No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Before we begin this game does contain the usual Fanservice type of content that some Compile Heart titles are known for. So lets keep this thread from getting locked and not be dumbasses by posting pictures which are obviously inappropriate for GAF itself. This thread is for those curious about the game and its mechanics not the usual suspects looking to stir shit up.
Product Info
Frequently Asked Questions
Being a Compile Heart game they usually put in a lot of effort with the story that goes with the game so expect a lot of story event scenes. All of these scenes are fully voiced. Will be addressed in another Q&A section here.
Although also being a Compile Heart game and this one in particular contains fanservice heavy event scenes also and touch minigame. So those interested in the title but dislike fanservice might want to look through more information provided at the very bottom of this OP through the Gematsu article links which describe the various systems in the game itself.
The difficulty settings Easy / Normal / FEAR also effects your Exp / $$$ gains. Easy mode will cut your EXP / $$$ gains by 25% while FEAR will double that.
Most important factor in this title would be getting your AGI (Agility) rating high due to it effecting your turn in combat. Along with defense of course.
There are a lot of varied descriptions in the dungeons with events and other whatnots where reading them would be helpful.
*Credits to Gematsu
For those who can read Japanese here is an actual Japanese review from a trusted source. Though would be warned as they do a complete review it potentially contains spoilers and such.
JP Wiki says that it may take up to 80 hours to obtain a platinum with this game.
Launch Trailer (Possibly NSFW during brief touch mechanic content)
6 Minute Promo Trailer (Possibly NSFW during brief touch mechanic content)
Opening Movie
Job System Trailer
Music Video for the Mary Skelter OP song「予め失われた僕らのバラッド」Music Video(Short Ver.) by the EARPHONES
Recorded gameplay footage from first chapter of the game - Part 1 (not my footage)
Recorded gameplay footage from first chapter of the game - Part 2 (not my footage)
Finally got the chance to have a good amount of time set to play Mary Skelter. Been playing it directly on the Vita this time around and not the Vita TV at the moment. Game runs great and no real issues at the moment. Though it is suggested you update your game if you do have it due to fixes in the recent patch help address some issues with crashes and whatnots. Granted I have not run into any at this time, they do exist apparently. Which is no surprise for Compile Hearts stuff. The next upcoming patch will also have some useful changes to the game such as increasing the players inventory count from 35 to 99 among other things listed below. (Might translate this later)
Translations below might not be 100% accurate as folks familiar with me know I literally hate translating shit due to this is not my thing. Anyone who wants to make corrections please do feel free and let me know which sections in specific and will do an update to the patch notes.
First Patch 1.01
Current Patch 1.02
This game plays like most other Dungeon RPGs in the sense of exploration and such. Though there are a lot more various gimmicks around which is appreciated as it adds a bit more flavor to the dungeons themselves. Apparently also gives you a bit more of a reason to drag along certain characters as some have skills which can be used on the map to open up new areas and such.
Combat is also fairly straight forward with the standard turn based combat fans of the genre are used to.
Though the one unique feature of the game is that Critical / Weak and Overkill damage on the enemy have the chance to cover your characters in the blood of your enemies which can activate your Genocide mode when the blood gauge is filled. When in the Genocide mode your characters stats are raised and new skills become available for use. Also depending on the characters when you damage or defeat enemy characters you are able to recover HP and SP. The one downside with Genocide mode is that you are unable to really plan for its use due to it will activate automatically once the blood gauge has been filled.
The next game system related to the Genocide mode is the Blood Skelter mode which is basically caused by negative actions towards your characters during battle caused by death or critical hits? But basically what it does is totally transforms your characters appearance and causes them to go berserk attacking both enemy and allies alike. You can prevent or recover from Blood Skelter mode by using Jack's blood on said character who has become tainted or transformed.
Jack the main character due to story related reasons his blood is able to purify the other party members if they become tainted. Once the Mary Gun becomes active for use Jack will come with a blood gauge showing how much you have available for use while in the dungeon. This gauge can be refilled through skills or items, though running out will cause Jack to faint. If he loses all Life Points he will become incapacitated. (These LP are represented by heart icons while in battle). The Mary Gun can also be used in the dungeon on objects and such. And just the same as in battle this will deplete Jack's blood gauge when used. Jack also has a chance to faint after using the Mary Gun regardless of blood remaining. So that needs to be taken into consideration when in battle and when to use it.
