
Creator and director of the 1st game, Mikami Shinji, also tweeted about the 20th anniversary today.

Shinji Mikami - Wikipedia
Hiroyuki Kobayashi, planner of Dino Crisis 1, and producer of Dino Crisis 2 and 3 also tweeted about it.
Kobayashi is still employed by Capcom, working as a producer.
Hiroyuki Kobayashi (producer) - Wikipedia

Dino Crisis beta and early concepts
Highlights fron an interview (Shinji Mikami's words)
Original idea: A Capcom employee wanted to make an adventure game located in an island and the player had to escape the island. There would have been no human beings in that island, only animals of sorts. Mikami kept the dinosaurs only while throwing away the rest of the animals.
Scenario: It took 2 intense months to write down the scenario.
Development: 35 people worked during the span of 2 years and 7 months to get the game done.
Artificial Intelligence: 2 developers worked full time on the dinosaurs A.I.
Dinosaurs animations: Developers studied the movements-motion of crocodiles, birds and big cats.
Game Engine: It was created specifically for Dino Crisis.
Things to Regret: Due to technical limitations, the dinosaurs can't hunt you down by smelling the blood of your injuries (as Mikami would have wanted initially).
Changes: Western version is harder (than the Japanese) having the auto aim removed and the Continues lessened..
Zombies or Dinosaurs? Mikami likes RE1 more than RE2, but he prefers Dino Crisis over the two of them.

Dino Crisis (video game) - Wikipedia

Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis (ディノクライシス, dino kuraishisu?) is a 1999 video game developed by Capcom Planning Room 2 and released in 1999. Produced by Shinji Mikami, the game took inspirations from Resident Evil's RPG features such as item management and exploration. However, unlike other so-called "Resident Evil...
This far, this is the only official word that Capcom has given about Dino Crisis.
In December 2017 when Jawmuncher, a long-lasting champion/proponent of the Dino Crisis series, asked Capcom Development Division 1 about the possibility of seeing a new Dino Crisis anytime soon, they replied the following :
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