To respond to some of the earlier stuff in this thread, it exemplifies some of the issues I have with social media and aspects of our society today. I think social media has done a lot of good in this world, but it has also done a lot of bad. I haven’t really thought too deeply as to whether or not ultimately it has been a positive or negative overall for society today, I think that’s hard to decide. One of the bad things I think it has done is how we judge and look at people. Remember the days where you’d sit down and actually get to know a person? Maybe meet someone at a friend’s house and then become friends with them also. Then hang out, grab a bite to eat, sit down, talk with them, actually get to know them? You feel them out, look them in the eye, get a feel of what kind of person they are, if you like them as a person, if you respect their values, etc. Those days are largely gone now.
Now, we judge people off tweets. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve defended Colin to people and their response was something along the lines of “dude, he tweeted ____ one time, did you miss that??? Hmmmm??? He’s a piece of shit” I mean, just think about that. We’re judging people based off of tweets now. Not actions. Not a large body of work or detailed history. Random, isolated tweets. This is what society has sunk too. Have you never said anything dumb? Have you never believed something immoral, but then changed your opinion as you matured? Have you never had beliefs misconstrued? Here’s a fact: when I was in my teens I thought transsexuality was disgraceful and wrong. Now I think it is perfectly acceptable and any transgender person deserves equal rights to anyone else. I was a teenager. I didn’t know enough yet about myself or the world. I was still learning. If twitter existed back then it would be all over my twitter profile and it would follow me around for all eternity. Even if I have changed.
I’m just sick of these frauds who have ill intent and falsely act like they stand for something good, when their only intent is malevolence. If you want to judge Colin or anyone else, actually get to know the person instead of judging them off random tweets and isolated opinions. This doesn’t define a person. People are very complex. There’s a lot more to an individual than their twitter persona or random opinions. We see it all too often these days. No one knows anyone anymore. It’s all disingenuous.