One other game mechanic related to Jack is that while he is unable to actually perform combat related actions he can act as a meat shield for one of the other party members totally blocking damage for said character. Though there is a potential chance he will be K.O.ed for a few rounds as a result. Too many K.O.s will result in him losing LP. Once all LP are lost he will become incapacitated. Jack is also able to use items on the other party members during combat. So far it seems that he will always perform said actions first in battle so generally using him as a way to heal party members or cure status ailments is quite useful.
The main portion of combat will be done through the female party members that you will meet during the story. These characters all come with a default class with skills that can be unlocked through spending skill points earned when you level up. Each character also has multiple Classes that they can change into if you have the required resources for the Class Change. These items are the Blood Tokens (forgot what the official name is) that are dropped from enemies after combat and are also used for upgrading your characters skill slots and strengthening equipment. So basically you will be doing a lot of grinding to collect these as the costs for the classes and eventually equipment will become quite high. Specific blood tokens are dropped by certain enemy types also which will add to the need for constant fighting.
This game also uses elemental type of damage that goes in the following order of Strong vs Weak
--> Fire ---> Wind ---> Lightning --> Earth --> Water --> Fire (Repeat)
Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, Accessories are found as item drops from combat, treasure chests in the dungeon or the wandering merchant that can be met at random while exploring. The actual shop within the town does not seem to sell equipment at this time outside of expendable items / furniture.
Equipment for your characters can be upgraded using those blood tokens which are dropped from enemies. Different pieces of equipment will require different blood tokens. Also each piece of equipment upgrades in a different way. So example one weapon when upgraded its ATK power goes up, while a different weapon the AGI stat goes up. So basically do not expect stuff to all upgrade in a similar fashion. This makes the player put a bit more thought into what they want to have equipped on your characters as it goes a bit beyond the simple ATK or DEF stats going up when upgraded.
Characters when they level up all stats are raised automatically. The only thing the player raises themselves is spending the skill points earned to learn new or upgrade existing class skills. Outside of the active skills some classes also have passive skills which can be upgraded by spending skill points into them. Such as Alice's HP UP for her Fighter Class that increases her Maximum HP.
Outside of dungeon exploration back at the main town / base you can help upgrade your party members rooms by gifting them furniture which not only changes the rooms appearance but increases their affection towards you. The higher the affection rating the more character events will become unlocked for viewing. You are also able to give gifts to your party members back at the base to help raise the affection level. Each character has likes and dislikes so you will need to experiment to see what their preferred gift items are. From what Ive seen so far you will be spending a ton of cash on this due to how little the bar goes up when gifts are given.
There are a total of 9 known party members who will become unlocked for use as the player progresses in the Story. These 9 party members are broken down into 5 Main Classes which are as follows below.
The subclass breakdown of these 5 main types is as follows below.
Fighter Type
Libero Type
Science Type
Archer Type
Magician Type
Job System Trailer
Once again as mentioned these classes can only be unlocked if you have the correct Blood Token requirements met. Basically you spend that amount to change classes. Due to the low amounts you gain at the start of the game do not expect to be able to go swapping out classes right away.
Classes also have specific weapons that can / cannot be equipped. Though you will be able to check this before changing classes to ensure you do not switch to a class that you do not have usable equipment for.
This game also allows you to Level Down your characters to specific set levels which allows for you to re-earn skill points that will help you max out your characters skills. Have not messed with this system yet so am not exactly sure how it works past this at the moment apart from what I saw from the tutorial text.
In game you have a maximum of 5 active combat Party Members who can be set to Front and Back row for their formation. Technically it is 6 members if you include Jack, but for members who can actually perform combat actions it is just 5 members. You will start out with 2 characters + Jack and from there obtain more party members as you progress in the story.
Game is not so difficult that you will have trouble with only 2 members for the first part of the story also so there is no real need for concern with the initial low party member count.
As some might have seen this game has something that looked like the F.O.E. system from the Etrian Odyssey system. Basically in this game there is an "unkillable" enemy type called a Nightmare. These events can happen at random, but you will generally be able to tell when you are near one / event possibly occurring due to the map area becoming dark and you hear the growling noise made by the Nightmare. If the Nightmare chase event starts, you basically need to run as far away as possible from said Nightmare creature to escape from the event. The Nightmare will be moving in real time so you are unable to stand around and think about where to go. Your minimap will also be disabled during this event and the darkened map makes navigation much more difficult. Thankfully if there are blood splatters from enemies defeated on the ground it helps light up the surrounding area. The Nightmare can also damage your player while chasing you so be sure to try to keep out of its general line of sight. You will also be unable to open the standard game menu during this time so any healing that needs to be done must be done during battle with the Nigthmare.
