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Cincinnati braces for footage release in campus cop killing (Up: Murder charge)

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I think that the officer should have fired a shoulder mounted rocket at the car before approaching it in the first place. No need for an officer to ever be in danger.

The best solution would clearly be to use a time machine to arrest the man before he got in the car as their no need to destroy such a fine car the Police Force could make good money selling it .
He said to "call it in/pursue".

You objected outright suggesting there wasn't an alternative.

It's good for your sake that you clarified now though.
Quote the post where I objected, except for my last post stating that a potential dangerous pursuit was not worth doing for this particular offense.
Man, wtf is going on? It's either mass shootings, or police shootings.

BTW, have the cops always been this bad? It's like this generation of cop is paranoid.

It is in large part the influx of former active military entering the police profession after retiring from the armed services. All those years of "policing" in the middle east...seems quite a bit of the mentalities and approaches came back along with them.

Further complicated by police living farther and farther away from the communities they police. Lack of relationship with communities and their members has a big impact on this kinda thing. When you know the people of a community, you can reasonably anticipate what they're going to do, what they're about, where they live, etc.

Also, you're funny asking if police have been a problem among the black community. You already know the answer to that. If you don't, I'm happy to recommend some educational materials for you.

I think that the officer should have fired a shoulder mounted rocket at the car before approaching it in the first place. No need for an officer to ever be in danger.


Junior Member
The best solution would clearly be to use a time machine to arrest the man before he got in the car as their no need to destroy such a fine car the Police Force could make good money selling it .
No, no, no, you need to stop his parents from conceiving him.

Have you learned nothing from the Terminator franchise? We can't let him even be born.


Quote any post I say anything remotely close to this please.

Also, quote any post I advocate getting shot.

I simply posed the question what does GAF think the proper protocol should have been. My intent was to get police protocol discussion going. What is fair, and safe, for the community. Every single one of my posts show this.

There is now an entire page of defensive posters about this question now.

Well for starters he never should have just tried to open the guys door. If he wanted him to get out of the car, he should have ASKED him to.

Second, he never should have reached into the open window when the guy started the car.

And of course, he never should have pulled his gun.

If he was worried about this guy being a thread, it would've been abundantly clear from the very beginning, but he wasn't. Dude reached into his glove box and closed it without any problems, reached down to hand him the bottle without any problems, and was never aggressive or posed a threat. It was the cop that escalated the situation by reaching for the door (which could be considered against the 4th amendment), reaching through the window (also possibly against the 4th amendment), and executing him when he had his hands in the air.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Quote the post I stated anything resembling that please :).

Establishing safe and fair police protocol is the solution to these types of incidents. Violating these agreed upon protocols should be charged 100% of the time.

Quote the post where "GAF" wants a vehicle pursuit. :)

Protocols are already in place. There are police on this very forum that will say as such. There are cops who break protocol. These cops are numerous enough that I have an unease around police officers in general.

But that's neither here nor there.

What I take from this, is any form of disagreement with the police can be met with deadly force. You just don't know. There's many really good police out there who do their jobs well, and aren't out there because it feels good to have the power of a badge and gun.

But you don't know which one is going to pull you over. And the one that doesn't like the vibe that you give off might want to reinforce the fact that he is the one in control. Pushing back could get you killed.

That's real. It's even more real if you're a minority.


Unconfirmed Member
The best solution would clearly be to use a time machine to arrest the man before he got in the car as their no need to destroy such a fine car the Police Force could make good money selling it .

Minority Report takes on a whole different meaning in the US


Protocol should be to let this guy go, IMO.

Which was both suggested in the OP and quoted / echo'd numerous times before you claimed nobody discussed it and refused to answer a simple question with a real answer, only conjecture on how pursuits are dangerous.

If you really just wanted a conversation about protocol, ask about it.


Junior Member
I was about to say it's a good thing Dump Weed isn't a cop, but then I remembered there are already a ton of "Dump Weed" cops.


It seems like the car drove all the way down the street after the shot had been fired and killed him. I can't quite tell 100% but that's what it looks like. Awful scenario but thank god that car didn't hit anyone else.

This cop is a piece of filth.


Kills Photobucket
This was all I was asking. 17 pages in and not a comment about how this particular situation should have been handled.

Should vehicle pursuits be an option based on their inherent danger?

Yes, but there was no reasonable danger here. Danger requiring pursuit is something like a Drunk Driver, an armed assailant, or someone else who is clearly a danger.


Wow, that escalated quickly. Why would you straight up shoot a guy, even if he was thinking of fleeing. Seems totally different to any traffic stops I've seen on UK tv.


What does GAF think should have happened?

Like the prosecutor said: if he's trying to speed off, don't try to physically stop him. Call it in/pursue, but his life was not in danger, so there was no reason for deadly force to ever be exercised.

