4-Time GIF/Meme God
Remember when you get a game for the Mega Drive or the SNES? You put the game, turned the console on and few seconds later you're playing single or multiplayer
Now with this gen, Xbox Series and PS5 needs personal accounts or you basically don't start the console - even fucking Switch, but at least on this it's more a local thing. You're offline? Too bad, even single player games are punished in some way. Wants to play Call of Duty? Download the basis of the game series, then the game you want, wait for the thousand of logos of development tools, scroll down and "read" the rules for I don't know how long, then choose the real game. Want's to play a fighting game? A huge text of rules to read, and of course a fucking world map instead of a simple menu. So now it's not more a Russian Roulette, but a full nightmare scenario of downloading and text bullshit, and you can pass more than an hour to play new released game
Yeah, yeah, there's laws and stuff. But I think that some stuff doesn't need to be that bad. Console and games are getting worse and worse with bureaucracy, escalating quickly, and turned what we could think in a "10 minute gaming session to easy the mind" into a bucket of ice water on the head, and for the price that we pay, I consider it bullshit
With the PSX and Saturn things slowed down because of loading, but it was not really bureaucracy, just a technical thing. PS2, Game Cube and Xbox didn't change much, so maybe a minute or something to play. Can't argue with technical limits
Then came the PS3, 360 and the Wii, and things changed here and there. PS3 had to storage the game because the disk drive was slow, so another technical thing... ok. 360 has Microsoft account or something, but not much. And the Wii needed to start the console to then choose the gaming app, but ok, since Game Cube games worked basically the same and the screens were intuitive. The major bureaucracy? Updating stuff from time to time, most with the 360 if you wanted to have the full console experience - not really better from before, just to work. Now we're with like a minute to play, but sometimes more, and wasn't really because of limits but "getting things better", so started like before but finished kinda shitty
Next gen came and everything started to be shitty. Don Matrick famous said that "if you don't have internet, get a 360 instead" as soon the new console was revealed, a obligatory accessory that no one really wanted and made the console expensive, and a policy on gaming share that didn't really matter physical games - all were cancelled, but the damaged was done. PS4 joked about the Xbox One reveal stuff, but they released a console that games asked for updates on a daily basis, with lots of games released on a beta level of development, and if you play without the update, there's a big chance the game run like shit. Wii U was a joke since no one knew if was an accessory or a new console, the Gamepad was a obligatory small battery bulky device that didn't help on anything, and backwards compatibility was to selected games because fuck you. So now things started to be kind of a Russian Roulette with time, because for sure not a technical limit thing, just shitty publishing/development stuff
Then came the PS3, 360 and the Wii, and things changed here and there. PS3 had to storage the game because the disk drive was slow, so another technical thing... ok. 360 has Microsoft account or something, but not much. And the Wii needed to start the console to then choose the gaming app, but ok, since Game Cube games worked basically the same and the screens were intuitive. The major bureaucracy? Updating stuff from time to time, most with the 360 if you wanted to have the full console experience - not really better from before, just to work. Now we're with like a minute to play, but sometimes more, and wasn't really because of limits but "getting things better", so started like before but finished kinda shitty
Next gen came and everything started to be shitty. Don Matrick famous said that "if you don't have internet, get a 360 instead" as soon the new console was revealed, a obligatory accessory that no one really wanted and made the console expensive, and a policy on gaming share that didn't really matter physical games - all were cancelled, but the damaged was done. PS4 joked about the Xbox One reveal stuff, but they released a console that games asked for updates on a daily basis, with lots of games released on a beta level of development, and if you play without the update, there's a big chance the game run like shit. Wii U was a joke since no one knew if was an accessory or a new console, the Gamepad was a obligatory small battery bulky device that didn't help on anything, and backwards compatibility was to selected games because fuck you. So now things started to be kind of a Russian Roulette with time, because for sure not a technical limit thing, just shitty publishing/development stuff
Now with this gen, Xbox Series and PS5 needs personal accounts or you basically don't start the console - even fucking Switch, but at least on this it's more a local thing. You're offline? Too bad, even single player games are punished in some way. Wants to play Call of Duty? Download the basis of the game series, then the game you want, wait for the thousand of logos of development tools, scroll down and "read" the rules for I don't know how long, then choose the real game. Want's to play a fighting game? A huge text of rules to read, and of course a fucking world map instead of a simple menu. So now it's not more a Russian Roulette, but a full nightmare scenario of downloading and text bullshit, and you can pass more than an hour to play new released game
Yeah, yeah, there's laws and stuff. But I think that some stuff doesn't need to be that bad. Console and games are getting worse and worse with bureaucracy, escalating quickly, and turned what we could think in a "10 minute gaming session to easy the mind" into a bucket of ice water on the head, and for the price that we pay, I consider it bullshit
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