Abortions4Free: To answer your question, if my mother had aborted me right now, I wouldn't have to be at work.
TetraDragoon: Yeah?
TetraDragoon: Do you have a husband?
Abortions4Free: Besides, isn't a dead baby a baby that is with Jesus?
TetraDragoon: Do you love someone?
TetraDragoon: That doesnt count.
Abortions4Free: Why not?
TetraDragoon: Jesus Despises Abortion
Abortions4Free: Do you know why?
Abortions4Free: Because... (don't interupt)
Abortions4Free: In Jesus' day, abortions were performed crudely, through a series of bellyflops in the Tigris or several kicks to the mid-section.
Abortions4Free: If Jesus could see the plush accomodations of our fleet of Abort-O-Vans, he would be first in line!