World Wide Numbers: in millions
1 The Passion of the Christ NM $608.6
2 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $535.9
3 The Day After Tomorrow Fox $482.5
4 Shrek 2 DW $480.8
5 Troy WB $459.0
Domestic Numbers
1 Shrek 2 DW $399,753,526
2 The Passion of the Christ NM $370,167,453
3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $214,672,927
4 The Day After Tomorrow Fox $176,819,208-
5 Troy WB $131,176,026
While I think Spidey 2 will come out on top for the year, I think all these movies have done well, and even though I would have liked Troy to do better here in the US, it was hampered by a R-rating and only launching 5 days before Shrek 2...
I hope The Day After Tomorrow has opened up some eyes and helps Ralph Nader...
I'm very happy about Shrek's 2 success, and I always thought it had a better chance of surpassing The Passion because it could go for the whole summer and because the first one was a definite crowd pleaser, if I could borrow Nintendo's phrase, "for all ages", so it definitely broke the "kiddie" barrier to find a broad audience... DreamWorks is also doing good with The Terminal, which opened kinda small but is having decent legs, and they still have Anchorman (w/ Will Farrel) due next week and Collateral (w/ Tom Cruise in collaboration with Paramount) due in May...
I was surprised by Garfields $60 million, never thought it would do less than Riddick, and Dodgeball ($70 million), has also surprised me with it's staying power... With The Day After Tomorrow and these two having performed well, and I, Robot just around the corner, 20th Century Fox is having a very good summer indeed...
The Prisoner of Azkaban had kinda disappointed here in the US, and now Spidey 2 is going to slaughter it, but hopefully having a long summer instead of long holiday season will help it at least match what the 2nd one did... Warner Bros. still has Catwoman, but I don't expect that to do well at all...
For some reason, I wasn't really surprised at all by the success of Fahernheit 9/11, considering there is extreme Bush-hate going around and I'm sure just like some people wanted to "evangelize" by taking people to go see The Passion, liberals could be doing the same thing with this... Considering John Kerry has already broken the fundraising record for a challenger ($175 million), I think anti-Bush people would be willing to use their money in any way they can to try and hurt his re-election chances... (on a side note, I think this does have the potentional to influence voting, despite what some would have you believe)...
World Wide Numbers: in millions
1 The Passion of the Christ NM $608.6
2 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $535.9
3 The Day After Tomorrow Fox $482.5
4 Shrek 2 DW $480.8
5 Troy WB $459.0
Domestic Numbers
1 Shrek 2 DW $399,753,526
2 The Passion of the Christ NM $370,167,453
3 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $214,672,927
4 The Day After Tomorrow Fox $176,819,208-
5 Troy WB $131,176,026
While I think Spidey 2 will come out on top for the year, I think all these movies have done well, and even though I would have liked Troy to do better here in the US, it was hampered by a R-rating and only launching 5 days before Shrek 2...
I hope The Day After Tomorrow has opened up some eyes and helps Ralph Nader...
I'm very happy about Shrek's 2 success, and I always thought it had a better chance of surpassing The Passion because it could go for the whole summer and because the first one was a definite crowd pleaser, if I could borrow Nintendo's phrase, "for all ages", so it definitely broke the "kiddie" barrier to find a broad audience... DreamWorks is also doing good with The Terminal, which opened kinda small but is having decent legs, and they still have Anchorman (w/ Will Farrel) due next week and Collateral (w/ Tom Cruise in collaboration with Paramount) due in May...
I was surprised by Garfields $60 million, never thought it would do less than Riddick, and Dodgeball ($70 million), has also surprised me with it's staying power... With The Day After Tomorrow and these two having performed well, and I, Robot just around the corner, 20th Century Fox is having a very good summer indeed...
The Prisoner of Azkaban had kinda disappointed here in the US, and now Spidey 2 is going to slaughter it, but hopefully having a long summer instead of long holiday season will help it at least match what the 2nd one did... Warner Bros. still has Catwoman, but I don't expect that to do well at all...
For some reason, I wasn't really surprised at all by the success of Fahernheit 9/11, considering there is extreme Bush-hate going around and I'm sure just like some people wanted to "evangelize" by taking people to go see The Passion, liberals could be doing the same thing with this... Considering John Kerry has already broken the fundraising record for a challenger ($175 million), I think anti-Bush people would be willing to use their money in any way they can to try and hurt his re-election chances... (on a side note, I think this does have the potentional to influence voting, despite what some would have you believe)...