Disclaimer: let's have fun, BUT also pls try to answer somewhat truthfully 
Alien species have been part in countless scifi/fantasy stories - and so has alien-human interspecies romance!
Examples are too many to name. Lots of Star Trek-stuff. Mass Effect lets you date Asari, Quarians and Turians. I just read a part in Perry Rhodan that features a shapeshifter-alien that's used as a prostitute
Then you've got anime with not just catgirls, but really monster girls of any kind. Clasic fantasy gives us elves, dwarfs, mermaids, etc..
My question to you: How 'far' would you go at dating when it comes to non-human partners? Say, mankind makes contact with aliens tomorrow, what's the kind of aesthetic that you'd find attractive and how far is it allowed to deviate from a human being? Is elf ears your limit, or can it be the reverse-mermaid with a fishhead? Tell!
As for me personally, I'd go full-furry with a Krystal-like alien species. Tbh I find species like Turians/Asari more offputting, with their weird, hard parts (Asari heads' back, eww), while Krystal would be more like having a big, sexy teddybear
Anyway, your turn! How alien do you go?

Alien species have been part in countless scifi/fantasy stories - and so has alien-human interspecies romance!
Examples are too many to name. Lots of Star Trek-stuff. Mass Effect lets you date Asari, Quarians and Turians. I just read a part in Perry Rhodan that features a shapeshifter-alien that's used as a prostitute

My question to you: How 'far' would you go at dating when it comes to non-human partners? Say, mankind makes contact with aliens tomorrow, what's the kind of aesthetic that you'd find attractive and how far is it allowed to deviate from a human being? Is elf ears your limit, or can it be the reverse-mermaid with a fishhead? Tell!
As for me personally, I'd go full-furry with a Krystal-like alien species. Tbh I find species like Turians/Asari more offputting, with their weird, hard parts (Asari heads' back, eww), while Krystal would be more like having a big, sexy teddybear

Anyway, your turn! How alien do you go?