be gone and you can continue where you left off (see: Bioshock). During co-op play, your teammates can revive any immobilized players using med kits that can be found throughout Pandora.
Q. Can I customize my character?
A. New-U stations allow players to customize their fortune hunter. You can alter the colors of your outfit, change your name, or reset your skills. This can be done at any time.
Q. Is there a level cap?
A. Borderlands characters can not exceed level 50 at this time. You will need 2 playthroughs to reach that.
Q. How many guns are there in Borderlands?
A. 17,750,000 at last count. Shields and Class mods are also in the thousands. Guns and other items in Borderlands are represented by a color-coded system that many gamers are familiar with. You'll be able to tell how rare the item you got was from this system. From least to most rare, the colors are white, green, blue, purple, orange.
Q. How does cooperative play work?
A. Borderlands has drop-in drop-out, 4-player online, 4-player PC LAN, 2-player splitscreen (or 4-player LAN) on 360/PS3. Your character is persistent. Everything you do online is saved for play offline. You'll be able to join friends or have them join you in online co-op games at any time with your persistent characters. You can also allow random strangers to join or join random strangers.
Q. Can I pick the same character as my friend?
A. Yes, you can. You can have a team of 4 Bricks if you'd like.
Q. Does it matter what level we are?
A. If you are level 20 and your friend is level 5, it will not matter. Players of any level will be able to join each other in games. If you choose to face level 20 enemies as a level 5, expect to get creamed.
Q. Is there competitive play?
A. Players can start 1-on-1 PVP by meleeing each other to initiate a duel. A duel causes the area to be surrounded with a dome stopping players from exiting. The duel ends when one player is near death. The mechanics of this can be seen here. Additionally, there are multiplayer deathmatch options available in Arenas. Arenas can be located near the major settlements, and will offer many types of competitive play. Gearbox stated that it might offer downloadable content post-release that would expand PvP, if the community requested it.
Q. Is there a loot system?
A. All loot is free-for-all in Borderlands. Once it is on the ground, it is free for the taking.
Q. Can you trade items?
A. Yes. However, you will need to drop the item(s) on the ground for the other player to pick up. There is no secure trade system currently in the game. Gearbox has mentioned they will gauge interest for a better trade system in the future.
Q. Will there be a demo?
A. There will not be a pre-release demo available.
Q. New Game+!?!?!?!
A. Borderlands has a new game+ feature, where you can start fresh with tougher enemies and better loot!
A. The Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 versions of Borderlands are expected to be identical. However, PC gamers will be able to experience the game with the best graphics of the bunch and some additional features. First, you can export item cards to .jpg files allowing you to share your latest item with folks online. Secondly, Gearbox made menu and inventory changes to better suit the capabilities of PCs.
Q. Do the console versions support split screen?
A. Yes. You can play split screen with 2 players on both the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. However, it is not known whether or not you can utilize horizontal screen splitting. We have only seen vertical.
Q. How does death work on Pandora?
A. As your character takes too much damage, you enter a "Fight for Your Life" state, which immobilizing you. You will begin to bleed to death, but can continue to attack your enemies. If you are able to kill your enemy in this state, you will be given a second wind. However, with low hit points. Should you be unable to kill your foe, you will be sent to the nearest New-U-Station. Any enemies killed prior to your death will be gone and you can continue where you left off (see: Bioshock). During co-op play, your teammates can revive any immobilized players using med kits that can be found throughout Pandora.
Q. Can I customize my character?
A. New-U stations allow players to customize their fortune hunter. You can alter the colors of your outfit, change your name, or reset your skills. This can be done at any time.
Q. Is there a level cap?
A. Borderlands characters can not exceed level 50 at this time. You will need 2 playthroughs to reach that.
Q. How many guns are there in Borderlands?
A. 17,750,000 at last count. Shields and Class mods are also in the thousands. Guns and other items in Borderlands are represented by a color-coded system that many gamers are familiar with. You'll be able to tell how rare the item you got was from this system. From least to most rare, the colors are white, green, blue, purple, orange.
Q. How does cooperative play work?
A. Borderlands has drop-in drop-out, 4-player online, 4-player PC LAN, 2-player splitscreen (or 4-player LAN) on 360/PS3. Your character is persistent. Everything you do online is saved for play offline. You'll be able to join friends or have them join you in online co-op games at any time with your persistent characters. You can also allow random strangers to join or join random strangers.
Q. Can I pick the same character as my friend?
A. Yes, you can. You can have a team of 4 Bricks if you'd like.
Q. Does it matter what level we are?
A. If you are level 20 and your friend is level 5, it will not matter. Players of any level will be able to join each other in games. If you choose to face level 20 enemies as a level 5, expect to get creamed.
Q. Is there competitive play?
A. Players can start 1-on-1 PVP by meleeing each other to initiate a duel. A duel causes the area to be surrounded with a dome stopping players from exiting. The duel ends when one player is near death. The mechanics of this can be seen here. Additionally, there are multiplayer deathmatch options available in Arenas. Arenas can be located near the major settlements, and will offer many types of competitive play. Gearbox stated that it might offer downloadable content post-release that would expand PvP, if the community requested it.
Q. Is there a loot system?
A. All loot is free-for-all in Borderlands. Once it is on the ground, it is free for the taking.
Q. Can you trade items?
A. Yes. However, you will need to drop the item(s) on the ground for the other player to pick up. There is no secure trade system currently in the game. Gearbox has mentioned they will gauge interest for a better trade system in the future.
Q. Will there be a demo?
A. There will not be a pre-release demo available.
Q. New Game+!?!?!?!
A. Borderlands has a new game+ feature, where you can start fresh with tougher enemies and better loot!

