Dead Space - The Story Thread
On an intial playthrough of Dead Space 1 or 2 the story might not appear to be very fleshed out, both games appear to have simple "escape from danger" stories. This is not the case at all.
Dead Space has an incredibly complex and well threaded together universe for a game of it's type. Yet since it is still early days it has managed to escape the convoluted nonsense the games in a similar genre experience.
This thread is for the discussion of the extended Dead Space universe as opposed to Isaacs struggle (obviously users can talk about this as well). The main aim is to see if we can achieve some structured resolutions about what we expect in the next game based on the information we have already been given.
The Dead Space wikia contains a vast amount of information about the Dead Space universe http://deadspace.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
The following are extracts from the wikia that I believe make up the "base" of the Dead Space story. Please PM or respond if you would like any further information on the OP and I will happily update.
Where it all began - The Black Marker -
Wikia said:The Black Marker is an alien artifact discovered on Earth by the Earth Government in 2208. It was then hidden to discourage alien belief, yet was brought to public knowledge by Michael Altman, who had been contracted to research the marker 200 years prior to Isaac Clarke's arrival on the USG Ishimura.
The Black Marker was initially found by Michael Altman and a team of researchers in the asteroid impact crater off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula in Mexico. It was thereafter concluded that the Marker landed on Earth along with an asteroid that may have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs millions of years ago.
Altman's discovery of the Marker led his religion to grow faster than any other religion ever formed on Earth. Altman was killed mysteriously and became a martyr figure to the religion's believers. The government is presumed to have killed him in an attempt to silence the truth about the Marker's true origins. In reality the government had him killed by a necromorph to martyr him so that they could create this new religion with him as a martyr figure. The Black Marker is revered by Unitologists as an immensely powerful holy object which God has sent to show that death was not the end. Various tests on the Marker led to it being reverse engineered, and the result was the Red Marker. This information was saved by Harmon, who recorded it and brought it with him when he and Altman escaped from the sinking platform that contained the Black Marker and a horde of necromorphs.[1]
The Black Marker's influence is similar to the Red Marker's. It was revealed in Dead Space: Martyr that there is a different force surrounding the Black Marker than just the ability to cause madness in humans. The hallucinations that are thought to be caused by the Marker are not caused by it at all. There are other forces at play. Altman thought that there was something in the human mind that caused the hallucinations; a kind of defense mechanism that is activated when in the Marker's presence. Altman was not immune, but he was able to resist the madness caused by it. It is also possible and very likely that in all of these cases there are actually two forces working on people's minds. This is shown when many people in Dead Space: Martyr claim to hear two voices. One of these voices tell the people to kill themselves, presumably the necromorphs. The other appears to be the marker which tries to protect people from necromorphs by telling them to run, or in the case of Issac, manipulating them to help the marker stop the necromorphs. Its existence had been known to the locals that lived near its resting place for generations, but was never spoken about to outsiders and was referred to as the "The Tail of the Devil". The locals tend to cross their index and middle fingers when speaking of it.[2]
The Black Marker was classified government property and, although Unitologists worshiped it, they only appear to have had pictures and possibly the leaked vidlog from Altman. As most data was classified, their conjectures and the spun comments of the dead scientist Altman caused irrational, hysterical ideas about the Marker to gain momentum and the Unitology religion offering vague promises of hope for immortality, with apparent scientific credibility, excited many previously purposeless and depressed people in the dry and impoverished world, who became fanatics.
The Church, of course, always wanted to get its hands on the Marker (which was the reason they were so excited by the Marker found on Aegis VII), though they seem to have had access to the Marker prior to the events of Dead Space, suggesting they had agents in the government.
The symbols on both of the Markers apparently represent DNA, and the double helix structure of the marker itself is a clue to this. However the signal it broadcasts is different than what it says on the markers themselves and what the people write that are affected by the marker. It is possible that each of these different sequences is for a different necromorph.
Altman's Story
wikia said:Little is known about Altman's early life. At some point he became an anthropologist (geophysicist in the book) and soon moved to the Chicxulub crater with his girlfriend Ada. He also had a varied ancestry, with his own mother being a Native American although he didn't know from which tribe.
