CNN said:Spencer White didn't have a flux capacitor handy, but his DeLorean sports car was zipping down a California highway at a pretty good clip when he got a speeding ticket -- for going 88 mph.
White is a "Back to the Future" enthusiast (that's why he has the DeLorean, duh). He said he and his mom were going about 85 mph Friday on Highway 14 north of Los Angeles when she had an idea.
"My mom, she's looking at me and she just says, 'Take it up to 88, let's do it," White told CNN affiliate KTLA. "I was at 88 for about two seconds ... and, immediately I saw a police officer behind me."
Apparently two seconds at 88 mph isn't long enough to disappear in a trail of fire. It is long enough, however, to get a ticket for almost $400 from an officer. Ouch.
But White, of Santa Clarita, California, didn't seem to mind. He was excited about driving the car that fast, and even the officer who stopped him couldn't help but smile. He even let White take a picture of the speed displayed on the radar gun.