So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

You're objecting to his suggestions with your problem with the alternatives, by having some odd need to drone on about vehicle pursuits being dangerous when many people have replied suggesting that as only an alternative, and not even necessarily that it means to go full speed racing down neighborhoods. But no, there are no options? What would you do GAF? You would have done the same! or Driving fast is bad mmkay.

Top of the page:

If he drives off, with the license plate on video and his face and voice on body cam, you have some options. Give chase or if the chase is a threat to others, hold pursuit and catch him later.

How about not try and pull everyone out of the car? There's three legitimate options that don't include shooting people.

Like I said, it's good that you clarified after pressured that he should have just called it in, as was suggested to you. But let's not pretend you weren't trolling people, xDUMPWEEDx.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
watching it in slo mo it really looks like the cop grabs dubose just to shoot him. It wasn't even a scuffle really
Which was both suggested in the OP and quoted / echo'd numerous times before you claimed nobody discussed it and refused to answer a simple question with a real answer, only conjecture on how pursuits are dangerous.

If you really just wanted a conversation about protocol, ask about it.
Legitimate posts were noted. Having to read through countless rocket launcher posts and other stupidity detracted from the conversation.

I think a complete police protocol overhaul needs to be worked on ASAP. One where the community is involved.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
watching it in slo mo it really looks like the cop grabs dubose just to shoot him. It wasn't even a scuffle really

Well, with police aim being what it is, that's a good move.
Legitimate posts were noted. Having to read through countless rocket launcher posts and other stupidity detracted from the conversation.

I think a complete police protocol overhaul needs to be worked on ASAP. One where the community is involved.

the problem isn't in the protocol, it's that the protocol is too often ignored or broken by police officers with almost no repercussions. The fact that an officer (seemingly) being held accountable for once is so noteworthy is fucking sad.


Junior Member
watching it in slo mo it really looks like the cop grabs dubose just to shoot him. It wasn't even a scuffle really
Not that I'm on the cop's side (he acted deplorably), but with something like this, I don't think it's exactly fair to judge in slow motion. Perception and context can easily get more distorted when you put something in slow motion.

That doesn't mean he didn't try to hold his hand down, but, at the same time, it doesn't mean he did.

It's ridiculous his gun was even drawn in the first place. I'm pretty sure no police protocol calls for drawing in that kind of situation.
He did not try anything. He was compliant. He pulled over, gave the cop the bottle, turned the car off, took off his seat belt when asked.

The cop then suddenly reached into his vehicle, tris to open the door, grab him, take his keys away, while reaching for his sidearm. Do you know why that guy touched the cop then? Why he turned the car on? Because suddenly this unprovoked cop was trying to take his keys away and get into his car. when a cop started attacking him, this is what he felt, as a black man: "I need to get out of here. He's going to fucking shoot me in the head." As you perfectly stated.

There is no "but." This man complied and found a cop suddenly forcing his way inside his vehicle and executing him at point blank range.

I really don't want to watch the video again, but it seemed to me that the cop told him to take his seatbelt off and tried to open his door, at which point he started his car and all hell broke loose. He just should have complied. You have no power in that situation - the guy opposite you has a gun and he will use it, and the state is probably going to be ok with him using it 9 times out of 10.

If I was black in America and had a kid, I'd stress to him how important it was to just do whatever a cop tells him to if he ever got into a situation with one.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasonable cops, but you never know if you're going to be dealing with one of these trigger-happy nutjobs that make it onto youtube.
The fact that an officer (seemingly) being held accountable for once is so noteworthy is fucking sad.
I agree, and I'm glad it's happening. No one wants a police state. I don't even think most police want a police state. The super aggressive style of policing isn't needed in most cases.

Bob White

It is in large part the influx of former active military entering the police profession after retiring from the armed services. All those years of "policing" in the middle east...seems quite a bit of the mentalities and approaches came back along with them.

As a former Marine who was stationed in 29 Palms, California, you have no idea how right you are. The LAPD constantly had a presence on base trying to recruit people. They were trying HARD. Don't know if it's changed since though. I'm not saying us vets shouldn't be police, I'm just saying that there isn't enough work done to make sure hot heads aren't weeded out. It's such a bad mix that I think you should have to "work in" to being a full blown cop...or something. I don't know how law enforcement does their training so I have no idea.

But the "Us against them" mindset is a very real fucking thing when you're overseas. Mix in the fucking old military gear and you have a police force that's...well, shooting unarmed people every three weeks like clockwork.


Better than a cop acting as judge, jury, and executioner. Smh...
Always remember, Judge Dredd rules apply when the victim is black.

I really don't want to watch the video again, but it seemed to me that the cop told him to take his seatbelt off and tried to open his door, at which point he started his car and all hell broke loose. He just should have complied. You have no power in that situation - the guy opposite you has a gun and he will use it, and the state is probably going to be ok with him using it 9 times out of 10.

