Kelly Sue Frichtion ghostwrites some of his stories.
The good ones or the bad ones?
Kelly Sue Frichtion ghostwrites some of his stories.
What? Why? That shit went on too long the first time around.
ugh. Guess my 100 Bullets days are over.
Are the hardcover editions better at least?
Frichtion, Fraction. Close enough.
My daughter and I are watching Wolverine and the X-Men on Netflix. I hate that they used Multiple Man as a villian-just like in that godforsaken X-Men 3.
They should just make a TV Show of X-Factor and give Madrox the attention he deserves.
Is avengers worth reading? I kinda wanna pick it up cause of Kubert.
everything by Jonathan Hickman is worth reading.
not shield man....not shield...
ohh, haven't read that one. wasn't it canned?
not shield man....not shield...
You mean....100 issues?
Pandora series written by Ray Fawkes announced. News arame has the info.
Fraction will do an issue about sign language when Hawkeye's hearing is damaged again.
Pandora series written by Ray Fawkes announced. News arame has the info.
Francesco Francavilla’s sold-out hit, The Black Beetle, will also be an ongoing series. Look for a continuation of mixed elements which, “Made old pulps so entertaining.” The next arc will feature a female villain.
You mean....100 issues?
Apropos Hickman, I just finished Fantastic Four #605
oh god... that last page with reed & the beer....
I can get behind that.
Here's the link
"Justice League of America" came up including the incoming backup in the series focusing on Martian Manhunter. "I always throught Superman would be the hardest character to write, but Martian Manhunter is like Superman with mind powers which is even harder," Kindt said. He explained that the backups will not only play off the main feature by Finch and Geoff Johns. It will also tell the Manhunter's origin in the New 52.
Snyder called "Batman" #19 and 20 "my ode to 'Batman: The Animated Series'" promising a fun adventure story before moving on to the next epic arc. He described the incoming 11-part story starting in #21 will be completely stand alone with no event launching from it. Snyder is looking forward to telling a stand alone tale akin to his "Black Mirror" serial.
Tynion talked about the future of Talon as in the wake of issue #5 the full cast has been set into place including regular villains. "This is where things really start ramping up...we're going to get more information on how the Court of Owls operates now, and we're going to meet the current grandmaster of the Court of Owls and understand that a bit more...there's a very major figure coming up that nobody is expecting, and it's going to be really cool," he said,
Higgins spoke on the incoming move to Chicago for Nighting, saying, "This is kind of our huge opus Nightwing story." He and artist Brett Booth "are looking to world build" making the Windy City its own history and mysteries as it relates to the superheroes of the DCU.
Lemire spoke about a number of his upcoming plans including what's next for "Green Arrow." He said that the popularity of The CW's "Arrow" allowed him to give the book a brand-new start to draw in new readers. The writer will be developing the world of the island that Oliver Queen lived on when he became Green Arrow, using it to introduce new villains like Komodo, but he'll also soon bring back many classic GA villains into the fold.
Sounds like no crossovers in the Batman world for the next year. That should be good for all the books to find their own grooves.
I would too if I had to work with Levitz. Brah is the blandest and most boring writer in comics. Hang up the typewriter please.
Worlds' Finest has been a great book. Really characterful and a nice throwback to PG and Helena's pre-Crisis relationship.
Just decided to pick up the first TPB of Saga since it was $5 on Amazon. Its my first comic purchase of any kind in the last two years since I quit superhero comics cold turkey.
Reading through New 52 Batman and Robin for the first time. Currently at issue 10. What a flat out amazing book. Tomasi and Gleason are a fantastic team.
It's not going away....To me it's the best Bat book on the shelf. The writing is great and Gleason is consistently solid. The art on the Death of the Family tie-ins was the most grotesque and phenomenal interpretation of the Joker yet. I'm sad it's going away