If you become trapped or collide with the Nightmare creature combat will begin. While you will be unable to "kill" the Nightmare you can knock it out for a short period of time allowing you to pass through it and continue your escape from its pursuit. Once you escape from the Nightmare you will be able to continue your exploration as normal.
While this may sound like a pain in the ass to some, its not as bad as it seems. Have not died from it yet and am playing on the hardest difficulty. Though you will take a lot of damage from single attacks during combat with the Nightmare so just be sure to keep yourself properly healed during combat if the situation calls for it.
During dungeon exploration there will be various bonus roulette events that can occur when specific conditions are met. Some info below taken from Gematsu give a brief explanation of the three desire system.
In my own game managed to unlock a new area with this roulette system. Pretty interesting and the gauges can be filled rather quickly so its not as if your progression will really be hindered by this. Something fresh which is appreciated for a genre that is always seen as being too simplistic.
In regards to the touch mechanics with the game have not gotten to that part yet as am still exploring / leveling currently as my 2 new members started off a bit lower level than my current party due to us over leveling from collecting Blood Tokens and resources.
Overall am quite happy with the title as it has fantastic artwork both with the characters and backgrounds used. Dungeon design is nice and the varied gimmicks are appreciated. Do hope that this keeps up through all the dungeons as it makes exploring much more interesting. The game also sports a pretty good soundtrack.
The one small issue Ive seen so far is the lack of variation with the monsters currently in the first dungeon. As there are palette swap types, though seems as if they are using the colors to represent the potential elemental weakness of said monster. That and in general Compile Heart games were never good at enemy variation to begin with so there is that too. Also this game seems to be a bit on the easy side so far even on the hardest difficulty setting available for a first run through.
But overall with the characters / story and gameplay mechanics do think this is most def a title worth picking up for DRPG fans. Though as mentioned before it can be fanservice heavy as expected with some Compile Heart titles. So do keep that in mind when making the decision to purchase the game or not. This more has to do with event scenes or the purification touch minigame rather than enemy designs. (At least so far anyways)
The story though seems to be a bit more dark than the usual stuff they do which is interesting. Nice bit of mystery thrown in there too so it helps you want to progress with the story to see how things play out with the narrative. Voice acting is well done also. Though the MC is a bit irritating with how his character is written though thats more a personal issue of mine since I hate whiny motherfuckers lol. Hopefully that should improve as the story progresses. As he is not a total dumbass thankfully. While not exactly the same there is a bit of Mikasa / Eren type of chemistry going on between Alice and Jack. Though Jack is not as stupid as Eren thankfully.
While I know the whole formatting of the info and whatnots in this OP was a bit of a mess hope that helps give folks a general idea about the game. Will be editing this post a bit more but just putting it out there now as am late as is with the Import Impressions. Downgraded this from an OT as in general the import community seems to have shrank quite a bit over the years and schedule wise do not have as much time to waste on OT projects that wont get much attention. So usually smaller titles will wind up being similar to this one if I take the time to do any in the near future.
For those looking for more information on Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter check out the loads of information that Gematsu has translated.

Product Info
Title: Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter
Platform: PlayStation Vita (PSVTV Compatible)
Release Date: 10-13-2016 (JPN)
Genre: Riddle Solving x Panic x Active 3D Dungeon RPG
Publisher: Compile Heart
Player(s): 1
CERO: D (17 and Up)
Price PlayStation Vita:
Package : 7,344 JPY (tax inc.)
Limited : 9,504 JPY (tax inc.)
Download: 6,480 JPY (tax inc.)
Frequently Asked Questions
A: NA / EU Summer 2017Q: Has there been any word on a localization announcement for this game yet?
A: Mary Skelter is a narrative heavy Dungeon RPG (First person grid based navigation / Random encounter & Turn based combat). So those familiar with the genre should know what to expect.Q: What type of game is this?
Being a Compile Heart game they usually put in a lot of effort with the story that goes with the game so expect a lot of story event scenes. All of these scenes are fully voiced. Will be addressed in another Q&A section here.
Although also being a Compile Heart game and this one in particular contains fanservice heavy event scenes also and touch minigame. So those interested in the title but dislike fanservice might want to look through more information provided at the very bottom of this OP through the Gematsu article links which describe the various systems in the game itself.
A: Thankfully it seems to be just granting extra bonuses to your characters if used. Does not appear to be something that you must use constantly.Q: Are the touch minigame mechanics necessary?
