Clark vs Faora in MoS is still to this day the coolest fight in any superhero movie ever

Agreed. Snyder’s team is on another level.

Although he did let a mid tier action director like Matt reeves completely eat his lunch if we compare batmobile chase scene vs Batmobile chase scene.


Of course it's not. It's a collection of CGI characters, hitting CGI buildings, with CGI explosions. It's weightless, artificial and empty.

The fight at the end of Civil War between Iron Man and Cap/Bucky is much better. As are any well choreographed and filmed fights where actual human beings take centre stage.

But if you want the best confrontation between characters in a superhero movie it's still this:

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Tag, you're it.
The fact this movie is 10 years old is freakin unbelievable. Faora is so classy too.

The fight at the end of Civil War between Iron Man and Cap/Bucky is much better. As are any well choreographed and filmed fights where actual human beings take centre stage.
That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

You lost any credibility with this. Mind you it is a good fight, but topping MoS?? Not even close. And you may be surprised by how much is not CGI.

Oh and that airport fight in Civil War was cringe as fuck, looked super cheap.


The fact this movie is 10 years old is freakin unbelievable. Faora is so classy too.

You lost any credibility with this. Mind you it is a good fight, but topping MoS?? Not even close. And you may be surprised by how much is not CGI.

Oh and that airport fight in Civil War was cringe as fuck, looked super cheap.

I'm amazed at your response. Truly. So unexpected :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And why are you even bringing the bold up? Because if you start to bring other bad things from these movies up, there's an awful lot of absolute dogshit in Snyder's movies.
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Tag, you're it.
I'm amazed at your response. Truly. So unexpected :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And why are you even bringing the bold up? Because if you start to bring other bad things from these movies up, there's an awful lot of absolute dogshit in Snyder's movies.
Well it's true don't you agree? You can dislike anything he made, but here we are talking about action sequence. You bring Civil War, so I thought about that airport scene that's it.
On the other hand, Snyder is untouchable in fight scene no matter you like him or not this is just a fact.

Zack Snyder: best fights with CGI
Gareth Evans: best fights without CGI (The Raid 1 & 2 won't be topped anytime soon imo)


Of course it's not. It's a collection of CGI characters, hitting CGI buildings, with CGI explosions. It's weightless, artificial and empty.

The fight at the end of Civil War between Iron Man and Cap/Bucky is much better. As are any well choreographed and filmed fights where actual human beings take centre stage.

But if you want the best confrontation between characters in a superhero movie it's still this:

Cap/Bucky is street level heroes while so their fight comes close to reality which we can relate while Superman/Zod/Faora are godlike level, can't expect their fights to be anywhere close to human level.

I was in the same boat as you when I first watch the MoS fights but as time goes on and watching it multiple times with enough time to process as to what is going on, I start to appreciate the awesome fight scenes.


Well it's true don't you agree? You can dislike anything he made, but here we are talking about action sequence. You bring Civil War, so I thought about that airport scene that's it.
On the other hand, Snyder is untouchable in fight scene no matter you like him or not this is just a fact.

Zack Snyder: best fights with CGI
Gareth Evans: best fights without CGI (The Raid 1 & 2 won't be topped anytime soon imo)

No. That's a subjective viewpoint from a die hard fan. There are other directors who are arguably better at CGI driven fight sequences than Snyder.

Gareth Evans is tops though, no doubt about that. Though Stahelski's work is top notch too. And that's obviously only talking about western film makers.
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Aesthetically the Snyderverse was amazing. There was nothing wrong with the visuals and action. The story could have done with a few tweaks but I'll be happy to at least see him complete his vision on Netflix.

There will be huge demand to see him complete the story with Justice League 2 and 3.


For the record, Winter Soldier has the best fight choreography. No contest. Every fight. That was the peak for Marvel.

If you mean MCU, sure.

Marvel movies completely? Hell no, Spider-Man 2's train fight is still one of the best action scenes of any movie ever, not just superhero.
No shaky cam bullshit, constant Christopher Young adrenaline-fueled music, excellent choreography, plus its so unique in that its the kind of fight literally nobody else but Spidey could pull off.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
If you mean MCU, sure.

Marvel movies completely? Hell no, Spider-Man 2's train fight is still one of the best action scenes of any movie ever, not just superhero.
No shaky cam bullshit, constant Christopher Young adrenaline-fueled music, excellent choreography, plus its so unique in that its the kind of fight literally nobody else but Spidey could pull off.

I'm talking every single scene in the movie. The car fight. The Samuel Jackson car jacking. The elevator fight. The editing is literally flawless on the fight I posted in terms of hardcore action choreography. Cap rolls off that metal arm knife attack into s suplex and the editing on it carries the fight rhythm as flawlessly as a peak Shaw Bros film. Winter Soldier is insanely polished in terms of the extreme specifics of the action. Every hit feels right. Every hit fits the fight rhythm correctly. Every action looks slick.
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I'm talking every single scene in the movie. The car fight. The Samuel Jackson car jacking. The elevator fight. The editing is literally flawless on the fight I posted in terms of hardcore action choreography. Cap takes a punch and rolls it into a suplex and the editing on it carries the fight rhythm as flawlessly as a peak Shaw Bros film. Winter Soldier is insanely polished in terms of the extreme specifics of the action. Every hit feels right. Every action looks slick.
Tbh I could say the same thing about Spider-Man 2. Sam Raimi is Sam Raimi. I like The Winter Soldier too but I cannot stand the shaky cam bullshit, which its not terrible with, but its still present. I absolutely hate it.