If I was black in America and had a kid, I'd stress to him how important it was to just do whatever a cop tells him to if he ever got into a situation with one.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasonable cops, but you never know if you're going to be dealing with one of these trigger-happy nutjobs that make it onto youtube.

You really don't think that's exactly what black parents tell their kids?

Please be less transparent with your racism next time.
But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.
I really don't want to watch the video again, but it seemed to me that the cop told him to take his seatbelt off and tried to open his door, at which point he started his car and all hell broke loose. He just should have complied. You have no power in that situation - the guy opposite you has a gun and he will use it, and the state is probably going to be ok with him using it 9 times out of 10.

If I was black in America and had a kid, I'd stress to him how important it was to just do whatever a cop tells him to if he ever got into a situation with one.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasonable cops, but you never know if you're going to be dealing with one of these trigger-happy nutjobs that make it onto youtube.

Your right to live, as a human being, shouldn't take a backseat to fear when you're pulled over for a license plate.


So GAF wants a vehicle pursuit?

Well yea. Or he could have waited for backup or just let the man go. He really stopped him for not having plates on the front.

He had the back plates and the man told him he could run his name. If the car sped off he could have called it in later.


It would never have been a murder charge without the camera. He could always say during the struggle he reached for the gun or was trying to or some other shit like being dragged and it would be self defense or voluntary manslaughter. Video showed he had no reason to feel enough danger to use lethal force.


there is joy in sucking dick
I really don't want to watch the video again, but it seemed to me that the cop told him to take his seatbelt off and tried to open his door, at which point he started his car and all hell broke loose. He just should have complied. You have no power in that situation - the guy opposite you has a gun and he will use it, and the state is probably going to be ok with him using it 9 times out of 10.

If I was black in America and had a kid, I'd stress to him how important it was to just do whatever a cop tells him to if he ever got into a situation with one.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasonable cops, but you never know if you're going to be dealing with one of these trigger-happy nutjobs that make it onto youtube.


Not complying shouldn't result in death. Yes the reality now is different to what is ideal but having to act like a second class citizen to avoid death by cop is wrong. No matter how you cut it.
You really don't think that's exactly what black parents tell their kids?

Please be less transparent with your racism next time.

This is one of the first things I learned growing up. Don't give cops any reason to react. Unfortunately, everything is a reason to react.

I'm just angry right now


Junior Member
If I was black in America and had a kid, I'd stress to him how important it was to just do whatever a cop tells him to if he ever got into a situation with one.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasonable cops, but you never know if you're going to be dealing with one of these trigger-happy nutjobs that make it onto youtube.
But if you're white it's okay?

Get the fuck out of here. There should be no difference.

You think cops haven't planted evidence on innocent (black) people before? Black people (and other brown-skinned minorities) are suspicious of cops because they're constantly being targeted and fucked over.

The point I'm not making, before someone decides to misconstrue it, is that people should disobey cops. I'm saying people have rights, and cops consistently ignore these rights, especially if you're a minority.
I really don't want to watch the video again, but it seemed to me that the cop told him to take his seatbelt off and tried to open his door, at which point he started his car and all hell broke loose. He just should have complied. You have no power in that situation - the guy opposite you has a gun and he will use it, and the state is probably going to be ok with him using it 9 times out of 10.

If I was black in America and had a kid, I'd stress to him how important it was to just do whatever a cop tells him to if he ever got into a situation with one.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasonable cops, but you never know if you're going to be dealing with one of these trigger-happy nutjobs that make it onto youtube.
I wish people would start their posts with this so I can save the time in having to read the rest.
But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.
Don't worry I completely understand what you are saying.

I think the response to this situation should be different. Currently it's a "get out or I will make you get out" which leads to physical confrontation and a high chance of injury/death. There has to be a safer option for all involved.
You really don't think that's exactly what black parents tell their kids?

Please be less transparent with your racism next time.

That's a bizarre response. I wasn't suggesting they don't, I'm sure most do.

I'm not saying the situation's not fucked up, it's just about doing what you need to do to make sure you end up alive.

I had an interaction or two with police during my youth, and I remember that feeling of powerlessness. I remember really wanting to stand up for myself, but you just have to take it.


But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.


Just don't.

I'm going to preemptively state that reinforcing the narrative that a victim 'should've just listened' is toxic because it implies that the issue lies with the victim, that there's nothing wrong with the cops action because 'that's just what cops do', and that there's no such overlaying problem that allows both this tragedy to exist and to be swept under a rug.
But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.

White people (sometimes even armed) refuse to cooperate all the time and it doesn't end in death. There are countless youtube videos of this.

Refusing to cooperate shouldn't = death.


