
I don't believe we've had a proper thread on Soul Hackers here, so let's resolve that, especially since there's a fan translation in the works.
This is a spoiler-free thread. Keep it that way if you've beaten the game; tag all spoilers!

This should be played at preferably high volume. [Opening]

Amami City, 1997. A coastal city designed to be a technological paradise and testing ground for a virtual reality world, Paradigm-X. This was made possible by funding from the Algon Software Corporation, the developers of Paradigm-X. The city provides citizens with free computer and internet access: via terminals situated all over the city, allowing users unlimited access to Paradigm X's network at will.

This is where you and your best friend, Hitomi, get involved. As members of the underground hacking team, The Spookies, you set out to get to the bottom of Paradigm X's schemes, and keep Amami City safe from the machinations of devils, summoners, and devil summoners.

(Virus Gift For You!)
The Players
The Protagonist

A freelancer hacker who joined The Spookies along with Hitomi.
Lives an otherwise mundane life in a high rise apartment with his parents and sister.

Well isn't that special.

Your best friend, a friendly, down-to-earth girl who knows all there is to know about Paradigm X, and then some.

The leader of the Spookies, and arguably the only member who knows the meaning of the phrase 'low-profile'.

A member of the Spookies' hacker clique. Mostly handles what you don't.
Real name: Sako Shingo. Likes: Guns, Horror Movies. 17 years old.

Another of the senior members, runs back-up and little else.
Real name: Kitegawa Junnosuke. Likes: Food. 19 years old.

Last and certainly least, the youngest member of the Spookies.
Hasn't yet realized an alias is important to being a hacker, apparently.
Haga Yu-ichi. Likes: Hacking, Spooky, the thought of being a super hacker, acting like an child.

Raidou fans, this one's for you. As Soul Hackers takes place in the future, Victor has mastered the occult science of the devil fusion process, and is now decked out as a pirate for some reason, complete with his own ship, and personal maid.

Victor's personal maid. Taciturn to a fault, but she knows her science well.
So enough of the background fluff. What makes Soul Hackers awesome?
I'm glad you asked!
First and foremost, atmosphere: Soul Hackers has it in spades.
The game takes place in a heavy cyberpunk world. Technology has control of everything. If you enjoyed the cyberpunk elements in SMT 1 & 2 and the flavor in Persona 2, you'll be in heaven here.

Soul Hackers is a first-person dungeon crawler similar to SMT 1 & 2 and Persona 1, for those who played the PSP game. This was an early Saturn game, later ported to the PS1, but it was developed after Persona 1 and the nigh unplayable first Devil Summoner game.
The dungeon movement is fully 3D with detailed backgrounds, multiple tiers, all kinds of nice touches. If you want a first person dungeon crawler, this is one of the finest varieties. R&D1 at their A-Game.

The battle system is an improvement over the previous Devil Summoner's, for sure.
Uses the same system, but with way more style.

Weapons and spells all have unique visual effects, and the enemies even get differently rendered deaths based on how you killed them.
Fusion is made especially simple. Similarly as in Strange Journey, it's done on the fly through a handheld device; the GUMP(GUn CoMPuter) Application.

Lastly, one of my favorite touches: nearly every NPC gets a unique portrait during conversation.

Anyway, enough about the game. You want it in English, yes?
Let Gemini and Tom help you with that.
They're hacking the PS1 version. Translation is almost done, hacking is still underway.
No ETA yet, sadly, but here's some screens to tide you over.

Translation Teasers
As I've been playing my Saturn copy, here's some videos I made of Soul Hackers in action.
Meet Dr. Victor
Extra-terrestrial Fusion
Lastly, here's some great music to help:
Town Map
Normal Battle
Algon Headquarters (Creepy.)
The Hotel Gouma-Den (Victor's crib. Persona/Velvet Room fans should recognize a tune or two; this is one of my favorite tracks.)
I'll keep you all updated on the translation progress. Maybe even livestream some Soul Hackers if the whimsy hits.