This is truly Nintendo's best fall in recent history. Fire Emblem in Japan; Paper Mario, Metroid Prime 2 and Donkey Konga in the US. For me it beats the crap out of the mighty 2002 line-up, which had my two favorite games Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime.
We need more Fire Emblem love over here. Does anyone know how GBA Fire Emblem did in North America? NOA needs to get their asses in gear and bring the first GBA game over and get to work on bringing over the third GBA FE and the GC one.
We need more Fire Emblem love over here. Does anyone know how GBA Fire Emblem did in North America? NOA needs to get their asses in gear and bring the first GBA game over and get to work on bringing over the third GBA FE and the GC one.
The last figure I read was approx. 186,000 copies in NA. I could be mistaken. I'm still waiting for FE6, and the Legend of Stafi series. NoA needs to be strung up by the neck.