During his normal work at the the Chicxulub crater, Altman had begun to suffer from regular nightmares and headaches for weeks before his initial finding. During a routine scan, he detected a strange gravitational anomaly in the heart of the crater that soon began to emit a powerful signal. Attempting to share this knowledge with the public, he was eventually contacted by an individual from DredgerCorp, a covert government company who often moved into areas illegally to continue business. After the contact mysteriously died, Altman later managed to find video evidence of a DredgerCorp attempt to dive down to the signal and find out what it was. Both the men involved in the dive were killed after one of the went insane. Intrigued, Altman tried to blow the whistle on the failed attempt to find the source of the signal against the will of Ada. He was promptly taken into custody by government officials working for DredgerCorp Impressed with his skills of finding out about their operation, Altman was given a choice to help them find the signal, revealed to be coming from an artifact, or be killed to remain silent. He agreed with staying alive.
Altman was brought aboard a covert floating science station along with work colleagues and Ada. He soon befriended a submarine pilot named Hendricks and was ordered to make a dive to retrieve the artifact. Diving into the depths with Hendrickes, the two piloted the sub down to the artifact. Beginning to suffer from the same madness as the previous attempt crew, Hendricks attacked him and Altman was forced to subdue him. Strangely, Altman was unaffected at all by the artifact except for a hallucination of Ada's mother who finally told him what the artifact truly was: the Black Marker. After repeated dives, the Marker was eventually brought onboard the station alongside a sample of strange, fleshy tissue Altman found in the water.
Because of his ability to be in close proximity to the Marker without the adverse side affects of his colleagues, those influenced by the Marker who had come to worship it as a deity began to hail Altman as an unwilling prophet. Despite this attention, Altman noticed how the station's crew had begun to split into believers and non-believers and that violence and murders had begun to escalate. Realising the power of the Marker and with the belief that the government was planning on utilizing it as a dangerous and deadly weapon. Altman escaped from the ocean facility and made an announcement about the Marker in Washington D.C. He was soon recaptured and watched as a sudden Necromorph infection brought about by an insane scientist injecting himself with the tissue sample destroyed the facility and killed all the staff. Altman managed to escape with the help of work colleagues, all of who were eventually killed by the creatures. Hoping to find Ada who had disappeared and get away, Altman returned to the shores near Chicxulub but realised how he could stop the Marker. Fighting his way back inside the facility, he managed to replicate the Marker's genetic code and signal in an attempt to calm it. It eventually did so and Altman destroyed the entire facility as a measure to make sure the Marker would not be found again..
Unfortunately, Markoff and Stevens (two military men who were overseeing the project) then had him captured and planned to kill him, and use his Martyrsim to enhance the name of the Church of Unitology, a faith that Altman unwittingly 'founded' and caused both Markoff and Stevens to believe. The men copied the code Altman had used to calm the Marker from his research and planned to use it as a blueprint to create a second Marker.
Altman was put into a sealed area with only a spoon for a weapon against a Necromorph made of three corpses, including Krax's, one of Markoff's soldiers. The Necromorph that killed Altman very closely matched the description of a Brute.
After Altman's death, the Government began to twist the truth about his fate to the version that the universe would come to know. Altman was apparently assassinated by the Earth Government after spreading the word of the Black Marker and of Unitology whilst working on the research team studying it. Since then, Unitologists have worshiped him as a martyr figure for their faith and interpreted the Black Marker to be a sign from God.
Many statues of Altman are also seen in Dead Space 2, in the Church of Unitology. Interestingly, despite the Necromorphs present in the building, the area seems relatively unaffected by the outbreak, like it had been ignored by the infection.
Necromorphs - And also, what is the writing on the marker?
wikia said:The DNA patterns covering the surface of the Black and Red Markers are the codes for the viral organism that creates the Necromorphs, an infection noted in logs as a "recombinant life form". According to data logs, the first known Necromorph infection was during the reverse engineering project of the Black Marker, which subsequently created the Red Marker. The Marker was relocated to Aegis VII hundreds of years ago by the original Aegis VII doctors. They had set up the lab on a deserted planet so they could test the Marker and its effects well away from any outposts of human civilization. The Aegis VII doctors copied and recreated the life form using the DNA patterns listed on the Markers. Initially the "recombinant lifeform" existed only in a petri-dish and remained dormant (what exactly the lifeform resembled is unknown). The lifeform did not react to any of the doctor's tests, and was deemed a failure. However, one day, a doctor did not fully decontaminate himself when entering the lab and a few dead skin cells fell into the Petri dish. As such, the infection by the recombinant lifeform immediately activated and reanimated the dead skin cells.