Tag, you're it.
For the record, Winter Soldier has the best fight choreography. No contest. Every fight. That was the peak for Marvel.


Finally someone showing the best fights in the MCU (which are only a distant memory now, unfortunately). Not that travesty that was Civil War.

No. That's a subjective viewpoint from a die hard fan. There are other directors who are arguably better at CGI driven fight sequences than Snyder.
Everything is a subjective view. Untouchable ≠ he is the best. You can't say his fights scenes are shit that was my point. You can dislike it, but weightless, artificial and empty? Hell no.
The rest is obviously just my opinion.

Gareth Evans is tops though, no doubt about that. Though Stahelski's work is top notch too. And that's obviously only talking about western film makers.
I have yet to see JW4 (probably next week) but he is a really talented director that's for sure and amongst the best.

Spider-Man 2's train fight is still one of the best action scenes of any movie ever, not just superhero
Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

Finally someone showing the best fights in the MCU (which are only a distant memory now, unfortunately). Not that travesty that was Civil War.

Everything is a subjective view. Untouchable ≠ he is the best. You can't say his fights scenes are shit that was my point. You can dislike it, but weightless, artificial and empty? Hell no.
The rest is obviously just my opinion.

I have yet to see JW4 (probably next week) but he is a really talented director that's for sure and amongst the best.

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office
Civil War is possibly 2nd best though. Same guys doing it. Not the Disney mascot fight. The initial raid, and the Bucky escape alone feel about on par with a Winter Soldier sequel you would expect.

Of course it's not. It's a collection of CGI characters, hitting CGI buildings, with CGI explosions. It's weightless, artificial and empty.

The fight at the end of Civil War between Iron Man and Cap/Bucky is much better. As are any well choreographed and filmed fights where actual human beings take centre stage.

But if you want the best confrontation between characters in a superhero movie it's still this:

You're not wrong with that batman joker shoutout but to be fair a lot of the smallville fight was real buildings, real explosions, and real people on wire rigs. Not all of it. Not even close. But more than you may be giving it credit for.

Me? I'm more of a warehouse fight guy myself. That's top tier shit.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I loved that fight scene and I love that character.

To this day if I ever create a badass female warrior or fighter in an RPG I call them Faeora. My Rogue in the D4 beta was called that for example. Just a great use of a female villain by skirting all of the cliches and just making her a hard ass.


You're not wrong with that batman joker shoutout but to be fair a lot of the smallville fight was real buildings, real explosions, and real people on wire rigs. Not all of it. Not even close. But more than you may be giving it credit for.

Me? I'm more of a warehouse fight guy myself. That's top tier shit.

Warehouse would be great, if it didn't feature Batman being a murdery and reckless bastard. Take that rather stupid decision out, and it'd be a great Batman fight scene. Mind you, Snyder's flawed depiction of the character is one of the largest problems with that entire movie and series. It rather infects every aspect - including the warehouse fight. Nolan's fight sequence in the skyscraper at the end of The Dark Knight is probably the greatest single Batman fight scene, because while it lacks in the choreography department to an extent, it tells a story throughout that's 100% accurate to who and what Batman is.
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I am Become Bilbo Baggins
It's a good fight, but the best in any superhero movie? I'm not sure about that.

It's a CGI fest, but how could it not be when you have two god-like beings beating the shit out of eachother. I actually prefer the fight with Zod.
Warehouse would be great, if it didn't feature Batman being a murdery and reckless bastard. Take that rather stupid decision out, and it'd be a great Batman fight scene. Mind you, Snyder's flawed depiction of the character is one of the largest problems with that entire movie and series. It rather infects every aspect - including the warehouse fight. Nolan's fight sequence in the skyscraper at the end of The Dark Knight is probably the greatest single Batman fight scene, because while it lacks in the choreography department to an extent, it tells a story throughout that's 100% accurate to who and what Batman is.
Oh yeah I completely agree. I love Nolans Batman action set pieces. The choreography gets flack (basically exclusively from nerds on the internet) but ya know what? I like it. I find it badass, and exhilarating to watch. Me and me gf just rewatched the trilogy few weeks ago and I was like "yeah I don't know why everyones bitching these fight scenes are awesome to me". Batman vs SWAT is just great. So exciting.

