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Deus Ex: Human Revolution is cool


Great story, a great protagonist (Clint Eastwood with implants), great take on the near future with interesting narratives about the nature of implants and how robotics will impact society.

Mankind Divided was fine but rushed and didn't quite exceed the standard that Human Revolution set. It's such a shame that it locked the franchise into a stalemate, it sold ok but not enough to warrant an immediate continuation apparently, as Eidos-Montreal has been working alongside Crystal Dynamics on Tomb Raider and Marvel's Avengers rather than make the third game.

Right now, I would wager we are gonna get some new Deus Ex in some far-flung future, some new re-imagination from some new studio, but give me a break, Human Revolution has aged like fine wine and is as slick as ever and Square Enix should get the sticks out of their ass and fund a new game instead of making microtransaction nightmares that nobody wants.

Give me Adam Jensen once more, let me fight some cyborg cunt that exploits some financial loophole in China or whatever the hell on a next-gen console. Ray-tracing would also look cool as hell with all the metal and whatnot.


Boss Mog

Yeah the themes are very relevant to today's society on many levels, be it the ethics of scientific progress or the identity politics of natural vs augmented. Mankind Divided is also good but we only got half the game so obviously it stops right when it gets really interesting, I still had a blast with it though and the "A Criminal Past" DLC is a masterpiece that gives you all the feels of Prison Break.
I played through HR a few times and enjoyed my time with it. The game isn't quite as sandboxy as Deus Ex, but few games are. The sound and visual design is fantastic and really carries the game forward. Haven't given Mankind Divided any attention yet but I've heard mixed views.

This game is to the original Deus Ex what Bioshock was to System Shock 2. A decent game on its own merits, but a disappointment as a (spiritual) sequel. But hey, at least it's not Invisible War.
Yeah, fair.

I think Arkane is the studio that really picked up the Ion Storm / Looking Glass mantle this generation.
This game is to the original Deus Ex what Bioshock was to System Shock 2. A decent game on its own merits, but a disappointment as a (spiritual) sequel. But hey, at least it's not Invisible War.
I feel alone in my opinion that Invisible War was an amazing game. I actually played the original on PC, but Invisible War on the Xbox. It's one of my favorite games ever with so many memories. I remember using deadly gas in the nightclub killing everybody there and then robbing all of their bodies of stuff right in the beginning of the game to get a bunch of stuff. I remember walking the Illuminati guy in the glass cell and gassing him as well and that was an easy way of killing him because otherwise he just murdered me real easy if I attacked him. I also remember a glitch in the beginning where if you pushed Billy into the shower the shower would slowly drain her health and then she would die and it would basically break the game because she was actually the villain in the end. I had so many crazy experiences in this game using the physics and other styles of gameplay to almost break the game or do things that I thought were not even possible It seemed amazing to me. It wasn't open world which allowed me to go to different areas by flying to them and concentrating on those areas almost like Zelda like dungeons. I really liked the story, maybe the characters could use some work, there was even a time in the game towards the end where you flash back to the first game and get the dragon sword and whatever. I don't know I thought that game was cool as hell.


Gold Member
Really good game, but the only thing I didn't enjoy in HR was the boss fights.

What happened with Mankind Divided is disappointing, but I still enjoyed that game immensely.
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One of my all time favs

Tomb Raider having so many sequels (another one announced) despite being mediocre and this series not having a conclusion is just criminal

Mankind Divided was meh, but Human Revolution had it all. Characters, pacing, story, design, soundtrack ...


Really good game, but the only thing I didn't enjoy in HR was the boss fights.

What happened with Mankind Divided is disappointing, but I still enjoyed that game immensely.
Directors Cut has you covered regarding boss fights. The changes made them feel like more in line with the rest of the game.
This game is to the original Deus Ex what Bioshock was to System Shock 2. A decent game on its own merits, but a disappointment as a (spiritual) sequel. But hey, at least it's not Invisible War.
I wouldn't call them "decent" games, they are objectively at least good or better, both HR and Bioshock.
Times have changed, budgets rose dramatically and some streamlining/changes had to take place to let the games a success in the market.
I too would rather play a "true" Shock or Deus Ex sequel, with all the care to the details and mechanics, but the best we got previous gen was Arkane's Prey 🤷🏻‍♂️

Regarding Mankind Divided: that game had potential. Prague looks fantastic (first game i booted on my PS4 pro), the idea behind the powerfull overdrive mods was good in concept, but failed in execution sadly. Some npc's shined, some were crap. But it feels empty, rushed and cut and stiched for release. And we better not forget the pre-order marketing bullshit and the mtx craze...
Just played MD and it was my favorite western RPG in many years. 9.5/10 and I hope to god they go back to this series after Avengers failed.
MD was pretty cool. I actually think they improved on the gameplay and level design but the story just took too long to get going for me ( also the characters were pretty bland for the most part imo) as soon as it got good, BAM cliffhanger. I really hope we get a sequel to it.
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Mankind divided and human revolution plus all the dlc are the only parts of the series I've played but loved them.
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Neo Member
Mankind divided didn't click with me first when i played it back in 2016, but recently i picked it again and I'm loving it.
Even with 93 hours in I'm still finding side missions and playing with augs that i didn't experience in previous playtroughs.