The Red Marker actually inhibited the necrotic flesh testing and it was then that the scientists noticed that it produced an apparent "dead space" field, inhibiting the Necromorph infection from spreading.
Soon afterwards, an accident similar to the Petri dish incident resulted in the infection of two doctors. They were promptly quarantined, where they soon died and shortly after infection, the two doctors transformed into the very first Necromorphs (one doctor became a Leaper, the other an Infector). When the Leaper pierced a ventilation shaft it promptly attacked the other doctors, which the Infector then began transforming. This caused the Aegis VII outbreak to commence.
While it is known that all of the doctors on Aegis VII were killed, very little is detailed on what events transpired after the creatures escaped. A log reveals that, after the initial catastrophe began on Aegis VII, one of the doctors had a "vision" where he has the idea of constructing a pedestal to broaden the signal the Marker is emanating, thereby containing the Necromorph Hive Mind and all infection present on the planet. Since the Marker is found hundreds of years later on its pedestal on the barren surface of the planet, it is suggested that they were successful.
There are four unique Necromorphs: the Leviathan, Slug, Spider, and Urchin which are all large and grotesque blobs of flesh that utilize their tentacles to attack. How they are created and from what is unknown, but they may be independent organisms or an extreme offshoot of the Brute Necromorph (i.e made from combining several different corpses). The Leviathan may be created from the Corruption, as it seems to merge with part of the ship's hull.
There is a low probability that the Necromorph virus is a natural occurrence, as it is attributed to the Black Marker or to the reverse-engineered Red Marker based upon it, though the exact nature of the relationship between the Necromorphs and the Black Marker, and by extension the religion Unitology which was built around the latter, is impossible to determine.
The Red Marker
wikia said:After the discovery of the Black Marker, the Earth Government began researching the extent of its capabilities and structure. The research team, which originally featured Michael Altman, studied the Black Marker and reverse engineered it for their own use. Through an accident in basic decontamination the team discovered that the genetic code written on the marker was the code for the Necromorph contagion. Later on when the team was moving the Red Marker past the lab room containing the samples of the Necromorph contagion, it was discovered that the Marker emits a field or "Dead Space" that stops the Necromorph DNA from initiating recombination and makes it go dormant. As time went on some members of the team, through unknown events, became infected and were turned into Necromorphs and subsequently quarantined. The team became overrun by their research and most of them were killed by the Necromorph infection. The remaining team, lead by Dr. Eando Dukaj, created a pedestal, that one of the members claimed to have seen in a vision, most likely made by the marker, that could amplify the "Dead Space" made by the marker in the hopes of stopping the Necromorphs from spreading, and hopefully giving them a chance at survival. The team succeeded in making the pedestal and locked the Hive Mind and the rest of the infection with it on Aegis VII.
The Red Marker Part 2 - The Story of Dead Space 1 and Dead Space Extraction
wikia said:Discovered by accident by an illegal mining colony on Aegis VII, the marker was hailed amongst some colonists as proof to their faith's credibility. Shortly after the discovery of the marker, cases of insomnia, depression and later dementia began occurring. Despite increasing cases of violence, colony management overrode P-Sec protestations and prepared to bring the Marker inside the colony itself. When the Marker was removed from its pedestal, it emitted red light and simultaneously broadcast an across-frequencies scream. Apparently taking the 'scream' as a signal, fifty Unitologists committed mass suicide; in a similar event of insanity, an extraction team engineer killed numerous members of his team and other colony personnel.
By order of Captain Benjamin Matthius, the marker was brought to the USG Ishimura from the colony and a no-fly order was implemented between the colony and vessel. The bodies of all the murder victims were then sent to the ship secretly. The bodies of all the suicide victims were intentionally kept on the colony by the colony manager as leverage to have the Ishimura send him a vessel to transport him to the ship as he felt he deserved to be a part of the Marker's discovery. Days later, Planet Crack was to commence. Upon initiating the planet crack, a blackout occurred throughout the entire colony. Panic immediately ensued and people quickly started being slaughtered. It was later discovered by a colonist that the Marker's inscriptions represented a DNA recombinant code for necrotic flesh that results in the creation of The Necromorphs. With the bodies of the suicide victims as their hosts, the Necromorphs soon began running amok in the colony, killing off and transforming more colonists. The colony soon fell apart and with all the shuttles destroyed in a flight accident, it was soon completely overrun with Necromorphs. In the end, only a few colonists survived, most notably, Brant Harris. He was clearly traumatized by the events and provided rich information for the scientists aboard the Ishimura.