We have a list going for the Borderlands GAF players. Gearbox has crafted a solid co-op component suited for up to 4 players. Now is your time to take advantage of it. Don't have any friends? Good. Sign up here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=17954859

Here are some widescreen desktop wallpapers featuring official artwork and/or screenshots. Most are minimum 1080p, so just click on them and then use the drop down at the website to select your preferred resolution. This was easiest to suit everyone. If you need non-widescreen, go to borderlandsthegame.com.

STEAM Pre-Purchase Borderlands - Four Pack ($134.97) - Includes four copies of Borderlands - Send the extra copies to your friends and be ready to jump in 4-player co-op when the game releases.
This thread is a work in progress. I know the images are the wrong background color. Damn that random background on posts. It will be fixed. I've got several things ready to be added soon. If you have any items you'd like to see here, please PM me.
- 10/19/09 09:00PM EST - More reviews added + Metacritic.
- 10/19/09 02:00AM EST - DLC and Wallpaper additions.
- 10/13/09 03:00AM EST - Steam 4-Pack and FAQ additions.
- 10/13/09 02:12AM EST - Base Thread posted.
- Avatars
- Achievements/Trophies
- Articles
- Beastiary
- Vehicles
- Fan Sites
- Box Art
- etc.
Thanks to drizzle, Hazaro, Hawkian for their contributions.
STEAM Pre-Purchase Borderlands - Four Pack ($134.97) - Includes four copies of Borderlands - Send the extra copies to your friends and be ready to jump in 4-player co-op when the game releases.
This thread is a work in progress. I know the images are the wrong background color. Damn that random background on posts. It will be fixed. I've got several things ready to be added soon. If you have any items you'd like to see here, please PM me.
- 10/19/09 09:00PM EST - More reviews added + Metacritic.
- 10/19/09 02:00AM EST - DLC and Wallpaper additions.
- 10/13/09 03:00AM EST - Steam 4-Pack and FAQ additions.
- 10/13/09 02:12AM EST - Base Thread posted.
- Avatars
- Achievements/Trophies
- Articles
- Beastiary
- Vehicles
- Fan Sites
- Box Art
- etc.
Thanks to drizzle, Hazaro, Hawkian for their contributions.