Can anyone help me transfer some rings? You can keep them for you troubles.
NM. Thanks Screaming Meat
So I'm going to give DS3 one last shot, and I really liked playing a Sorcerer in DS1. Is that build viable in this game? Should I start as an Assassin or a Sorcerer?
Anything is viable for pve. You can start as anythjng, really. However, assassin starts with better gear. All you really need as a sorcerer is great heavy soul arrow, soul spear and crystal soul spear. Get the spell buff rings, crown of dusk, court sorcerer's staff and scholar's candle stick (last two come later) and you'll destroy most bosses.
Man I really really really wish this game had something like chalice dungeons.
I want to keep playing but at the same time I'm so tired of the regular maps.
I'm doing twink SL30 invasions and it's always 1v3 or even 1v4 at times. So much fun when you can actually fight against phantoms and 3 shot them.
Asked on Reddit but value your input as well:
Areas: --Smouldering Lake (Lowest Priority) --Irithyll of the Boreal Valley -- Irithyll Dungeon (Highest Priority) --Anor Lando
These are my favorite areas. They all give me great old school Souls vibes, especially the Dungeon because Tower of Latria is my favorite area ever.
Based on Fextralife it looks like level 55 with a +6 regular/+3 twink weapon would be ideal.
Thoughts? Thanks. See you in Irithyll.
Holy shit this might even be more painful than the other two attempts. My sorceries feel so wimpy in this compared to DS1.
I wonder what rings you're using LULWeird coincidence. I've been doing my first twink too (SL25 invasions). It levels the playing field somewhat.![]()
Magic in this game is not only hard because it's so weak, but also very boring as all the more interesting spells are towards the end of the game. Be prepared for 45 different versions of soul arrow.
That being said, once I did make it to the end and got all my spells, I had a lot of fun pvping with it. It makes perfect summon support if you like helping people fight off invaders and co-oping bosses with it is fun as well.
Yeah I think I'm calling it quits. If I can't even have fun as a Sorcerer, the only time this series has been even remotely fun for me, then I can't really at all. Casting takes too damn long and doesn't do enough damage to justify it. Like maybe it was OP in Dark Souls but the combo of proper zoning and not really being able to deal with more than one enemy at a time kept in balanced for me. This is just getting ganked by zombies while you're trying to cast your basic spell.
Dark Souls was just barely able to hold my interest with its captivating world and memorable characters and 3 just totally crippled Sorcery.
Maybe I'm just not that creative, but it is disappointing how few spells are actually worth using in PvE. My Pyro is really good against anything that isn't on fire, but I've been using nothing but Rapport and Vestiges for hours. Sorcerors are somehow even less varied and I don't enjoy them at all.
Faith is probably my favourite in that regard because there are plenty of use cases for arrows, spears, buffs, and heals. It helps that Dark/Lightning is basically perfect coverage.
I used to crystal out when they did that.I was co-oping Midir, and the host stands against the wall using the doors while a sunbro and I beat the boss.
I need help, Dark Souls Gaf.
I use my XB1 Controller for DS3 (gave away my 360 one when I got an XB1 like 2 years ago), and whether I used it wired, or with the wireless adapter, I occasionally get 2-3 second stutters in game, usually in pairs. So *2-3 sec freeze* movement for 1 sec *2-3 sec freeze* etc, then nothing for about half an hour or so.
So co-op is level based in DS3 right? Is there a point I should stop levelling if I want to be able to get summoned consistently?
I'd like to leave the option open for me to platinum this game, and the covenant stuff would be really hard if I level too far to not be able to get summoned anymore.
hmm, is there a bug with the dancer boss fight?
I got summoned tot the boss fight 5 times yesterday, but only once was I able to traverse the fog. had to watch trough the fog how the host got wrecked.
And when that happens, other phantoms also couldnt traverse.
Had this only happen at the dancer fight.
Helped with vordt, volnir, old demon king and others and never had thta problem?
SL 120 Seems to be generally agreed upon. Some like SL 100, I don't know which is more active, TBH.
It's a common problem with boss fog gates and laggy connections, not just Dancer's. If you get summoned and see the host sliding around or running in place, you might as well use the black separation crystal to leave, because there's a good chance you won't be able to traverse the fog.
I see this phrase thrown around in the DS community alot - what is an "edgelord"?
An edgelord is someone who emotes after a pvp win?... So every Souls player ever!
An edgelord is someone who emotes after a pvp win?... So every Souls player ever!
I don't even know what that stupid gesture is meant to imply, but if the game detects a slow walking input after a pvp win, it should be an auto ban.
What about slow walking while pointing down at you?I don't even know what that stupid gesture is meant to imply, but if the game detects a slow walking input after a pvp win, it should be an auto ban.
Hey I know him!! Soulllesss that is.
An edgelord is someone who emotes after a pvp win?... So every Souls player ever!
I never summon so I'm definitely not an expert, but I don't think anything you do in an area can affect summoning in other areas.So I've been on my first playthrough -- totally blind. I'm at the Nameless King fight and I cannot summon anyone because I pulled the lever. I went back to the area where the Abyss Watchers were and I dueled Hawkwood and killed him. I got a stone.
Can I never summon anyone in this game now?
So I've been on my first playthrough -- totally blind. I'm at the Nameless King fight and I cannot summon anyone because I pulled the lever. I went back to the area where the Abyss Watchers were and I dueled Hawkwood and killed him. I got a stone.
Can I never summon anyone in this game now?
So I've been on my first playthrough -- totally blind. I'm at the Nameless King fight and I cannot summon anyone because I pulled the lever. I went back to the area where the Abyss Watchers were and I dueled Hawkwood and killed him. I got a stone.
Can I never summon anyone in this game now?