"No one can stop Death, Nephalem." -Malthael, Angel of Death
__Welcome to Diablo III: Reaper of Souls__
Release Date: March 25, 2014 (Rise of the Necromancer add-on June 27, 2017)
Platforms: PC (Also available on PS4/PS3/XB1/X360)
Price: $19.99 USD, $39.99 USD Deluxe, $14.99 Rise of the Necromancer Pack
Parental Rating: ESRB M (17+), PEGI 18+
Genre: Action RPG w/ 1 to 4 Players
Official Website: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/
Previous Thread: Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2|
Console Thread: Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT|
Current Patch: 2.6.1
Whether you're a new to the Diablo series, new to Diablo III, or returning after being turned off by the original game, Reaper of Souls has almost everything you could want from a loot-based action RPG, and then some. The monsters are as cruel, the hits are as hard, and the gear is as glorious as they ever have been before. Released on February 25, 2014, Diablo III Patch 2.0.1 changed so much about the original game that a once fading community seemed to rise from the dead. Clans exist, the difficulty system is revamped, the auction house is gone, Paragon 2.0, loot is greater and geared toward your current character, and you can actually find legendaries on a regular basis! That was just in the base game, Reaper of Souls (and subsequent patches) adds entire layers upon layers on top. (Please note there's so much more to this game after this OT was originally designed, including things like Seasons, Kanai's Cube, Legendary Gems, Higher Torment Levels, that you will need to definitely look into!)

"The lords of Hell combined as the Prime Evil are defeated, the Nephalem stands tall as the victor and hero of all creation, but evil never truly diminishes. Some months after the victory of the Nephalem at The Crystal Arch, Tyrael and the reformed Horadrim have made it their goal to hide the Black Soulstone (near indestructible) from falling into the hands of men, demons, and angels alike. Just as they had found the perfect location in the extremely remote underground Tomb of Rakkis, only one has found them: Malthael, the now proclaimed Angel of Death. Taking the Black Soulstone for his own purposes, Tyrael sends for the Nephalem, as their power will be needed again."
What is Act V?
Act V takes place in Westmarch, a vast gothic city located west of Khanduras in Sanctuary that is mentioned, but never visited, throughout the Diablo series, until now. You'll travel from the lowest slums of the inner city, to the farthest reaches of the surrounding marshes, what awaits is both glorious and terrifying.
♦ New Enemies
♦ New Environments
♦ New Lore
♦ New Items
♦ New Events
♦ New Bosses

"Are you getting sick of hearing various demons telling you about their plans in story mode? Well in Adventure Mode, you'll instead get to enjoy the company of Tyrael's new-found humanity!"
What are Bounties?
Bounties are set tasks. For example, locate and kill a unique monster or boss, complete an event, or clear a dungeon and be rewarded with experience and gold. You access a Bounty by using the way-point map (M key by default) and selecting a way-point marked with an exclamation mark (!) or Diablo's skull icon (indicating boss or quest boss).
♦ You need to complete Campaign mode once to access Adventure mode and Bounties.
♦ There are 25 random bounties per game, with five in each act, which can be completed in any order.
♦ Completing five bounties in an act awards you a Horadric Cache from Tyrael with better exclusive loot the higher the difficulty setting.
♦ Bounty types can range from "Complete an Event" to "Clear a Dungeon" to "Kill monster/boss".
♦ Bounties are not repeatable in the same game. You need to leave and begin a new game to refresh the bounties available.
♦ Bounties will also grant you Blood Shards for you to turn into the new gambling NPC Kadala, the daughter of Diablo II's Gheed.
♦ As of patch 2.3, Bounties now award unique crafting mats that can be used in legendary crafting recipes or to extract legendary powers with the new Kanai's Cube.
What are Rifts?
Nephalem Rifts are a special type of area within Diablo III, designed to provide an intense challenge and fast paced action over a 5-15 minute fully-randomized dungeon crawl. They are reminiscent of boss runs from Diablo 2, but will take place in special dungeons with fully-randomized enemies and environments, and will therefore play unlike any of the normal Act game content (even the boss you face at the end of a rift is random!). Nephalem Rifts are enabled for free by approaching the Nephalem Obelisk in each act town, which are taken to a special NPC in town. Players may choose to explore multiple Nephalem Rifts in the same game. Only one Nephalem Rift can be active at a time.
♦ You gain a substantial additional chance for legendaries to drop while in Rifts (+100% or more, depending on the difficulty).
♦ Rift Guardians, the bosses of Nephalem Rifts, will always drop a lot of Blood Shards for you to turn into Kadala for gambling items, as well as one to three Greater Rift Keystones.
♦ Greater Rifts are like normal Nephalem Rifts, except can scale much higher in difficulty, are tracked and ranked on leaderboards, have no loot until the boss, have a 15-minute target time, and can provide you with unique Legendary Gems, extremely powerful items that level up in Greater Rifts as you do! A Greater Rift Keystone is required to open, one at a time. Greater Rifts are a great way to show everyone just how efficient you really are at slaying the armies of Hell.

