Also new 100 Bullets
Also new 100 Bullets
So, what's the reason that the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy is not?a rotting corpse in the remains of a dead universe
Also, really Grant Morrison? Really? Vyndktvx? That's the name you're going with? A little on the nose, don't you think?
GotG Point One was great. Is there anything McNiven has done that isn't written by Millar?
Vertigo isn't dead yet!WOW.
Cool! It's one of the older runs I've started collecting that hasn't been traded up. Also picked up aquaman by David. I plan on finishing waid's flash run that isn't traded and maybe his cap run.
Just need to find the time to read it all!
A Marvel Knights Fantastic Four book and some stuff for CrossGen come to mind. I think he took over Meridian from Joshua Middleton.
Also new 100 Bullets
GotG Point One was great. Is there anything McNiven has done that isn't written by Millar?
The worst (and best) thing about Thunderbolts is Steve Dillon's art. I just want Solid Frank so much over same face Frank.
That's actually hard to find. After I finished Hickman's run I went on a FF binge and wanted to read everything. That's the only FF book I haven't been able to find.
It's on Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited.
The worst (and best) thing about Thunderbolts is Steve Dillon's art. I just want Solid Frank so much over same face Frank.
Hmm, I don't think it's worth getting that just for one book I may not like even if it would please my inner OCD freak...
Make a list of old stuff you always wanted to read, and then sub for a month. It's $10 if you go monthly. $60 for the year. A large portion of their 2000s output is on there. Earlier decades are spottier, but there is a ton of stuff.
Have you read the Earth X trilogy?
Can't say I have. Is it any good?
Yeah I read them. The opening trades are cheap, like ten dollars, but they are Marvel style so only like four issues a piece. I enjoy the books, but the art lacks personality for me.
Also new 100 Bullets
Can't say I have. Is it any good?
Hawkguy 8
Was a dope issue.
Earth X is excellent. Universe X and Paradise X aren't quite as good, but I still enjoyed them. If you like alternate future/history stuff you will probably enjoy the series.
Jean Paul Leon Penciled the first series.
It is Amazing.I wouldn't bother with Universe X or Paradise X
I'll have to take a look at what they offer and make a list to go through one month. I hear they don't offer a whole lot though, if it were nice and robust it's exactly the sort of thing I'd love.
I'll have to take a look at what they offer and make a list to go through one month. I hear they don't offer a whole lot though, if it were nice and robust it's exactly the sort of thing I'd love.
Do the 100 Bullets TPB's paper quality increase after the first volume? The paper almost seems like its newsprint, which really turned me off from wanting to buy more volumes
I don't own the 100 Bullets trades but Vertigo books are generally known for their...lackluster paper stock. Some DC books are like this as well but I think they've changed up in recent years.
Yeah, the 100 Bullets trades are all made out of "that paper". Though the trades for newer series like Unwritten and such use a higher quality, glossy paper.
"Batman" was next up as Snyder offered thanks to fans who supported the "Death of the Family" storyline making some jokes about artist Greg Capullo's excitable persona in that all his texts to send messages to his writer and fans felt like they were sent in all caps.
The writer spoke about the future of the series, saying that issue #18 deals with the fallout of Damian Wayne's death. "It looks at it through Harper Row's eyes," he said, saying he wanted to let Pete Tomasi and Pat Gleason tell the reaction of Batman in the pages of "Batman & Robin.
The next two issues will be a bit more of a "fun" story before Snyder and Capullo kick off a huge 11-part serial with #21. "This really is a really ambitious, crazy story that will be announced in about two weeks...I really believe it's our boldest story. I asked 'Can I spoil it?' and they said no. But it really is my favorite thing," Snyder said.
ugh. Guess my 100 Bullets days are over.
Are the hardcover editions better at least?
Please, please, have the Teen Titans tie in for all eleven issues and somehow tie in to Rotworld as well.
The other name for him (The Little Man) is pretty clever for a villain that just wants to humiliate Superman. However, given that we're of a higher dimension than DC's universe, anything that's impressive to them might not be so impressive to us.So, what's the reason that the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy is not?a rotting corpse in the remains of a dead universe
Also, really Grant Morrison? Really? Vyndktvx? That's the name you're going with? A little on the nose, don't you think?
I doubt it will be, I sort of feel like after DotF there's won't be anymore huge Bat-family crossovers. It would sort of defeat the purpose story wise. Part of me thinks they did DotF so there couldn't really be anymore crossovers for a while. Then again DC's editorial department isn't exactly the best these days...
How the hell is the Matt Fraction writing Fantastic Four the same Matt Fraction writing FF? The span of quality is ridiculous.
How the hell is the Matt Fraction writing Fantastic Four the same Matt Fraction writing FF? The span of quality is ridiculous.
Frank thread?
Steve Dillon really need a prize for that art:
I'm pretty sure the 100 Bullets deluxe hardcovers use the new glossy paper.
Personally, I never really minded too much what type of paper they used. I'll treasure my Y: The Last Man hardcovers forever, despite them using the old vertigo paper.
Earth X is excellent. Universe X and Paradise X aren't quite as good, but I still enjoyed them. If you like alternate future/history stuff you will probably enjoy the series.
Jean Paul Leon Penciled the first series. Doug Braithwaite did the pencils on the other two series.
Kelly Sue Frichtion ghostwrites some of his stories.How the hell is the Matt Fraction writing Fantastic Four the same Matt Fraction writing FF? The span of quality is ridiculous.
Kelly Sue Frichtion ghostwrites some of his stories.
Also, Bendis is going to do amazing things with GotG and cosmic Marbel. Jump in before it gets popular brahs, you wanna tell your friends and little kids in Rocket costumes next year that you were into before it was cool.