Japan: July 2nd, 2013 | North America: January 9th, 2014 | Europe/Australia: July 3rd, 2014

This story takes place in the not-too-distant future, when tiny robots can travel into the past to collect "NostalJunk"odds and ends from everyday livingand bring it back with them. Its always been The Curator's dream to open a NostalJunk museum. With Chibi-Robos help, that dream could become a reality.
From Chibi-Robos perspective, you live in the past! Use the Nintendo 3DS Camera to look for everyday objects that match the shapes in your silhouette film, and then start snapping pics. Depending on how well a real-world items shape fits the silhouette, it may qualify as first-rate NostalJunk.

The game is a mix of classic Chibi-Robo gameplay with photo-taking as a gameplay tool. This is a real (albeit smaller) Chibi-Robo game, not just a photo/AR app!

Happiness is the currency that Chibi-Robo trades inspecifically, Happy Points that you can use to buy silhouette film.
Chibi-Robo meets a lot of colorful characters in his travels, and most of them need a little help. If you do your job well and solve their problems, theyll pay you handsomely in Happy Points.

Special thanks to GeekyDad for handing the OT rights off to me. My first OT, so please go easy on me!