Pimpbaa said:Ugh, when will the overrating of this game end? The story and graphics in this game are great, but the gameplay blows. The "rpg" sections are mind numbing fetch quests, the stealth sections are fustrating (the moment you step out of a shadow, everyone sees you no matter where they are), and the shooting parts are ruined due to no auto aim (you need to compensate for the lack of precision of a gamepad).
Ramirez said:Auto aim?!Weak sauce!!
dark10x said:Hmm, I was originally going to ignore the game after the rather poor demo...
However, at the very least, I will likely rent it. Is it really as good as I'm hearing? The demo was really not all that good so I'm curious as to just how much different/better the final actually is.
It'd be weak sauce if it was a PC game and it had auto aim. Console first person shooters NEED auto aim.
MoxManiac said:Bullshit. Halo didn't, I had no problems at all playing it with a pad.
MoxManiac said:No, it doesn't. Okay, the Needler homes in. Maybe the charged shot from the plasma pistol does too. But the game certainly doesn't have auto aim.
MoxManiac said:That's odd, I don't remember weapons like the pistol homing in, or adjusting itself like Prime when targeting enemies.
If it's there, it is certainly subtle.
Yo fellas,
Just thought I'd stop by and let everyone know that Chronicles of Riddick for Xbox has pretty much owned my nights for the last several evenings. I am really, really liking the game.
I should say that I liked Pitch Black. Thought it was a decent sci-fi movie. That noted, I was skeptical of a Riddick videogame simply because most licensed products turn out to be duds. But I stand corrected. The guys at Starbreeze have done an amazing job of creating a vivid, ambient, completely atmospheric game that's highly engulfing and absolutely gorgeous.
My feeling now is that the videogame will turn out to be dramatically better than the upcoming movie, which would be a near-first in the industry.
MoxManiac said:That's odd, I don't remember weapons like the pistol homing in, or adjusting itself like Prime when targeting enemies.
If it's there, it is certainly subtle.
Upper_Management said:Slight derailment here, but I thought I would chime in about the Halo auto aim. I could go into more detail about it, but if you fire up Halo and hover the aim cursor over an enemy the cursor slows down a bit, and allows for more subtle aiming. You can really notice it if you sweep from right to left (or vice versa) over an enemy.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:If the reviews so far are any indication, the game is dramatically better than the movie.
It's at 29% on the tomatometer, which is pretty awful. A sample quote "A sci-fi disaster on a par with the notorious John Travolta bomb Battlefield Earth".
It's great though that the game has its own hype which is based on quality and totally disconnected from the movie anyway.
Gattsu25 said:HALO has very aggressive auto-aiming...you could actually position the cursor, leave the controls, and watch as your screen follows an enemy's head for a second
Bog said:It's probably the best first person shooter based on the Riddick license this gen.
Pimpbaa said:It'd be weak sauce if it was a PC game and it had auto aim. Console first person shooters NEED auto aim.