
NA April 23, 2013
AU April 23, 2013
NA April 25, 2013 (PC)
AU April 26, 2013 (X360)
EU April 26, 2013

Steam pre-order (!): http://store.steampowered.com/app/216250/
(!): Free Dead Island GOTY and Survivor Pack DLC if you pre-order.

Dead Island Riptide picks up right where the original game left off, with the same four survivors, Sam B, Xian Mei, Logan Carter and Purna. Because of a tropical storm the chopper crashes. The crew land on a military ship where, due to a raging monsoon and the fact that our survivors are infected, an all-new zombie outbreak occurs onboard. This forces players to flee the ship or the ship runs aground (media reports are conflicting). The survivors end up on the island of Palanai in the South Pacific. Palanai includes the city of Henderson.
Despite being the sequel to Dead Island, Deep Silver's Aubrey Norris had said that it's not "Dead Island 2" itself, hinting that there may be future plans for the series. The game is set to include new zombie mutations, a dynamic weather system, and new 'hub defense' missions.
Dead Island Riptide will also introduce a fifth character, John Morgan. John is a Navy ship cook, but he is also trained in hand-to-hand combat.

Players and co-op
- Players can keep their original Dead Island game character progression through to the sequel.
- Level limitations between co-op partners has been removed. The game with automatically re-balance to find a middle ground that all players can play.
- Connecting to another player in co-op has been made simpler, where the game now automatically mentions if friends are logged in and nearby, letting them just jump into the player's game.
- Disconnections are handled more gracefully, and when people drop out of a group, there is a simple notification before a player can continue to play as they were before.
- Players will not have to wait to get firearms until later in the game.
- New zombie type.
- Drowner
- New special zombies.
- Grenadier, which throws grenades at the survivors.
- Wrestler, who uses it's large fist to slam the survivors.
- Ogre
- More zombies on screen at any one time.
- Zombie respawning overhauled. Zombies will still reappear as a player returns to areas that they had already cleared, but the game is going to try and handle this in a more intelligent and complex fashion. The game will take into account if the player is on a mission, how recently the players last passed through, the characters condition, whether the player is playing in a group and plenty other factors also.
- New set position defenses where the player must hold a position for a period of time. This is available early in the game.
- Environmental weather. A huge part of the engine overhaul has focussed on adding big weather effects which "ramp up the tension and atmosphere during pivotal battles". The wind builds until its roaring at you through the speakers, the skies darken as the clouds close in and torrential rain starts to come down, reducing the distance the player can see and making survival even trickier.
- The only mode of transportation across the flooded islands is by boat.
- Zombies will pull players off the boat.
- The island is "vastly different from the one in the first game".
- Weapons will be more durable.
Source: http://www.savingcontent.com/2013/04/dead-island-riptide-how-to-change-the-fov-on-pc/This is a guide on how to change the FOV where it is currently stuck at 62.5 for performance and other reasons explained by Deep Silver PR. This guide is also applicable to Dead Island (2011) and the Dead Island: Game of the Year Edition as well. This guide focuses on the location and names of Dead Island Riptide.
- Go to SteamsteamappscommondiriptideDI
- Open Data0.pak in Winrar or Winzip
- In another Explorer window, go to Documents or My Documents (depending on Windows version). Go to Riptide and create folder data. Enter data and create a folder skills
- In Winrar/zip, go to skills inside the Data0.cab and drag & drop default_levels.xml into that DocumentsRiptidedataskills folder.
- Open the .xml in notepad.
- Edit FOV to whatever you want. Save.

Sam B, the Tank, one of the four Heroes in Dead Island, is a one-hit-wonder rap star of fading fame. Originally from New Orleans, he is now performing four nights a week at the Royal Palms Resort. Sam B was booked by the Royal Palms Resort to perform his well-known song Who Do You Voodoo at a high profile hotel party. He gladly took the chance to play this gig.
Once strong, self-confident and proud, Sam B has had a troubled past and a history of drug and alcohol abuse, as his private life became caught in a haze of fake friends and bad advisers.

Xian Mei, the Assassin, is one of the four playable Heroes in Dead Island. Before the outbreak she was an employee at the Royal Palms Resort. She was sent to the Banoi Island by her superiors to spy on the wealthy Westerners that stay there. As soon as she arrived at the hotel, the manager put her on 24 hour surveillance.
Xian was born and raised in China. Her father, who was the Chief inspector of the Hong Kong Police passed away when she was only 10 years old. He was killed by a member of the Wo Shing Wo Triad, but before her father's death, he taught Xian martial arts and she continued practicing even after his passing. After graduating top of her university's class, she joined the Hong Kong Police force and was placed in the first female crime squad; but she and her female colleagues were never put in the field and their male superiors did not train them the way they promised they would, so Xian concluded that the entire group was only for show.
Her superiors decided to send her to the Royal Palms Resort to be an informer and to spy on the Westerners that visited and stayed at the island. Even though her work dishonors her father's memory, she knows she can do much, much better. She wants an opportunity to prove herself. And apparently the zombie outbreak was that opportunity. During the opening cutscene, the player could see her attending to woman laying on the floor, presumably infected by the virus.

