And whats on the showfloor then? Older devkits?
Maybe HP will go to Gamescon.
And whats on the showfloor then? Older devkits?
The games are playable on the show floor though. That's infinitely worst than a controlled live demo if you're trying to hide something.
I think you guys are misinterpreting his statement regarding Platinum. I think he's saying that the style of game is not for a North American or European audience, not the release of the game of itself.
Why is that funny?
One writes like a child, the other reasons like a child.
So it's Okami 2?
If they moneyhat Vanquish 2, I might lose my shit.
So it's Okami 2?
If Platinum game it's Japan exclusive will be a great send to die.
Doesn't he owe someone here 5 bucks?
He can't come down here cause he owes someone on GAF money.
The first paragraphs are mostly about release timing. So is he saying Oct. release of XOne? Or that PS4 isn't releasing in Oct?
How many Microsoft execs (or people in position to know these things) have travelled to Cologne? Wouldn't this narrow down considerably who CBoaT could be, so Microsoft has a better way to stop the leaks?
if they're working with capcom on anything through anyone it better be viewtiful joe 3 or i'll start punching things
It's probably something new. Their previous IPs aren't worth shit.
Bayonetta isn't worth shit either.
I've always wondered what the reaction is at Mcirosoft's and Sony's headquarters when they see this stuff leaked online.
Wouldn't it be funny if it's CBOAT doing the MS conference and no one knew? that would be a GIGATON!
I've always wondered what the reaction is at Mcirosoft's and Sony's headquarters when they see this stuff leaked online.
Grelteetinglz fro the land of ber a&d breaituwirst nd werid porn!
no live strm for real easons. xbone arcitectu re stil not fuly complet. laterst verson of SDK coupl of weeks ago edropeed d performeance by 15--20% acros teg board. NOW B4 YO^USG ET MAD AT ME XBOTTLES this hapens AL THE TIEM in tconsel dvelopmetn and ist wll evetnaly be fix but nochance for erly oct orelaese or
wihsper of kienct optionsal (not inbox--() sku aerly next yr
mar//aprl. Enouhg smoke nowt hat I dint want to watit until Septemr
Platinum making an Xbone exclusive? Goddamn...I might have to get one now.
Why in the world would MS invest in a Japanese only game and why would a developer make a game for Xbox only to be released in Japan? That makes no sense for anyone involved.
I've always wondered what the reaction is at Mcirosoft's and Sony's headquarters when they see this stuff leaked online.
Just what kind of franchise has drawing power in Japan but is currently in limbo or mia?
The platinum game is probably going to be a dating/waifu/moeblob type of game, that I really doubt will be of any importance.
Great for simulating your virtual GF with the kinect though, I'm sure.
People are misreading the "not for europe or americans" thing. I think it means it is aimed at Japan, not that it is not coming out here.
Is it just me or does it looks like the ram is doing those anime eyes? Or is that racist?
How can there be such a huge drop in performance in a newer dev kit built?
It's CBOAT.I'm gonna have a hearty laugh if most if most of this stuff ends up untrue.
I'm gonna have a hearty laugh if most if most of this stuff ends up untrue.
Time to update the list what CBOAT got right!
- Some Xbox 360 tech details
- GTA San Andreas voice actors before they were revealed (can't find it anymore, but I can remember it very well)
- NPD sales data
- Dead Space 3 having a co-op feature
- leaked Remember Me with a GIF from the reveal trailer that was first shown to the public 2.5 months later after he posted it (still was a Sony exclusive at that point)
- EA is supporting MS with a big exclusive (TitanFall)
- Said exclusive is going to get a PC port
- TitanFall is a timed exclusive
- EA dropped online passes, because MS was planning to restrict used games themselves
- Battlefield 4 is not a timed exclusive for Xbox One
- Mass Effect, Dragon Age are not timed exclusives for Xbox One
- Dead Rising 3 exists
- Dead Rising 3 is a console exclusive for MS
- Black Tusk's new IP for Xbox One is way behind in development
- World of Tanks at the MS E3 conference
- Mirror's Edge 2 revealed at E3
- MS having problems with manufacturing (yield issues)
- XB1 getting delayed in some countries