I will probably get a lot of flack for this but while i appreciate this game i dont think highly of it, in all honesty i think its pretty overrated.
As to why i shall explain in short, but if you want me to elaborate feel free to ask.
So the reasons that i dont praise Disco Elysium as high as others is because its not really a good game, by that i mean game design, I played and finished this game and while i had my fun and i think its a worthwhile game, in terms of mechanics i did nothing for 30 hours, all i found myself doing was reading huge walls of text, now you would tell me thats the point and i agree, but its a VIDEO GAME, its not a book nor its a visual novel, this is a RPG.
Its called a detective RPG, but you do nothing of that, you dont do detective work, no investigation, no puzzles, no interaction with the game systems or environment, literally nothing. Imagine how much better it would be if you can find hidden items, interact with them to solve puzzles, find your way around things in different ways, using physics or elementals to progress through an area, having a level so complex and full of multilayered layout that is fun to explore and find lore stuff, or clues for the case or even side quests. BUT NOPE

the game spits it out all the time, the player doesnt need to do anything basically just keep clicking on those small dots and read dialogue for 30 hours, even without combat they can include gameplay, the game design in Disco Elysium is so shallow and that makes the interactivity so boring for me.
Now onto the other reason, i honestly found the story to be meh, by story i mean main plot, for a game touted as a masterpiece in writing the plot surely was disappointing, it has an interesting premise but falls apart in the last third with one of the most underwhelming ending i had in RPGs! furthermore while the dialogue is well written at most of the time, at certain times it can come off as cringy and goofy, the political encounters for example seem unbalanced, one ideology gets lots of nuances and depth and exposure while others are simply stereotyped to death by pulling lines straight from the depths of Reddit, this becomes annoying when you start to take it seriously then find out the game is trolling you.
Another reason is the Choice and Consequence system, its a game fully focused on dialogue, ffs this game has less branching paths and choices than Witcher and Mass Effect and its a CRPG build around ONLY dialogue, can you imagine that?! You realize this once you replay the game and find out that most of your choices dont matter, i remember Cyberpunk got shit on for this exact thing but Cyberpunk was a gigantic game with lots of aspects to polish and put resources into, this one was built around one thing and yet still fails to deliver, somehow its the greatest written rpg of all time, go figure.
The last reason is the presentation, now it may seem silly and shallow that i talk about this, but i honestly dont find it impressive even here, like lets take for example the soundtrack, i liked a total of 3 tracks out of 20+ WTF is this? most RPGs have amazing soundtracks, not this one, Skyrim, Witcher, Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, Xenogears, Planescape Torment and VTMB are examples of games with music that i like and remember later, Disco Elysium didn't deliver me any of this.
Now its not all doom and gloom as it may seem, I DO appreciate this game, as i said above, so what do i like about it?
First I like that its unique, in a time where games are mostly Triple A generic action adventure, or Indie pixel games, Disco Elysium is a genuine breath of fresh air.
Second i like the art style, it has this oily painting look that keeps it artsy.
Third i like the dialogue and the voice acting, they kept me engaged for all those hours
Fourth i like the thought cabinet system, its a cool and neat idea to present themes and psychological aspect to your character building.
Fifth I think Kim Kitsuragi is a great character.
Thats about it, i recall the side quests being a mixed bag, and the atmosphere being decent.
Its a worthwhile game, good to experience it once, but i dont agree with its widespread praise at all.