I think most people didn't like mankind divided because it's a overwhelming game at first and you can easily get side tracked at any point due to the amount of approaches you can go trough combined with the plot that tackles many issues, and i would agree that human revolution flowed much better and that it felt more cohesive.

In therms of visuals and art style I think it's a masterpiece and that it's still better than 95% of games that come out today.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
It was one of my favorite games of last gen and strangely was one of the ONLY games SE didn't re-release last gen? I'd love to play it in 4K/60
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Loved HR and MD, and the original is my 2nd or 3rd favorite game ever. Hell, I also really liked Invisible War even if it was a downgrade from the original.
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Within my top 5 favorite games of the 360-PS3 gen.

Excellent plot and world-building, meaningful choices, great atmosphere ( the gold filter the game has was really well implemented, and till this day, it makes the game to have an actual unique look), good level design, perfect pacing & length, nice characters. Gameplay-wise was not super wow but it was serviceable and satisfying enough in order to make you feel like you were building-up a tactician or a futuristic-Batman type with a nice and pretty balanced progression system added into it.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Amazing game, sucks they dropped the ball a little with the sequel, hopefully they get another shot for a third one especially that epic unforeseen twist
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It's an absolute joke they put the DX franchise on "hiatus" because they got burned trying to shoehorn microtransactions and cutting story to string things out. MK is a decent game imo, and and never really get the "HR is a poor successor" argument as I enjoy both the same really, once nostalgia is taken out of the equation.


Yup, both games were great.

But it seems any FPS that wasn't just a straight up military shooter and implemented creative gameplay just got lost in the mix.
Great story, a great protagonist (Clint Eastwood with implants), great take on the near future with interesting narratives about the nature of implants and how robotics will impact society.
Awesome describe! 👌🏻

Yeah I really like the Deus Ex reboots. I never played the original. It's awesome to break into houses and turn the fridges to face the wall!

I wish there would be a next gen patch for both Human Revolution and Mankind Divided. Also a third one for new gen would be cool.
Sat down and played DE:HR (director's cut) just recently and thought it was pretty cool. About 10 years late to get to that party.
Deus Ex HR was the best WRPG released last gen, Mankind Divided is criminally underrated and ridiculed because of Eidos's greed, one of the best most atmospheric games to be released in the "immersive sim" genre and i enjoyed it immensely and i consider getting the "Foxiest of the Hounds" trophy one of my proudest achievments, i bought the DLC but still haven't played it out of sheer disappointment at SE when the deemed it a flop and put the series back to sleep and Eidos Montreal on the Tomb Raider series cause they chose Crystal Dynamics to make the flopped attempt at the huge cash cow franchise "The Avengers", Eidos Montreal made a fine game with Shadow of The Tomb Raider but it’s a waste of the talents of such a unique studio.


Funny seeing this thread. I just returned to this game for the first time since circa 2014? I never beat it. I made it to China and quit. I just restarted it this past week and just made it back to China. I switched to easy for the boss. The first sucked.
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Fantastic game. That's a cyberpunk game that really got the atmosphere right. I had a blast playing it on hard (Give me Deus Ex) and stealth style, avoiding to kill people except when the game demanded. And Jensen voice acting... perfect for the character.
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I played MD first, because I didn't think HR would be worth my time. Then... last year. Huge discount on the whole DE collection. I said what the hey?

Played HR and... MIND BLOWN. WAY better than MD and way better than I thought it'd be. Game was amazing.

The only true downside was that it was too long and I began to rush to the end, for my sanity. Just soooo much story. hehehe


Replayed it a few months ago. I agree, it is really good, I think I liked it even more than Human Revolution - thanks to Prague which is in my opinion one of the best hubs I've seen.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
I booted up the games not too long ago myself. I can finally run them at 60fps on my PC lol.
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I still listen to 3 songs from that brilliant soundtrack. Was replaying it on PC it is a amazing game. I feel like even Mankind Divided and this game are both deeper than Cyberpunk.
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In the 7th gen, HR was in a class of it's own (let's pretend the 'choose the colour' ending never happened). MK unfortunately get's a lot of shit because of how great HR was, I replayed MK recently after feeling conflicted upon completing my first playthrough and have walked away with a new realization for the game, the world building is second to none, Prague as a hub is the most realized most detailed video game space we've ever had in the medium, Warren Spectre would be proud (it's a shame about the framerate drops in certain spots though).

Mechanically MK builds on HR and trumps it's predecessor as it brings some welcome additions and experimenting with augs is a pure joy. It had all the elements in place to be the better game but what held it back are two things, lack of locales (HR took us around the globe) and the pacing of the story ( e.g abrupt ending). Some of the DLC which was clearly stripped from the main game can be found cheap nowadays and does help lift the game a little as it flows in tangent with the main game.
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