USA gaf : if you are parking and keep in the car and someone call the cops because you look suspicious, does the cop has the right to ask you to get out of the car?

Here in Mexico hardly someone will call the cops if you park infron of a house or any place unless you really RALLY!! look suspicious and event then a cop can not ask you to get out of your car.
But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.

It doesn't matter.

If the standard is "full compliance or your life is forfeit", then there's a problem. We don't know why he refused. He can't tell his story. HE'S DEAD.
I really don't want to watch the video again, but it seemed to me that the cop told him to take his seatbelt off and tried to open his door, at which point he started his car and all hell broke loose. He just should have complied. You have no power in that situation - the guy opposite you has a gun and he will use it, and the state is probably going to be ok with him using it 9 times out of 10.

Like, what world do you live in where an officer that was willing to kill this guy wouldn't just figure out some other way to make the encounter miserable? These "comply comply comply" excuses don't change the fact the man died for no reason. They don't change the fact that the PD was 1 lost video away from covering this up as a justified shooting. They don't change the fact that the amount of unjustified shootings and assaults is continuing to climb. Maybe stop suggesting what black people should and shouldn't do in these situations like this hasn't been the tenor of black lives in the US for centuries (we aren't the ones that have been ignorant to this crap) and start suggesting what the rest of the US should start doing to stop graves from filling up at the hands of the people supposedly here to protect and serve.
You really don't think that's exactly what black parents tell their kids?

Please be less transparent with your racism next time.

What? That was not racism.

The guy did start his car and attempt to flee the scene, he did not deserve to be shot, but honestly, he should have complied. He knew the risk he was taking with today's police force.

Like, what world do you live in where an officer that was willing to kill this guy wouldn't just figure out some other way to make the encounter miserable? These "comply comply comply" excuses don't change the fact the man died for no reason. They don't change the fact that the PD was 1 lost video away from covering this up as a justified shooting. They don't change the fact that the amount of unjustified shootings and assaults is continuing to climb. Maybe stop suggesting what black people should and shouldn't do in these situations like this hasn't been the tenor of black lives in the US for centuries and start suggesting what the rest of the US should start doing to stop graves from filling up at the hands of the people supposedly here to protect and serve.

I get that, but the 'he should not have attempted to flee in his position' comment has nothing to do with his race. The fact that he was black unfortunately, probably did help him in getting either profiled, stopped, or treated with such extreme caution and force, but that does not mean he is entirely without blame. However I need to stress that in no way did he deserve to get shot, or (in my opinion) did the situation warrant a gun even being present or raised.


Just don't.

I'm going to preemptively state that reinforcing the narrative that a victim 'should've just listened' is toxic because it implies that the issue lies with the victim, that there's nothing wrong with the cops action because 'that's just what cops do', and that there's no such overlaying problem that allows both this tragedy to exist and to be swept under a rug.

I get this.
Holy shit, that video is awful. Glad he's getting charged with murder, because that's clearly what happened here. They had a conversation, a minor tussle and the officer's immediate reaction is to pull his gun and shoot the guy in the fucking head.
But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.

He made a mistake. I don't think anybody would argue that. But the punishment for making that mistake should not be death. This is why people are up in arms about it.
That's a bizarre response. I wasn't suggesting they don't, I'm sure most do.

I'm not saying the situation's not fucked up, it's just about doing what you need to do to make sure you end up alive.

I had an interaction or two with police during my youth, and I remember that feeling of powerlessness. I remember really wanting to stand up for myself, but you just have to take it.

It's really easy to say that when you aren't black.

"Look man, I sit in a place of privilege, but if I were you, just take the gunshot to the face"
But why was he refusing to co-operate or undo his seatbelt? I've seen many of these videos that escalate to a physical confrontation and they tend to begin with the person refusing to do something like getting out of the vehicle.
He's under no obligation to exit the vehicle. It needs to be stated that you're being detained and the reason why you're being detained given. Hell, the cop tries to open the door first. You can't do that. No.
You really don't think that's exactly what black parents tell their kids?

Please be less transparent with your racism next time.

Reminds me of this: Different Rules Apply: What White Privilege Really Means

Over the weekend, my ten-year-old son and I had just finished eating supper at a diner near our house. The multiple TVs in the diner were all showing cable news coverage of the Ferguson situation. On the way out, we passed an African American mother talking to her son, a child around my boy's age, seated in a booth near the front door.

The boy asked his mother, "So I should just put my hands in the air?"

"Yes," his mother said. "Just put your hands in the air."

"If I put my hands in the air, will the police not shoot?" he asked.

"Probably not, but you can't be sure. Some people say you should just kneel or lie down, don't ask questions, just get down on the ground."

"If I lie down on the ground, they won't shoot?"

"Probably," she said.
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