A: Mary Skelter's event scenes are all fully voiced. Including the male MC Jack. Although when he is thinking to himself those lines are not voiced for whatever reason. You can also set the MC and Male Character voices off in the Game Options.Q: Are the story scenes in the game full or partial voice?
A: Clear time would be a bit longer than this, but from a trusted source they say its around 27 hours. Though this player in particular is quite adept at roflstomping games so their clear time is usually a lot faster than the average players. So Id say 35-40 would be a fair estimate for the average player.Q: How long is this game?
A: Im playing on the current hardest setting that is available from the start of the game and honestly this title is not too difficult yet. Even more so if one is used to the genre. Once you get your characters properly leveled and equipment upgraded you can pretty much steamroll most enemies.Q: How difficult is this game?
The difficulty settings Easy / Normal / FEAR also effects your Exp / $$$ gains. Easy mode will cut your EXP / $$$ gains by 25% while FEAR will double that.
Most important factor in this title would be getting your AGI (Agility) rating high due to it effecting your turn in combat. Along with defense of course.
A: Since this game is narrative heavy to fully enjoy it having some sort of understanding of Japanese would be helpful. On top of being able to read all the various skills for your characters since leveling is done via assignment of Skill Points. So you do not exactly want to waste those, unless you want to constantly regrind your characters by leveling down and re-earning more points to allocate again.Q: Do I need to know Japanese to play this game?
There are a lot of varied descriptions in the dungeons with events and other whatnots where reading them would be helpful.
A: Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter (PS Vita) – 8/8/8/8 [32/40]Q: Are there any official review scores out?
*Credits to Gematsu
For those who can read Japanese here is an actual Japanese review from a trusted source. Though would be warned as they do a complete review it potentially contains spoilers and such.
A: Here is the Japanese Trophies list (In Japanese)Q: Is there a list for the trophies?
JP Wiki says that it may take up to 80 hours to obtain a platinum with this game.
A: No English Wiki if thats what you mean, but heres a Japanese one instead.Q: Is there a wiki for this game?
A: The OST for Mary Skelter has been announced for a December 12th 2016 release. It will contain the OP / ED song + 25 BGM for a total of 27 tracks and will cost 2,500 (w/o tax)Q: I like the games music when will the OST be released?
Launch Trailer (Possibly NSFW during brief touch mechanic content)
6 Minute Promo Trailer (Possibly NSFW during brief touch mechanic content)
Opening Movie
Job System Trailer
Music Video for the Mary Skelter OP song「予め失われた僕らのバラッド」Music Video(Short Ver.) by the EARPHONES
Recorded gameplay footage from first chapter of the game - Part 1 (not my footage)
Recorded gameplay footage from first chapter of the game - Part 2 (not my footage)
Finally got the chance to have a good amount of time set to play Mary Skelter. Been playing it directly on the Vita this time around and not the Vita TV at the moment. Game runs great and no real issues at the moment. Though it is suggested you update your game if you do have it due to fixes in the recent patch help address some issues with crashes and whatnots. Granted I have not run into any at this time, they do exist apparently. Which is no surprise for Compile Hearts stuff. The next upcoming patch will also have some useful changes to the game such as increasing the players inventory count from 35 to 99 among other things listed below. (Might translate this later)
Translations below might not be 100% accurate as folks familiar with me know I literally hate translating shit due to this is not my thing. Anyone who wants to make corrections please do feel free and let me know which sections in specific and will do an update to the patch notes.
First Patch 1.01
・特定の独房エリアに短縮ワープゾーンを追加。 Addition of warp zones in specific jail cells.
・一部ギミックにカットインを追加。 Addition of new event cut-in scenes for some dungeon gimmicks.
・レベルアップ時に職業変更権利と血式退化権利を表示するよう追加。Additional information displayed during Level Up
・その他、細かな不具合を修正。 Other fixes made for various issues.
Current Patch 1.02
・道具袋の最大所持数を35個から99個に調整 Player Inventory space increased from 35 to 99.
・推理をミスしてバッドエンドにたどり着いた場合、クリア後にセーブデータが作成できるよう変更。In the event of reaching a bad end due to an error with your choice? You will be able to create a safe file after the ending.
 そのセーブデータをロードすると、推理イベント直前に戻れるよう修正 Upon loading this save data you will be able to redo your choice for the event before the ending.
