I love and hate the summer, like I love and hate the school year. During the school year I have an excuse to give friends as to why I can't hang out as often. I'm in school, I'm studying, and that's the end of it. Then the summer hits and I have a little more free time on my hands, but I also have work. Anyways, since finishing college over a year ago and after my first year at university, I have basically formed a number of groups of friends. I have met new people, in and out of school, as well as from work. This is where the problems begin.
The more friends you have, the more of your time you'll have to sacrifice to be with them. This leads to situations where certain friends might start feeling neglected just because you don't HAVE the time to spend with them. You literally have to start mentally penciling people into a schedule...and it sucks. Sometimes you end up spending more time with certain people, and not as much with others you'd also like to see.
Now, this isn't always a problem depending on the type of friends you have. Some are like you and are totally cool with only seeing you once every couple of weeks. They understand that you have your own life to live and may not always have time to hang out. Or that you just like to keep your spare time to yourself. Then there are those who are calling you or emailing you every few days and wanting to know when you can hang out again. The ones that won't take a hint that you just want to be left alone or want to hang out with someone else. These friends are easily offended and sometimes you wonder if the relationship is worth it at all.
I guess what I'm asking here is this: do you ever feel a little suffocated by the people around you? Is it possible to have TOO many friends and acquaintances? And what about the people who think you're ignoring them?...
I'm bored. Humour me.
The more friends you have, the more of your time you'll have to sacrifice to be with them. This leads to situations where certain friends might start feeling neglected just because you don't HAVE the time to spend with them. You literally have to start mentally penciling people into a schedule...and it sucks. Sometimes you end up spending more time with certain people, and not as much with others you'd also like to see.
Now, this isn't always a problem depending on the type of friends you have. Some are like you and are totally cool with only seeing you once every couple of weeks. They understand that you have your own life to live and may not always have time to hang out. Or that you just like to keep your spare time to yourself. Then there are those who are calling you or emailing you every few days and wanting to know when you can hang out again. The ones that won't take a hint that you just want to be left alone or want to hang out with someone else. These friends are easily offended and sometimes you wonder if the relationship is worth it at all.
I guess what I'm asking here is this: do you ever feel a little suffocated by the people around you? Is it possible to have TOO many friends and acquaintances? And what about the people who think you're ignoring them?...
I'm bored. Humour me.