I kinda wished Reeves upped his game a bit. The only hand to hand scene that impressed me really was him tearing shit up in the iceberg lounge. Those combos were so cool. But Vs the riddler thugs and Vs the kids in the beginning was just, alright to me. Nolan did better in my opinion.
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I kinda wished Reeves upped his game a bit. The only hand to hand scene that impressed me really was him tearing shit up in the iceberg lounge. Those combos were so cool. But Vs the riddler thugs and Vs the kids in the beginning was just, alright to me. Nolan did better in my opinion.

I think Reeves was pretty deliberate about his choices for Batman's fights in that movie. The whole concept of the film is that he is still a pretty inexperienced version of the character, so his fighting technique isn't as good as it can be. This makes sense for that version of the character, but doesn't lend itself to particularly expert fight scenes.

Where Snyder absolutely got it right was the start of the warehouse fight with the gadgets that immobilised the guns carried by the gang. That was pure Batman. Brilliantly realised. The issues arise when he then goes on to depict Batman doing outlandish and unbelievable superhuman things, as well as behaving extremely recklessly. I've always said that Snyder would be an excellent director, if he had someone standing over him, curbing his worst excesses.

Nolan's issue is that he is so intent on getting the story of the character right that he sometimes gets too lax with the choreography and execution. That's the approach I prefer though, if I had to choose.
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I think Reeves was pretty deliberate about his choices for Batman's fights in that movie. The whole concept of the film is that he is still a pretty inexperienced version of the character, so his fighting technique isn't as good as it can be. This makes sense for that version of the character, but doesn't lend itself to particularly expert fight scenes.

Where Snyder absolutely got it right was the start of the warehouse fight with the gadgets that immobilised the guns carried by the gang. That was pure Batman. Brilliantly realised. The issues arise when he then goes on to depict Batman doing outlandish and unbelievable superhuman things, as well as behaving extremely recklessly. I've always said that Snyder would be an excellent director, if he had someone standing over him, curbing his worst excesses.

Nolan's issue is that he is so intent on getting the story of the character right that he sometimes gets too lax with the choreography and execution. That's the approach I prefer though, if I had to choose.
Yeah they all did him some Justice if you ask me but I was really expecting more from the Batman based off interviews from the stunt team and the bar being raised post warehouse.

I don’t know if you saw it man but their rehearsals were wayyyy better than what we got. That video that got put out on like Vimeo or something last year? Showin the club and stadium fight scenes as initially convinced. I’m not sure why they downgraded it but that was perfect. Warehouse quality without your issues with it. Excellent lean year 2 gritty Batman fighting. Then the final film it’s watered down. Not sure why.

EDIT: found it
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Gold Member
Best fight scene in any form of media has to go to Banshee:
(Spoilers if you haven’t watched the show before, also highly recommend watching it)



I know people like to trash about Man of Steel. The movie is awesome and the fight scenes are top notch.

It looks what Kryptonian's fight are in a "realistic" way if that makes sense. Super beings punching each other and sending each other flying away.
Pretty good live action adaptation of a "comic" or "anime" fights.
I can't get enough of these fights.
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Yeah they all did him some Justice if you ask me but I was really expecting more from the Batman based off interviews from the stunt team and the bar being raised post warehouse.

I don’t know if you saw it man but their rehearsals were wayyyy better than what we got. That video that got put out on like Vimeo or something last year? Showin the club and stadium fight scenes as initially convinced. I’m not sure why they downgraded it but that was perfect. Warehouse quality without your issues with it. Excellent lean year 2 gritty Batman fighting. Then the final film it’s watered down. Not sure why.

EDIT: found it

Agreed. That footage was great. Would have liked to have seen it in the movie, but I guess Reeves's desire for the character to seem a bit green overtook it. Hopefully we'll get a higher level of skill in The Batman 2, along with a more developed bat suit, bat mobile, and general look. That would seem logical.


Of course it's not. It's a collection of CGI characters, hitting CGI buildings, with CGI explosions. It's weightless, artificial and empty.

The fight at the end of Civil War between Iron Man and Cap/Bucky is much better. As are any well choreographed and filmed fights where actual human beings take centre stage.

But if you want the best confrontation between characters in a superhero movie it's still this:

Get outta here with Heath Ledger and his overacting. It might be the most overrated role in the history of the movie industry.


Get outta here with Heath Ledger and his overacting. It might be the most overrated role in the history of the movie industry.

Sorry, but this is just about the dumbest movie take I've ever heard. His performance is widely acknowledged as one of the best of all time. Oscar winning. Feel free to dislike a movie for whatever edgy reasons you've decided upon, but let's not get completely stupid about it.


Sorry, but this is just about the dumbest movie take I've ever heard. His performance is widely acknowledged as one of the best of all time. Oscar winning. Feel free to dislike a movie for whatever edgy reasons you've decided upon, but let's not get completely stupid about it.
No, it's not viewed as one of the best ever, it's viewed so by Batman fans and casual moviegoers. It's like a song on tiktok that becomes popular, and now all the casual tiktok fans love it for the sheer reason millions were exposed to it.

Heath Ledger in Batman is the classic example of something that is praised because it's popular. It's the boyband of acting that casual movie fans love to adore because it makes them feel smart.
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