Woo, nice work yall! You should get a special trophy for completing nightfall on Vita!
My vita knows no bounds
Woo, nice work yall! You should get a special trophy for completing nightfall on Vita!
Y'all wanna do another
Y'all wanna do another
Good run everyone. Thanks for letting me join, Hawkian. Been a while since I raided. Still a lot of fun to run. Hit 399 today. Almost at max light.
Thanks for putting together the raid Hawk, was nice running with all of you.
Nice. I am at 396/397 depending on what I use.
Also thanks for the run!
Thanks guys for the invite & the Icebrea.... Shadow Price...
If you are on PS4 just post here at a decent hour and I'm sure someone can help you out. Add me and I'll help if you see me on.I really need to get around to raiding hard mode or nightfall.
Anyone mind having me for a Nightfall? Would be the first I've done in over a year so can't promise to be that good but want to get it done before the event ends/get this bounty done. Am light 184.
PSN: tehSlacker
Yooo! Congrats!
Finished taken king, but now I need 280 light to start rise of iron, any content aside from raids that I should be doing to raise my light quickly?
My 4 year old was playing on the Tower and bought a bunch of stuff! Can I sell the stuff?
Congrats Woods!
Additional Item:
Are there 5 souls out there looking to do some SRL boosting? Its the last weekend for SRL so who still needs S-Class? Or conversely, are there 5 souls willing to help me get 1 first place win on Mars so I can finish the original SRL book?
When did you want to do this? I can join and probably ji66a too...so you'll have 3 at least.
When is easiest for the both of you? As its about 1am EST by me, I was planning on logging off for now, but I should be around late afternoon tomorrow.
Is there a way to buy only rise of iron digitally for the xbox one?
Taken King strikes should help. Alternatively, you could do PVP and SRL is probably the easiest way to do it. Roughly 5m long matches that roll LL appropriate gear (or at least its supposed to, I hate getting 365 light blue items when I am 397).
Any good way to easily get more glimmer? I went from 20K glimmer this morning to 9K. My 4 year old son went on a shopping spree!
Still no 3 of Coins from Xur but hes selling ROI Exotic Helm engrams so finally managed to get Astrocyte Verse and complete my exotic collection
Still no 3 of Coins from Xur but hes selling ROI Exotic Helm engrams so finally managed to get Astrocyte Verse and complete my exotic collection
Finishing up these this weekend! Strange coins > heavy synths > rep gets it done in no time.That's the only one I'm missing. Well, apart from the exotic class items. But I'm not gonna level all three factions to 25 three times. Screw that.
Its easy now to level your factions. I did all 3 on all 3 toons (yes, i know, i should get a life....).That's the only one I'm missing. Well, apart from the exotic class items. But I'm not gonna level all three factions to 25 three times. Screw that.
Haven't been playing much lately but I noticed Xur doesn't have 3oC anymore. How can I get them now?
It is a bug that was introduced in the last patch when they allowed Xur to sell 10 heavy synth packs. Since it doesn't have to do with MTs they will fix it whenever they get around to it, no rush.
I helped jimmy the day before yesterday with his NF and he got an IB on his first NF try. I helped woods last night and sure he got his IB. Now it's pretty clear that while I haven't got mine and probably never will, my help can boost other people's chance in getting the IB. So whoever wants the IB, my luck boosting service is now open for reservations.
Ice cold truthIt is a bug that was introduced in the last patch when they allowed Xur to sell 10 heavy synth packs. Since it doesn't have to do with MTs or giving the player a progression advantage then they will fix it whenever they get around to it, no rush.
I'll be available today and tomorrow. Probably will spend New Year playing Destiny.
Lmao this is how bad things have got, sweats are starting to play private matches at a lower light level but with 400 primaries to change the meta![]()
aw man...I thought getting to 400 would be a lot easier with Raids and higher level strikes...I am 392 light and just had the three exotic helmet engrams I bought from Xur all turn in to 391 helmets.
If I include the two special weapon exotics that decoded in to 391 4th Horseman yesterday that makes 5 freakin exotics in a row that have not helped me move up at all.
This game hates me