Logan Carter, the Jack of All Trades, one of the four playable characters in Dead Island, is a former NFL star and the jack of all trades of the group of the Heroes.
A former football star who led a spoiled life and was successful in every possible way, Logan's ego finally put an end to his bright future. Taking part in a reckless street race with tragic consequences, Logan not only killed a young woman his unfortunate passenger; he also fractured his knee, putting an end to his sports career. His fall from stardom inevitably followed and he plunged swiftly into a life of bitterness and despair. In an attempt to get away from the demons hunting him, he gladly takes the chance to experience the beauty and wonder of Banoi Island.

Purna Jackson, the Leader, one of the four Heroes in Dead Island, is a VIP bodyguard.
Purna is a former officer of the Sydney Police department. After losing her career when she shot a child molester who could not be touched legally because of his wealth and connections, Purna then turned to working as a bodyguard for VIPs in dangerous places all over the world. She is hired not just for her skills but her looks, as wealthy men did not mind showing up with Purna on their arm. She has a hatred of people with enough money to ignore legalities and wishes to finish off the child molester that caused her to lose her job.

John Morgan is a survivor and a former sailor in the Australian Defense Force. He's the only new playable character in Dead Island Riptide. John Morgan is also a hand to hand combat expert.
A master of unarmed martial arts, John Morgan joined the ADF, but never expected to serve his country as a cook. Little did he know that he would end up joining the original four survivors to make mincemeat out of zombies on Palanai Island.

- Fusion Blade Pack
- BBQ Blade
- Exclusive character skins
Price: $49.99 / $39.99 (PC) / 49,99 / 39,99 (PC) / £37,99 / £29,99 (PC)
- World Exclusive Survivor Notebook
- Exclusive Survivor Edition Tin Box
- Exlusive Weapons Pack DLC
- In-game Characters DLC
Price: $88.00 (EB Games AU exclusive: https://ebgames.com.au/xbox360-159978-Dead-Island-Riptide-Survivor-Edition-Xbox-360)
- Steelbook case
- In-game unlockables
- 13" hand-painted pair of boobs
Price: £89,99 / 119,99 (UK exclusive, but also being sold in other parts of Europe)
- Dead Island: Riptide special edition
- Travel suitcase
- Bobble figurine
- Bottle opener
- Wooden keychain with a bungalow key
- in-game unlockable content
- Digital map
Price: $79.96 (North America and Latin America exclusive)


Dead Island Riptide CGI trailer
Sam B - Who Do You Voodoo, Bitch
Hub Defence gameplay
They Thought Wrong... trailer

Game Informer: 8/10
Riptides flaws are many, but they couldnt hold me back from having a blast. Few games nail the visceral feel of melee combat and co-op fun like Dead Island. At its worst, an annoying hiccup breaks the immersion of the grizzly trek through a zombie-infested paradise. At its best, Riptide hits the same high notes as the original.
GamesRadar: 8/10
Vandal Online: 8/10
Playstation Universe: 7,5/10
LaPS3: 7,5/10
Official Xbox Magazine: 7,5/10
IGN: 7,2/10
Eurogamer Sweden: 7/10
Meristation: 6,8/10
GamesBeat: 6,5/10
Eurogamer: 6/10
What makes that so sad is that this feels like a series only a few great decisions away from being really good. A better script with a sense of humour, a bit more imagination in quest design, more coherent inventory management and character development... These things shouldn't be unattainable goals for a developer that must be flush from the unexpected success of the first game. If there is to be more Dead Island - and I wouldn't object to that - then those things must be high priorities for it to avoid another mauling.
As for Riptide? It's half-fun, but fittingly enough it's the boring stuff that ultimately kills it.
EGM: 6/10
Saving Content: 3/5
NowGamer: 6/10
Polygon: 5,5/10
Seeing how little Dead Island has mechanically evolved in the 19 or so months since its last outing is the biggest disappointment of Riptide.
Machinima: 5,5/10
Destructoid: 5/10
PlayStation Official Magazine UK: 5/10
GameSpot: 4/10
Official Xbox Magazine UK: 4/10
Metro GameCentral: 4/10
Rev3Games: 2/5
Enjoy my video review for the 360 version. Long story short. Fans of the original will enjoy this outing, regardless of subtle tweaks and changes. Those that had issues with the franchise, will find nothing new worth changing their mind.