Price: $14.99
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate - INCLUDES FREE LORDS OF SHADOW 2 DEMO
Platforms: Xbox Live Arcade - PlayStation Network - VERY PROBABLY PC (Teased) - Coming Soon as part of the Lords of Shadow Collection incluiding Lords of Shadow, its DLC, Mirror of Fate and the LoS2 exclusive Demo.
Developer: MercurySteam
Director: José Luis Márquez
Supervisor: Enric Alvarez
Producer: David Cox
Composer: Oscar Araujo
Voice Actors: Robert Carlyle (Dracula), Richard Madden (Alucard), Alec Newman (Simon Belmont), Adrian Schiller (Demon Lord)
I think we need a place to discuss this special release. A great OT was already done before for the 3DS release. Read
The game takes place in 3 different times each one focusing on the personal struggle of a Belmont with their ancestor, Gabriel Belmont, now called Dracul, who swore revenge to the brotherhood of life for making him the monster he is.
Why isn't Igarashi working on this? This is not a true Cast-
SHUT UP. GTFO. Castlevania existed before IGA, and it does after him.
Is the story standalone?
No if you want to play Lords of Shadow 2. If it's your first Castlevania or LoS for that matter, yes, it can be played standalone without problem as it takes palce in a pivotal moment when stakes change into the narrative.
Why is Alucard using a whip?
Play the game.
Why is this character I knew before so different? I'm sure Simon's shade of red wasn't this one
It's another timeline, part of a reboot.
No matter what the producer says, it's kinda a MetroidVania, the map is open and you go through new places after getting new powers and abilities. There is not much exploration and alternate paths though.
Is it more combat oriented or platfforming oriented?
It's actually balanced, you'll be fighting more time than you'd be jumping but that's because playforming is quick and agile.
Is the castle big?
The castle changes with time and you explore different areas of it. The game has 50 "stages" in total.
How Long is it?
10-11 hours approx.
Does the combat system translate well?
Yes it does. But wait, because...
Is there any change from the 3DS version?
YES. The gameplay has been tweaked and tightened by criticism. It was supposedly rebalanced.
There is also
- Leaderborads
- BossRush mode
- Lipsynch
- Uncompressed Audio.
Is it a good game?
It's a Lords of Shadow game, in 2D. It's all you need to have in mind.f If you liked LoS or third person ranged action games, it's good, if you like skeletons that die in flames with 2 hits, it isn't.
Bu-bu-but IGN told me thi is a bad game, should I buy it?
I'd suggest you to broad your lists of game websites.And try the demo, avaliable for download right now on 360 and PSN next week.
Post your impressions here!

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate - INCLUDES FREE LORDS OF SHADOW 2 DEMO
Platforms: Xbox Live Arcade - PlayStation Network - VERY PROBABLY PC (Teased) - Coming Soon as part of the Lords of Shadow Collection incluiding Lords of Shadow, its DLC, Mirror of Fate and the LoS2 exclusive Demo.
Developer: MercurySteam
Director: José Luis Márquez
Supervisor: Enric Alvarez
Producer: David Cox
Composer: Oscar Araujo
Voice Actors: Robert Carlyle (Dracula), Richard Madden (Alucard), Alec Newman (Simon Belmont), Adrian Schiller (Demon Lord)
I think we need a place to discuss this special release. A great OT was already done before for the 3DS release. Read
The game takes place in 3 different times each one focusing on the personal struggle of a Belmont with their ancestor, Gabriel Belmont, now called Dracul, who swore revenge to the brotherhood of life for making him the monster he is.
Why isn't Igarashi working on this? This is not a true Cast-
SHUT UP. GTFO. Castlevania existed before IGA, and it does after him.
Is the story standalone?
No if you want to play Lords of Shadow 2. If it's your first Castlevania or LoS for that matter, yes, it can be played standalone without problem as it takes palce in a pivotal moment when stakes change into the narrative.
Why is Alucard using a whip?
Play the game.
Why is this character I knew before so different? I'm sure Simon's shade of red wasn't this one
It's another timeline, part of a reboot.
No matter what the producer says, it's kinda a MetroidVania, the map is open and you go through new places after getting new powers and abilities. There is not much exploration and alternate paths though.
Is it more combat oriented or platfforming oriented?
It's actually balanced, you'll be fighting more time than you'd be jumping but that's because playforming is quick and agile.
Is the castle big?
The castle changes with time and you explore different areas of it. The game has 50 "stages" in total.
How Long is it?
10-11 hours approx.
Does the combat system translate well?
Yes it does. But wait, because...
Is there any change from the 3DS version?
YES. The gameplay has been tweaked and tightened by criticism. It was supposedly rebalanced.
There is also
- Leaderborads
- BossRush mode
- Lipsynch
- Uncompressed Audio.
Is it a good game?
It's a Lords of Shadow game, in 2D. It's all you need to have in mind.f If you liked LoS or third person ranged action games, it's good, if you like skeletons that die in flames with 2 hits, it isn't.
Bu-bu-but IGN told me thi is a bad game, should I buy it?
I'd suggest you to broad your lists of game websites.And try the demo, avaliable for download right now on 360 and PSN next week.

Post your impressions here!