So recently, we had Britain's Mr. Brexit Nigel Farage himself in the U.S. On all the news stations preaching about how there is a real groundswell support for Trump and how like in Britain ALL the polls are wrong as there is this huge Shadow vote (I suppose there could a lot of racists out there pretending not to be...) which is just waiting to vote and how America will be in shock on Nov 9th.
Now today all the Trump surrogates are all out talking about how this is a Brexit scenario and how it will be like Brexit, even Trump himself is saying this will be bigger than Brexit.
This would be completely contrary to all the polls, which right now are showing there could be a democratic wave over both houses if she continues to win by 8 or 9 points. Hell its even looking like she may end up with almost 400 electoral college votes.
So a question.
With how America runs their elections, on a state by state basis, is it POSSIBLE there could be this huge, secret national swell of hidden support for Trump? Do you think he has a point that this could be a Brexit like situation?
And also thanks a lot Britain, for not only sending Farage over here, but ensuring that every election and any kind of national vote will now have the people referencing Brexit to counter any long shot vote forever.
So recently, we had Britain's Mr. Brexit Nigel Farage himself in the U.S. On all the news stations preaching about how there is a real groundswell support for Trump and how like in Britain ALL the polls are wrong as there is this huge Shadow vote (I suppose there could a lot of racists out there pretending not to be...) which is just waiting to vote and how America will be in shock on Nov 9th.
Now today all the Trump surrogates are all out talking about how this is a Brexit scenario and how it will be like Brexit, even Trump himself is saying this will be bigger than Brexit.
This would be completely contrary to all the polls, which right now are showing there could be a democratic wave over both houses if she continues to win by 8 or 9 points. Hell its even looking like she may end up with almost 400 electoral college votes.
So a question.
With how America runs their elections, on a state by state basis, is it POSSIBLE there could be this huge, secret national swell of hidden support for Trump? Do you think he has a point that this could be a Brexit like situation?
And also thanks a lot Britain, for not only sending Farage over here, but ensuring that every election and any kind of national vote will now have the people referencing Brexit to counter any long shot vote forever.