Silent Hill fans, in dismay, said Ascension made “the pachinko game look like a heartfelt passion project.” The complaints were mainly aimed at wonky online infrastructure, annoying microtransactions, and a live chat that’s somehow both unmoderated and sometimes over-moderated. You couldn’t type “Hideo Kojima” into the chat, for example.
In a recent social media post, Genvid announced that some community complaints would be addressed soon: “We hear and appreciate our community’s feedback and are constantly working to improve your Silent Hill: Ascension experience.” The team is currently tuning Rallies, updating the Fate system, and improving the video player and server connection.
The team also promises that future updates are in the pipeline, but we’ll need to wait for the Wednesday night post-shows to get information about what’s next for Konami’s latest controversial joint.
They must fucking hate Kojima still lol.