Oh, I can't wait for these! I love these albums, but never bought any of the singles and the Omikron 'Hours...' tracks were unreleased until now. These will go nice with the Black Tie White Noise 2 CD + DVD boxset.
We even get the 97 drum 'n' bass versions of V2-Schneider and Pallas Athena that were only released on limited 12" before.
From Davidbowie.com
We even get the 97 drum 'n' bass versions of V2-Schneider and Pallas Athena that were only released on limited 12" before.
From Davidbowie.com

From Bowienet:
We first mentioned the Sony double disc versions of 1.Outside, Earthling and 'hours...', way back in April of last year. (04.25.2003 NEWS: SONY REISSUES: THE FACTS) Well, I'm happy to report that the folx at Sony have stayed true to their word and intend to reissue the three albums on September 27th, complete with bonus discs. Here's how I described the reissues in that original news item over a year ago:
These bonus discs will contain a dozen or so songs each, and the tracks will be drawn from rare and hard-to-find releases and promos. They will not contain unreleased and unfinished versions of tracks...
And, sure enough that's exactly what you'll be getting. Many of these tracks have not had a CD release before now and have only been available on hard to find promos and the like. I'll be posting a complete breakdown of the bonus disc tracks and where they originated from shortly. (See track listings below)
The albums will be available to buy separately or all three together as a slipcase edition, as in the picture above. Each of the albums will be packaged in the DigiBook style that the recent EMI releases, such as Diamond Dogs, have favoured. The booklets have been expanded slightly to include the bonus track details and some additional photos.
The separately available albums will only be available for one pressing, when they're gone, they're gone. The slipcase edition will be a numbered limited edition, limited to just two thousand copies.
On a final note, I know this is the third version of these releases around the world over the last year, but I have said all along that there would be double disc versions available too... including when I announced the single disc US versions back in February. (02.15.2004 NEWS: SONY RE-ISSUES FOR AMERICA) So, for those of you, like me, that need to own every version (Hi Keiths) please keep your grumbles to yourself... we were warned!
If, however, you've never owned these albums on CD, these are the ones to get. You should save yourselves a couple of hundred quid not having to shell out for those rare and very pricey original vinyls and promos.
Here are those bonus disc track listings