"There are two types of playable Zakarum warriors, Paladins and their even beefier cousins, the Crusaders."
What are Crusaders?
Crusaders are the new playable class in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls. Crusaders are attune to the Strength attribute, same as Barbarians, and are a bit slower, but hit just as hard. Read more at the official website.
♦ Uses the power of Wrath, a resource similar to the Monk resource Spirit.
♦ Wield 1-handed and 2-handed flails as well as exclusive off-hand Crusader Shields.
♦ They have a unique passive that lets them wield a 2H weapon in 1H with a shield. (They cannot dual-wield at all.)

"Pounds more of love, life, and the pursuit of just one more level."
What awaits me at the new level cap?
Crusaders aren't the only class wielding new skills and weapons. Along with all the new exclusive Level 70 legendaries, every existing class gets one new active skill with five skill runes and three new passives starting from 61.
♦ Demon Hunters gain Vengeance, a DPS-enhancing transformation skill.
♦ Barbarians gain Avalanche, a near-spammable damage AoE.
♦ Wizards gain Black Hole, a strong crowd controller.
♦ Monks gain Epiphany, a nice utility transformation skill.
♦ Witch Doctors gain Piranhas, an AoE damage amplifier.
Don't forget that once you hit Level 70 the

"Ah Celdo, how nice of you to ask!"
What is the Mystic?
Myriam is a Vecin, or a traveling fortune-teller in the world of Sanctuary. You will meet her in Act V and she has two very nice functions. One to make you stronger, and one to make you cooler.
What is Enchanting?
Enchanting is the act of swapping out one item property for another. Get a near perfect item that you wish could have crit chance instead of reduced resource cost? Give the Mystic a try (or few).
♦ Only one (1) item property may be rolled per item.
♦ The same property may be re-rolled as many times as you want, but the more you roll, the more it costs you.
♦ Rarer items will cost you more materials and gold.
♦ Enchanting any item will bound it to your account.
What is Transmogrification?
Simply put, it's making your gear look like another piece of gear. Want your 1H mace to look like a sword? Transmog it!
♦ Normal transmogrification recipes become available as you upgrade the mystic.
♦ Legendary items become available as recipes as soon as you find or identify them. (This includes picking up items from your friends.)
♦ Special transmogrification recipes are available to those who meet requirements like advancing in a Season or buying the Collector's Edition of the game.
♦ Only items that can be dyed can also be transmogrified. (Helm, Shoulders, Gloves, Chest, Pants, Boots.)
♦ As of Patch 2.4.3, the Mystic can now also dye your items herself, with a small fee of gold.

"Hey, remember when Magic Find was a thing?"
Official Game Guide
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Diablo III General Database
DiabloFans Community and Builds
Diablo III Wiki
Diablo Wikia
Special Thanks To
♥Yoshichan - For making a HYPE inducing OT1/OT2 and being a generally hype guy.
♥Ashodin - For getting the first clan hitting the ground running.
♥Raticus79 - For being a fantastic clan leader.
♥CarbonatedFalcon - For making the original OTs years ago.
♥Ryan_ - For making and managing the original clan thread.
♥Blizzard "Team 3" - For making Diablo III the wonderfully remade game it is today, Josh Mosquiera and team have done a fantastic job.
♥Diablo-GAF - For being awesome!