Not surprisingly, the Ishimura soon followed the same fate as the colony and more Necromorphs were produced as a result of the Marker's removal.
Through text logs found about the ship, Isaac Clarke discovers that the Marker is a divine relic of Unitology, a religion founded by Michael Altman 200 years ago. Unitologists view Michael Altman as a martyr due to his mysterious death after blowing the whistle on the Marker that was found on Earth. The Marker discovered by Altman, however, was black and not red like the one found on Aegis VII. It is revealed by Kendra Daniels that that the Red Marker was in fact a manmade copy of the Black Marker, the true alien artifact discovered on Earth. The Marker was then brought to Aegis VII and test fired with gruesome results. It was soon decided that the marker was too unstable and was subsequently buried deep within Aegis VII. The system was then sealed off. Two centuries later, an illegal mining operation by C.E.C. rediscovered the Marker with disastrous results.
For the two centuries it had been buried in Aegis VII, the Red Marker had sealed off the "Hive Mind", a massive creature that controlled the Necromorphs through telepathy. Upon removing the Marker, the creature was released and went about killing off the humans of Aegis VII, the Ishimura and the USM Valor with its Necromorphs. The Marker was brought back to Aegis VII by Isaac Clarke in the hopes of once again sealing off the creature as well as the Necromorph infection. Though Isaac managed to return the Marker to its pedestal, which caused it to glow, this action was halted by Daniels, who returned and took the marker and attempted to flee with it on a shuttle. She was then killed by the Hive Mind; which was then defeated by Isaac Clarke. He then immediately escaped on the shuttle while the Marker remained behind on Aegis VII. It was presumed obliterated when the tectonic load the Ishimura had previously removed from the planet (with a mass of roughly a few trillion tons) was released and fell back to the planet with a cataclysmic impact. The Marker however was not completely destroyed and many shards of the Marker were left on the ruins of Aegis VII. Three months after the incident on the Ishimura the USG O'Bannon was sent to the ruins of Aegis VII to complete two missions. The first mission was to find a way to hold the breaking planet together. The second mission was to recover as many shards of the Marker as possible. Ships were sent down onto the planet and one of the crewmen found a Marker shard. He recovered it but it gave him dangerous hallucinations that caused him to kill a fellow crewmate. Only one ship managed to make it off the planet before it blew up completely and docked back in the USG O'Bannon. The Marker shard was examined by a scientist on the ship who became affected by it to such an extent that he killed his wife and baby, thinking they were monsters. The shard was eventually thrown into the ship's core reactor by the surviving crew members and destroyed.
The Hive Mind
wikia said:The Hive Mind is arguably the main antagonist of Dead Space. It was the result of testing the experimental Red Marker that had been reverse-engineered from the Black Marker for military purposes over two centuries ago on the remote planet of Aegis 7, then suppressed by the Marker as further experiments were aborted, the Marker proving itself to be too dangerous to wield as a weapon. A tower-like being that is the source of the Necromorph outbreak on Aegis 7 and, subsequently, the USG Ishimura, this monstrosity telepathically controls all other Necromorphs. The Hive Mind is capable of utilizing its immense tentacles that run along its massive body to crush its enemies. The organs lining its mouth and behind its ribs are vital to the Hive Mind's survival.
Initially seen on a blurred video shown by Dr. Kyne and worshiped as a divine being by the insane Doctor Challus Mercer, the Hive Mind is fought in the final level of Dead Space and is found on Aegis 7.[1] Its appearance is that of a titanic, segmented worm-like monster. It was seen briefly writhing at the edge of the platform where the Red Marker's pedestal lay, screaming and commanding all Necromorphs within the vicinity to impede Isaac from reattaching the Marker to its pedestal. They fail, and the Hive Mind is briefly rendered dormant by the reactivated Marker until Kendra Daniels removes the Marker and takes it back to the shuttle.