・血式退化をした後、「職業変更」を行うと退化ボーナスが2倍に増加し、The issue for the level down bonus not giving the correct amount when leveling up has been resolved. You will now receive the level down double bonus when you change your class.?
・各キャラクターのデフォルト職業に関して、職業権利と血晶なしで変更できるよう調整 Adjustments made allowing characters to change back to their default class without costing blood tokens.
・オートパイロット中にジェイルのきまぐれが発生しないよう調整 Adjustments made so that the Jail whims will not trigger during auto-pilot.
・ジェイルボーナス時のルーレットスピードを調整 Adjustments made to the speed of the Jail Bonus roulette wheel while spinning.
・ジェイルボーナス「放浪商人遭遇率上昇」の確率をより出現しやすいよう調整 Adjustment made to the Jail bonus (Wandering Merchant Encounter Rate) has been increased so that he will be easier to encounter.
・血式退化時に意図したのとは別のキャラクターが退化する不具合を修正 Fix of incorrect character being leveled down when certain conditions are performed during the character level down selection.
・親指姫が仲間になる際に自動でパーティINするよう修正 Fix made so that Thumbelina will join your party automatically when she becomes your ally.
・一部アイテムの売却額が想定より高額になっていた不具合を修正 Fix made so that items will be sold at the correct price, was currently selling higher than displayed.
・その他不具合を修正 Other fixes made for various issues.
This game plays like most other Dungeon RPGs in the sense of exploration and such. Though there are a lot more various gimmicks around which is appreciated as it adds a bit more flavor to the dungeons themselves. Apparently also gives you a bit more of a reason to drag along certain characters as some have skills which can be used on the map to open up new areas and such.
Combat is also fairly straight forward with the standard turn based combat fans of the genre are used to.
Though the one unique feature of the game is that Critical / Weak and Overkill damage on the enemy have the chance to cover your characters in the blood of your enemies which can activate your Genocide mode when the blood gauge is filled. When in the Genocide mode your characters stats are raised and new skills become available for use. Also depending on the characters when you damage or defeat enemy characters you are able to recover HP and SP. The one downside with Genocide mode is that you are unable to really plan for its use due to it will activate automatically once the blood gauge has been filled.
The next game system related to the Genocide mode is the Blood Skelter mode which is basically caused by negative actions towards your characters during battle caused by death or critical hits? But basically what it does is totally transforms your characters appearance and causes them to go berserk attacking both enemy and allies alike. You can prevent or recover from Blood Skelter mode by using Jack's blood on said character who has become tainted or transformed.
Jack the main character due to story related reasons his blood is able to purify the other party members if they become tainted. Once the Mary Gun becomes active for use Jack will come with a blood gauge showing how much you have available for use while in the dungeon. This gauge can be refilled through skills or items, though running out will cause Jack to faint. If he loses all Life Points he will become incapacitated. (These LP are represented by heart icons while in battle). The Mary Gun can also be used in the dungeon on objects and such. And just the same as in battle this will deplete Jack's blood gauge when used. Jack also has a chance to faint after using the Mary Gun regardless of blood remaining. So that needs to be taken into consideration when in battle and when to use it.
One other game mechanic related to Jack is that while he is unable to actually perform combat related actions he can act as a meat shield for one of the other party members totally blocking damage for said character. Though there is a potential chance he will be K.O.ed for a few rounds as a result. Too many K.O.s will result in him losing LP. Once all LP are lost he will become incapacitated. Jack is also able to use items on the other party members during combat. So far it seems that he will always perform said actions first in battle so generally using him as a way to heal party members or cure status ailments is quite useful.
The main portion of combat will be done through the female party members that you will meet during the story. These characters all come with a default class with skills that can be unlocked through spending skill points earned when you level up. Each character also has multiple Classes that they can change into if you have the required resources for the Class Change. These items are the Blood Tokens (forgot what the official name is) that are dropped from enemies after combat and are also used for upgrading your characters skill slots and strengthening equipment. So basically you will be doing a lot of grinding to collect these as the costs for the classes and eventually equipment will become quite high. Specific blood tokens are dropped by certain enemy types also which will add to the need for constant fighting.
This game also uses elemental type of damage that goes in the following order of Strong vs Weak
--> Fire ---> Wind ---> Lightning --> Earth --> Water --> Fire (Repeat)
Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, Accessories are found as item drops from combat, treasure chests in the dungeon or the wandering merchant that can be met at random while exploring. The actual shop within the town does not seem to sell equipment at this time outside of expendable items / furniture.
