Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is a Japanese manga and anime series written by Ukyō Kodachi and illustrated by Mikio Ikemoto and the sequel to Masashi Kishimoto's Naruto. Kishimoto is credited as story supervisor. As the title suggests, the story follows Naruto Uzumaki's son Boruto, first seen in 2015's Boruto: Naruto the movie. The anime television series adaptation started airing on TV Tokyo on Wednesday April 5, 2017 at 5:55pm Japanese time. Crunchyroll will air the series subbed as they did with Naruto Shippuden. Viz Media have licensed the series for home video release.
Timeline wise the anime is starting off as Boruto just enters the ninja academy, so it initially will deal with the time period BEFORE Naruto Ch.700, Gaiden, and Boruto the Movie. This academy arc seems to be anime only, however it may in fact be an adaptation of a novel due for release in May 2017 (May 2 to be precise).
Really cool episode. The animation was beautiful.
Getting major Part 1 vibes here. The new cast members look cool too, such as the purple haired girl chilling with Sarada and Chou Chou (Anko's daughter?), as well as the tall kid with the turban. Can't wait until Metal makes an appearance.
Got a feeling this is gonna carry on the early Naruto spirit. As for Boruto himself, was that the
Tenseigan? Somethings telling me Denki's dream of using jutsu with machinery may influence Boruto's jutsu, as the bolt around his neck, as well as in the title card have to mean something.
Can't wait for more. Looks like Inojin gets screentime next week, so here's hoping to see Sai and Ino too.
At least Chouji got paired up. I at least appreciate that but yeah it is a random pairing. He could be seemingly forever alone like Shino, Kiba and TenTen. That's assuming that Rock Lee looking kid isn't actually her's. Don't think there has been any confirmation yet as to who he's related to. Or if he is at all because Rock Lee wasn't blood related to Guy but dressed like him.
Really cool episode. The animation was beautiful.
Getting major Part 1 vibes here. The new cast members look cool too, such as the purple haired girl chilling with Sarada and Chou Chou (Anko's daughter?), as well as the tall kid with the turban. Can't wait until Metal makes an appearance.
Got a feeling this is gonna carry on the early Naruto spirit. As for Boruto himself, was that the
Tenseigan? Somethings telling me Denki's dream of using jutsu with machinery may influence Boruto's jutsu, as the bolt around his neck, as well as in the title card have to mean something.
Can't wait for more. Looks like Inojin gets screentime next week, so here's hoping to see Sai and Ino too.
Nah 99% of the pairings is that typical fanfiction-y "they got together with the one they liked as a kid", as if they can't meet any other person later in life.
He's really not though. Boruto makes this bizarre argument that Naruto is a bad father because he sends shadow clones to spend time with him and not his real body but the shadow clones are entirely indistinguishable from his real body for 99% of the population and even if you could tell it doesn't make a lick of difference. It's hammered in that all the knowledge of shadow clones is sent back to the main body once dispelled and despite being a high-level technique performing it doesn't exhaust Naruto himself at all so there's absolutely no downside to doing this to take care of the million things that a husband, father, and top dog of an entire ninja village all need to do.
I'd call it a child's argument for deflecting from bigger issues but from what little I read in the Naruto epilogue this seems like a genuine problem for the kid. Or like the world takes the argument seriously? I don't really remember since it's been a while, but that seems more plausible since I can definitely see the son of a perfect messiah figure who is now trying to come into his own in life having a tough time escaping from his father's shadow.
Man I was a huge Obito fan before his backstory was actually revealed and the whole Tobi stuff came out. I thought it was cool that a Uchiha gave his rival his eye. And then Obito turned into a fuccboi.
Recall: The Sharingan is an actual mental illness that makes you want to kill the ones you love. Not allot of room to work there, unless you want to throw out that plot point.
I was almost slightly afraid it wouldnt fell Naruto'y anymore but it ended up feeling exactly the same. I love this universe and franchise and am so glad to experience it again. Could have had more of the previous characters show up, but having Boruto here and new character Denki friendship starting made it enjoyable. Konohamaru got some lines as well and wow at all the big bro Konohamaru, ...I hope he still says Naruto nii chan too.
