Leona Lewis

Welcome. Boobs. Got that out of the way. Feel free to take off your clothes as you wish.
Official Trailer
PS3 vs. Vita Features Comparison
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Leona Lewis: librasox
Azuardo: Azuardo
DR2K: OnslaughtDR2K
TheSeks: Sekoku
Lyte Edge: lyteedge2
JakkuFurosu: JakkuFurosu
PartTimeWarrior: Yoko337
lazybones18: Lazykarl24
PAULINK: Paulink
Ohnonono: Fizipop
Ainaurdur: Celethalion
Solstice: SolsticeZero
Shinriji: Shinriji
omg_mjd: omg_mjd
ShinUltramanJ: ShinultramanJ
Jill Sandwich: JillSandwichOMG
Skilletor: Skillzilla81
Nekobo: Nekobo1
matmanx1: matmanx1
Gamespawn: Gamespawn
That Dude John: AeonisAlister
Yopis: kincade
akhi216: akhi216
gameongreggy: schwall
suikodan: Suikodan
Famitsu - 35/40
Nice, fun boobs. I liked them. The game is merely adequate. Praise be to Hayashi.
IGN - 8.8
Much like Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, this is a textbook example of a fighting game port done properly. Dead or Alive 5 Plus is the genuine article, matching and occasionally surpassing its excellent console brethren in nearly every regard.
Destructoid - 8/10
Play control is never hampered by the more cramped constraints of the small button layout, graphics aren't sacrificed on the smaller screen, and just about everything from the feature-rich home version is included here, with a few noticeable exceptions.
NowGamer - 4/5
Dead Or Alive 5+ is our favourite version of Tecmo Koei’s fighter, just because the nature of the game lends itself to quick bursts of playing rather than long extended sessions. It’s one of the best-looking games on Vita and it’s definitely one of the most fun.
Gaming-Age - B+
If you must have a portable version of DOA 5 then you won't be disappointed here, but if you are satisfied with playing at home, then the minor additions in DOA 5 Plus may not be enough for a purchase.
More coming soon!
New Features
- Cross Platform Almost-Everything
Online cross-play lets you fight matches with both Vita and PS3 players. Cross Goods lets you use any purchased Vita DLC on the PS3 (and vice-versa). Cross Save lets you share and sync data between the PS3 and Vita versions.
- Touch Fight
Tap, pinch, and swipe to strike your opponent (in first-person too!). Yeah.
- Tutorial Mode
Expanded "lessons" teach new moves and strategies, and you're then put to the test with short "missions" - rinse and repeat.
- Combo Challenge
Choose your favorite character, and practice their most important moves and combos. You're given a series of commands and have to input them successfully in order to complete each challenge.
- More Detailed Move Info
Move details give you way more information than the console versions, such as distance, reach, height, follow-up interval, stagger recover, etc. A win for competitive play.
- Music Customization
Now you can give each character their own custom background song - song selection is no longer based on the stage. Replace the game's shitty soundtrack with some of the series highlights.
Characters - Who's your fighter?

Thanks for the graphic, Pupi18!
It's worth noting that the demo (said to be coming sometime around release day) is a jam-packed embarrassment of riches, featuring four characters (Kasumi, Hayabusa, Eliot, Tina), eight stages, arcade mode, training mode, and online cross-play. You can even unlock the DOA5+ exclusive Hayabusa costume for PS3 using cross-save with the demo alone (did I mention sexy skin-tight exclusive costumes yet?). Not only that, but all of your progress automatically carries over into the full game should you choose to purchase it.
Just make sure you buy the game though, or else you'll make Hayashi cry.

And don't forget to check out the DOA5 thread for half a year's worth of grap3fruitman's violent rants, among other community musings.
Hope to see you all in the lobbies!
Sorry, no lobbies in the Vita version.