Known in Japan as Corpse Party: BloodCovered: ...Repeated Fear
Platform: PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Vita (via Backwards Compatibility)
Genre: Adventure Horror
Developer: Team GrisGris
Publisher: 5pb. (Japan) | XSEED Games (North America) | XSEED GAMES (Europe)
Release Date: August 12, 2010 (Japan) | PlayStation Store: November 22, 2011 (North America) | December 14, 2011 (Europe)
Rating: M for Blood & Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, and Strong Language (North America)
Size: 555MB
MSRP: 6,090¥ (Japan) | $19.99 (North America) | €14.99 (Europe)
In the west this is a PlayStation Network only release. There will not be any UMD copies.
Platform: PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation Vita (via Backwards Compatibility)
Genre: Adventure Horror
Developer: Team GrisGris
Publisher: 5pb. (Japan) | XSEED Games (North America) | XSEED GAMES (Europe)
Release Date: August 12, 2010 (Japan) | PlayStation Store: November 22, 2011 (North America) | December 14, 2011 (Europe)
Rating: M for Blood & Gore, Intense Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content, and Strong Language (North America)
Size: 555MB
MSRP: 6,090¥ (Japan) | $19.99 (North America) | €14.99 (Europe)
In the west this is a PlayStation Network only release. There will not be any UMD copies.

Corpse Party started in 1996 as an independent game built upon the RPG Maker released for the NEC PC-9800. After winning
a variety of awards, and a cult following Team GrisGris went silent with the series. Since 1996, the fan community had stepped
in place of GrisGris, and even released their own prequel, Corpse Party Zero.
GrisGris unexpectedly returned the series in 2008, with one of the most promising projects they'd tackle. Corpse Party:
Blood Covered would be released that year for PC, and would entail a re-imagining of the original cult classic. But unlike some remakes,
this was a full deal. New music, new art, new graphics, new scenarios. Blood Covered had it all, so it made sense that Corpse Party once
again returned to cult popularity. Blood Covered would span audio dramas, two separate manga series, character merchandise and
a cellphone port.

But unlike before, Team GrisGris wasn't going to go back into hiding. In 2010, in collaboration with Japanese adventure game publisher
5pb. GrisGris embarked on Corpse Party: Blood Covered ...Repeated Fear for PSP. Rather than take the easy way out, and directly port
over Blood Covered, Team GrisGris once again took the hard way, and added even more additional scenarios, music, updated visuals,
and even a full vocal track recorded in binaural audio for a simulated three-dimensional surround sound effect.
Like Blood Covered, Repeated Fear was a success spawning even more products, and its own PSP sequel, Corpse Party: Book of Shadows.

30 years ago a school called Heavenly Host Elementary was the scene of a horrific crime. 4 students of the school were kidnapped, and
murdered. Now, Heavenly Host is a high school and the horrific scenes are about to happen again. Unwittingly, a group of teens conjure
up a forbidden charm that sends them into the world of the haunted. The group must traverse each hall, and class to survive or become
another victim in the school's troubled past. Will you join the forgotten souls in this Corpse Party?
The unlucky souls (click to expand):

Teaser Site | Announcement Trailer | Halloween Trailer
(Click to enlarge)

Corpse Party And The Psychology Of Horror | Just What Kind of a Party is Corpse Party?

An Interview With XSEED Games | How Corpse Party Got An Invitation For Localization | How Xseed Localized Corpse Party (And Kept It Scary)