This happened to me when I rested the game for a while and came back, but I didn't upgrade the dsfix....try updating to the most current version of dsfix.
Yup, I fixed it. Updated DSFix and ran an integrity check, apparently there was a file missing. Started a new character that's mostly dex focused for the moment. I'm thinking about where I want to make my secondary attack stat. I'm keen on trying out the new dark magic spells in the DLC but not much else appeals to me (crystal magic weapon seems like a good buff). I've tinkered with miracles before but I don't remember them being particularly useful. I've read that the faith sword buffs are better? I dunno.
Oh yeah, I fixed up my NAT and wow! The PC version is pretty damn active, even now. Don't remember getting this much action on the PS3 and I played that just as the game came out. Maybe the netcode improved since then. Pretty good for a 1.5 year old port of a year old game.