Browsing the internet at 200% zoom is the shit.


Gold Member
Depending one what I'm looking at, I'll zoom in and out and it's a little thing but it makes a big difference. After reading text on a screen all fucking day, it's nice to browse GAF with everything blown up, Flux on, and just leeeeeaaannin' back.

I'll forget to do it and then when I remember, it's a breath of fresh air.

It's not suitable for all the time, but sometimes it's awesome.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
So many websites are enlarging each element for touchscreen users now, that I'm using some sites at 70% or 80% zoom.


I have -7 right and -8 left eye. Zooming has been my friend in the past. Not a big fan of doing it on my phone with the limited screen real estate. On the desktop it allows me to lean back and relax.

Bigger TVs of today are great. I can sit back on the couch and read subtitles.


Really depends on your screen resolution and size

I have a 34" Ultrawide and I have Windows on 200%, but the browser at 100. On my 14" laptop at 1080p I have everything at 100%, 200 looks cartoonish.
Me looking at my photo albums at 200% zoom…

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What is Flux?
It's unnecessary now, because Windows 10+ has it built in.

It's a blue light filter/red tint that designed to make things easier on the eyes and not keep you awake all night. Not sure if it actually achieves that result, but it does make things less harsh. Flux was the popular program at one point, and I guess some still prefer it.


Absolutely Cozy
Depending one what I'm looking at, I'll zoom in and out and it's a little thing but it makes a big difference. After reading text on a screen all fucking day, it's nice to browse GAF with everything blown up, Flux on, and just leeeeeaaannin' back.

This you, OP?



If you zoom in enough on reddit (and a lot of other sites really) with CTRL+Mousewheel, all the sidebar shit goes away and the actual post content is bigger\more readable.


Depending one what I'm looking at, I'll zoom in and out and it's a little thing but it makes a big difference. After reading text on a screen all fucking day, it's nice to browse GAF with everything blown up, Flux on, and just leeeeeaaannin' back.

I'll forget to do it and then when I remember, it's a breath of fresh air.

It's not suitable for all the time, but sometimes it's awesome.
So, what kind of weed did you smoke?
As somebody who had declining eyesight due to age, and who recently had a stronger lens prescription, I approve of this thread.
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