Stumbled upon a subreddit that's all about sharing your favorite game ideas, thought it would be cool to hear what kind of stuff GAFfers would like to see
Here are mine:
Slashers - A horror action roguelike inspired by horror movies
Goddess of the Sky - an Organ Trail-style ascent of Mount Everest
Wendigo - gory stealth action
Here are mine:
Slashers - A horror action roguelike inspired by horror movies
The basic premise is that you play a character in a randomly generated location and must complete certain tasks and escape. Not sure if it would be third person or first. A single masked enemy is hunting you through your playthrough; there would be several types of enemies, each inspired by a horror movie archetype:
The most important and critical feature would be the enemy AI. It can't just be another game enemy. The killer would have to be intelligent and reactive, able to learn and adapt to your tactics, become more aggressive and reckless as he's wounded. Since there's only one enemy, conflicts would need to be tense and extended: not just whacking at an enemy, but maybe waiting and stabbing a leg with a screwdriver to slow him down, or barely escaping a struggle and limping through the forest with the killer right behind you. You'd be weak and easy to kill so smart planning and improved tactics would be a must.
- Slow but nearly unkillable and unstoppable. You can only slow him down (Jason)
- The hooded child, fastest and can hide and ambush you (Them, Citadel)
- The masked twins (the Strangers), they can set traps and work together to distract and blindside you
- The crossbow wielding stalker, who actively hunts you down (You're Next)
- The subtle stealthy killer, who waits in the shadows and attacks when you least expect it, always one step ahead (think Michael Myers)
- An otherworldly killer, can teleport and close off doors and change the layout of the world (Kruger)
- An aggressive savage beast that can track you (Dog Soldiers, horror movie creatures)
- A dark being that can disable lights and electricity, weak against certain weapons (Pinhead, other demonic killers)
Levels could range from the good old camp grounds to a farm/corn field, school, warehouse, abandoned house, a school, a carnival, the woods, and more. Your primary goal is to escape, preferably find a vehicle and get out of the there, but on foot would be an option to, if you find the vehicle has been disabled already. Your secondary goals would all be tangentially related to that: find the keys, repair the vehicle, find an entrance into the garage, stuff like that. You can also try to kill your enemy, but that would be easier said than done
But all the while you're being hunted a masked killer. How do you react? Stay stealthy and hide? Get a weapon to protect yourself? Go on the defensive and rig traps and barriers? Just run like hell?
Also there could possibly character classes based on the stereotypical genre types, such as:
Leaving one area would lead to another, they'd have randomly generated layouts and the killer would randomly assigned each time. There could random events too: the police show up, your cell phone starts ringing (gives away your location), you break an ankle (can only limp), etc. The enemy follows you as well, and damage you inflict in one area persists to the next. Killing the slasher is the main way to win
- the Athletic has better stamina and strength but can't repair vehicles or rig traps
- the Student knows how to repair and set traps but has poor stamina and must really on stealth
- the Girl starts off with low stats but they boost as she becomes more damaged or when the killer attacks, etc.
Goddess of the Sky - an Organ Trail-style ascent of Mount Everest
The game would be titled Goddess of the Sky, which is the literal translation of the Nepali name for Everest ("Sagarmatha"). Your objective is to start from base camp, reach the summit, and make it back to the base...or not. You'd have a randomly assigned team of four climbers, chosen from a variety of personality and perks. Based on these characters, you have to strategically pre-plan for the ascent, from hiring Sherpas to purchasing bridging ladders and more durable tents and equipment. Any and all your team will be able to die. If your entire team dies or you're forced to be rescued, that's game over
Then you'd have to plan each day of your climb. Certain activities would take more time to complete, be more risky or less risky, have various consequences for your team. You'd also have to consider weather systems and ground stability, stopping to feed and rest your team, oxygen levels at higher altitudes, sickness and frostbite, different mountaineering dangers, etc. Routes that were viable before may not be available after a storm or avalanche occurs. You also have to keep your team moral and focus up by resting often and in safe places, granting recreational time, and choosing relatively safe routes. But will you put the goal of reaching the top before the safety and well-being of your team?
So for example: you're halfway up Everest. Thanks to the wealthy climber on your team, you have better laptops and a support station at base and thus can more accurately predict the path and strength of a coming storm. You need to move your current camp and get to a safer location. The less risky route would be more time consuming and if you lose time, you may find your team trapped in the storm. But the risky route will take you through an unstable area with a high percentage of resulting in an avalanche.
One of your team is already suffering from mild frostbite so you decide to take the safer but longer route and rest less to gain more time. But this results in one of your exhausted team members falling into a crevasse. Now you have to choose between taking time to wait for a rescue team or moving on and saving the rest of your team from the incoming storm. Leaving the man behind would take a hit on your team's morale and focus for the rest of the expedition.
The game visuals would be a simple map of the mountain, with various overlays that display weather systems and stability. Hazards like crevasses, areas that require climbing, iced over slippery areas, etc. would be displayed on the map too. Your team would be represented by a group of four icons whose color represent their status.
More ideas could be:
- A competitive multiplayer mode in which players each control a team and try to claim the summit and return to base first
- A historic mode, where you only have the equipment and gear of certain eras
- Modifiers such as no supplemental oxygen, solo ascent, rescue team (goal is to reach as many trapped or stranded climbers as possible before a storm hits), etc.
- New Game Plus: successfully completing an expedition grants you special funding for your next trip, team members that have made the climb are more experienced on future trips, and unlock special perks and traits since they're becoming known famous climbers
Wendigo - gory stealth action
So the premise is that you play a man cursed by a coven to become a wendigo and suffer for eternity. This curse forces you to feast on humans or starve to death and the hunger changes you into a monstrous beast, the titular Wendigo.
The game would be played from an isometric view and each map would be a mini sandbox, similar to the Hitman games. The player would be able to switch between two forms: human and wendigo. In human form, you lose health at a slower rate but are not as fast and much more susceptible to normal weapons. In human form, you can hide in crowds, crouch and peer around corners, use enemy weapons and grab enemies to drag them out of sight or use as a human shield. Cursed weapons don't have much of an effect on you. You can even wear enemy uniforms to hide among them and sabotage them from within.
As a wendigo, you lose health at an extremely accelerated rate, but can jump onto rooftops, stalk enemies from the trees, hide in snowbanks and cling to ceilings. You're as fast as the wind, bigger and stronger than a regular human, and can tear enemies apart with your claws and fangs. But these attacks are much louder and leave a bloody mess that can alert guards (or scare them). Cursed weapons kill you almost instantly but normal weapons barely hurt you. NPCs flee from you. Magic countermeasures can detect your presence.
So the game would require the player to balance their dropping health (which is restored by feeding on NPCs and enemies) and weighing the options of remaining more stealthy but easier to kill or trade health and anonymity for speed and the killing prowess of the wendigo.
The story would revolve around the man's quest to free himself from the curse and get revenge on the coven. The story would start in the early 18th century and levels would periodically take place along his lifetime till the end of the 21st century. Enemies would get stronger and more dangerous as technology advances, but the options and tactics available to you would also expand. An 18th century guard post might be guarded by tripwires and a watchman, while future camps would have motion detectors and auto sentry guns. The covens would grow more aware of you as time passed and create new obstacles to stop you, like runes that create barriers and possessed enemies that can track your scent.