I hope we keep getting scenes of Boruto just running through obstacles in the environment someone really loved it for the rooftop scenes. I also want more of the Shadow Clone Jutsu (though he can only do three clones )
The suggestions of a deeper and darker story are going to make this just as epic as Naruto pt 1 and 2.
Recall: The Sharingan is an actual mental illness that makes you want to kill the ones you love. Not allot of room to work there, unless you want to throw out that plot point.
Very impressed overall with this episode. I'm assuming this will go from the new academy content, up to the Scarlett spring Manga, and up to the Boruto movie. And then continue on from there. Very glad it started the way it did with the same Manga tease.... Can't wait
This does not feel filler at all. I'm taking this as Part 3. And I couldn't be more excited. It seems we are going to get early Naruto again.
already starting an adaptation? didnt the manga start not that long ago? The original show at least gave them a few years iirc and still ended up with hundreds of filler episodes
Very impressed overall with this episode. I'm assuming this will go from the new academy content, up to the Scarlett spring Manga, and up to the Boruto movie. And then continue on from there. Very glad it started the way it did with the same Manga tease.... Can't wait
This does not feel filler at all. I'm taking this as Part 3. And I couldn't be more excited. It seems we are going to get early Naruto again.
The focus on "filler vs canon" was always a western thing born from SW/ST fans that had no real basis far east. Im looking at this in the lense of DBS.
Man I was a huge Obito fan before his backstory was actually revealed and the whole Tobi stuff came out. I thought it was cool that a Uchiha gave his rival his eye. And then Obito turned into a fuccboi.
I haven't found her interesting yet, but I'll give her a fair shot.
Sakura is her mother right or is there a mystery of her birth?
already starting an adaptation? didnt the manga start not that long ago? The original show at least gave them a few years iirc and still ended up with hundreds of filler episodes
I mentioned at the end of the OP that the storyline the anime appears to be starting with will be the basis of the first Boruto novel. So pseudo canon like the Hiden novels?
Claiming this is an adaptation of the manga in the OP is probably causing more confusion than it's helping. As mentioned here, it's almost certainly a Dragon Ball Super situation where despite the manga starting first, it's the tail (anime) that's wagging the dog (manga).
Claiming this is an adaptation of the manga in the OP is probably causing more confusion than it's helping. As mentioned here, it's almost certainly a Dragon Ball Super situation where despite the manga starting first, it's the tail (anime) that's wagging the dog (manga).
You're not obliged to commit to the urge, but it's something that's always there. The sharingan alters the brain chemistry of the user when it's awakened (I'm not leaping to conclusions here - this is part of the conversation about it from reliable sources). I don't really remember the sequence of events, as this 'sharingan is a disease' thread is something that really only comes up in the final act of the story and may not have been planned from the beginning. Indeed, most of the Uchiha villagers you see in the story seem pretty normal and good-natured, but what we can draw from this is limited by two points: 1) These events are seen from the point of a view of a child, although, this being a shounen manga, we're probably intended to take allot of that at face value, and 2) Despite their appearance, we know the villagers are actually traitors planning insurrection, by apparently such a majority that the Leaf Village ok'd slaughtering everyone, including the children.
I guess you could write an Uchiha who's not a nut, but the least crazy ones are exemplary (or allegedly exemplary in Itachi's case) people who overcame the Sharingan's handicap. That's like part of their characters. Shisui sacrificed his life to protect the village (something most of his fellow Uchiha didn't really care for), Itachi was unusually broad-thinking from a very young age, and Sasuke's character arc is literally all about overcoming the Sharingan. Part of that arc includes him being a murder-crazed outlaw for much of the story. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground for Uchiha.
Konohamaru's voice was shocking, I kind of expected him to maybe sound only slightly different, like Naruto voice through these years or many of his classmates.
Because Karen gave her the glasses. Karin actually helped delivered Sarada since Sakura at the time of being pregnant wouldn't leave Sasuke while he was on a mission. I guess she needed glasses and gave her, hers. At the end of the Gaiden, she told Suigetsu to give her news ones