TEAM TKG (DF-banned)
LR: Aim To Win is the code name of the team-wars' third season which, as implied by the name, strives to make them more competitive by bringing a fair share of upgrades to the table. Here are the axes of improvement that painlessly sort out the garbage of the previous seasons.
- Simplifying teams' rules.
- Simplifying challenges' rules.
- Five systems to play matches with.
- The great return of ladders.
- Monetary prizes.
A team consists in the alliance of a minimum of two persons. Teams are no longer capped by a certain amount of players. Teams' leaders don't have any actual role other than deciding whether their team recruits or not. Players are welcome to settle challenges on their own.
Teams' threads are deemed to be sub-communities from now on, meaning that they do not have a specific topic for discussion. They can serve for more than just to arrange challenges, you can also use them to talk about whatever you want. Alternatively, you can post what would've been your team's thread's OP over at DF in this right thread. That isn't a mandatory step to register your team into this event tho.
Should you be a newcomer to the scene and interested into team-wars, you will have to find the way of recruitment on your own. Show activity, come to visit #DDFFCasual... partake into the community of Dissidia in a word, and you will eventually catch a leader's attention.
There are now five systems to play your challenges with rather than the usual counter-picking system. Note that a team is considered to be a single player, which means all kinds of decisions, be it stage-striking or counter-picking, are made by the collective and voiced by the players about to play the matches of the set. For the sake of simplicity, the five systems will be worded as if they were all meant for 1vs1, even though there is no limit on the number of participants for the challenge: they can be 1vs1, 1vs2, 1vs3, 1vs4, 2vs2, 2vs3... up to 4vs4.
- BP = Blind-Pick
- CL = Character-Lock
- SCP = Stage Counter-Picking
- CCP = Character Counter-Picking
- WS = Winner of the previous Set
- LS = Loser of the previous Set
- MU = Match-Up
#1 CCP & SCPSet 1: Ask a third party to
randomize the following sequence to settle the first stage to play on.
- 1. Dreams' End
- 2. Crystal World
- 3. Empyreal Paradox
- 4. Sky Fortress Bahamut
- 5. Top Floor
- 6. Pandaemonium
- 7. M.S. Prima Vista
Both players then pick their character and customize at will. A blind-pick can always be requested if a dispute arises.
Set 2: WS is allowed to ban a single stage before LS gets to select the stage to play on. LS selects a stage. WS announces his character. Only then, LS announces his character. Both players customize at will. Repeat the procedure for all following sets.
#2 BP & SCPSame as above, except that blind-picks are mandatory.
#3 BP, SCP & capped MUSame as above, except that both players have to redo the blind-pick in case the upcoming MU's value is higher than 6-4.
#4 CL & SCPBoth players pick characters that will constitute their team for the challenge. They cannot play as any other character than those. You must provide the third-party with your line-up before randomization to prevent counter-picking to happen. Both teams will be publicly revealed only once they have been queried to the third-party. Usually played with three characters.
#5 CL & restricted SCPSame as above, except that your team has to be balanced by tiers. You are limited to one character for SSS to S, two for A+ and A and there is no limit below that. An example would be that you pick Prishe (S), Cloud Strife (A) and Kain Highwind (B).
- Official.
- Jobs banned.
- Infinites banned.
- Brute Force banned.
- Via Dolorosa banned.
- Hacked items banned.
- Any other form of cheating banned.
Bans in effect for the challenge are to be decided by the challenger. Alternatively, you can play using the custom rule-set
Dissidia Must Die.
- Challenge a team either in this thread or over at DissidiaForums.
- Settle the participants.
- Settle the format (1vs1, 2vs2, 1vs2, 2vs3, etc. and First To X).
- Settle the system.
- Settle the bans.
- Play.
- Report results either in this thread, over at DissidiaForums or by shooting me a mail at [email protected].
- Wait for me to Elo count the challenge. This process takes time and is rather boring to do, so be patient.
- Look forward to me posting the spreadsheet over at #DDFFCasual once the update is done.
Rankings will be split into two scales this time around: teams and individual. Ladders will be the rankings' system used along with
this Elo calculator. Each team and player will kick in with 1000 Elo points. Calculations will be respectively made as per according to the following.
Team A vs Team B ~> Team A won the challenge or set~> Calculation
Player A vs Player B ~> Player A won the match ~> Calculation
It also implies that players are capable to challenge their fellow team-mates for individual rankings. In the event players move to another team mid-season, they still keep their current Elo points. Final top 3 will earn monetary prizes as per according to the following formulas.
- Prize for the 1st ~ 2*[Number of participants]$
- Prize for the 2nd ~ 40%*[Prize for the 1st]$
- Prize for the 3rd ~ 50%*[Prize for the 2nd]$
Both final rankings will be announced once this season's tournament is over; refer to the beginning of this post for more information. Prizes shall be offered at that time, let alone the first team's seasonal icons, which will be distributed over at DF right before the tournament starts.