Equipment for your characters can be upgraded using those blood tokens which are dropped from enemies. Different pieces of equipment will require different blood tokens. Also each piece of equipment upgrades in a different way. So example one weapon when upgraded its ATK power goes up, while a different weapon the AGI stat goes up. So basically do not expect stuff to all upgrade in a similar fashion. This makes the player put a bit more thought into what they want to have equipped on your characters as it goes a bit beyond the simple ATK or DEF stats going up when upgraded.
Characters when they level up all stats are raised automatically. The only thing the player raises themselves is spending the skill points earned to learn new or upgrade existing class skills. Outside of the active skills some classes also have passive skills which can be upgraded by spending skill points into them. Such as Alice's HP UP for her Fighter Class that increases her Maximum HP.
Outside of dungeon exploration back at the main town / base you can help upgrade your party members rooms by gifting them furniture which not only changes the rooms appearance but increases their affection towards you. The higher the affection rating the more character events will become unlocked for viewing. You are also able to give gifts to your party members back at the base to help raise the affection level. Each character has likes and dislikes so you will need to experiment to see what their preferred gift items are. From what Ive seen so far you will be spending a ton of cash on this due to how little the bar goes up when gifts are given.
There are a total of 9 known party members who will become unlocked for use as the player progresses in the Story. These 9 party members are broken down into 5 Main Classes which are as follows below.
- Fighter (Alice / Cinderella)
- Libero (Red Riding Hood / Rapunzel
- Science (Snow White / Gretel)
- Archer (Sleeping Beauty / Kaguyahime)
- Magician (Thumbelina / *Hidden Character*
The subclass breakdown of these 5 main types is as follows below.
Fighter Type
- Fighter
- Paladin
- Marshal
- Destroy
- Blood Lord
Libero Type
- Libero
- Poet
- Fairy
- Piero
- Blood
Science Type
- Science
- Item Tooler
- Mimicry
- Logicalist
- Blood Chemist
Archer Type
- Archer
- Sniper
- Speed Gunner
- Dark Seeker
- Blood Hunter
Magician Type
- Magician
- Therapist
- Counceler
- Necromancer
- Blood Witch
Job System Trailer
Once again as mentioned these classes can only be unlocked if you have the correct Blood Token requirements met. Basically you spend that amount to change classes. Due to the low amounts you gain at the start of the game do not expect to be able to go swapping out classes right away.
Classes also have specific weapons that can / cannot be equipped. Though you will be able to check this before changing classes to ensure you do not switch to a class that you do not have usable equipment for.
This game also allows you to Level Down your characters to specific set levels which allows for you to re-earn skill points that will help you max out your characters skills. Have not messed with this system yet so am not exactly sure how it works past this at the moment apart from what I saw from the tutorial text.
In game you have a maximum of 5 active combat Party Members who can be set to Front and Back row for their formation. Technically it is 6 members if you include Jack, but for members who can actually perform combat actions it is just 5 members. You will start out with 2 characters + Jack and from there obtain more party members as you progress in the story.
Game is not so difficult that you will have trouble with only 2 members for the first part of the story also so there is no real need for concern with the initial low party member count.
As some might have seen this game has something that looked like the F.O.E. system from the Etrian Odyssey system. Basically in this game there is an "unkillable" enemy type called a Nightmare. These events can happen at random, but you will generally be able to tell when you are near one / event possibly occurring due to the map area becoming dark and you hear the growling noise made by the Nightmare. If the Nightmare chase event starts, you basically need to run as far away as possible from said Nightmare creature to escape from the event. The Nightmare will be moving in real time so you are unable to stand around and think about where to go. Your minimap will also be disabled during this event and the darkened map makes navigation much more difficult. Thankfully if there are blood splatters from enemies defeated on the ground it helps light up the surrounding area. The Nightmare can also damage your player while chasing you so be sure to try to keep out of its general line of sight. You will also be unable to open the standard game menu during this time so any healing that needs to be done must be done during battle with the Nigthmare.
If you become trapped or collide with the Nightmare creature combat will begin. While you will be unable to "kill" the Nightmare you can knock it out for a short period of time allowing you to pass through it and continue your escape from its pursuit. Once you escape from the Nightmare you will be able to continue your exploration as normal.
While this may sound like a pain in the ass to some, its not as bad as it seems. Have not died from it yet and am playing on the hardest difficulty. Though you will take a lot of damage from single attacks during combat with the Nightmare so just be sure to keep yourself properly healed during combat if the situation calls for it.
During dungeon exploration there will be various bonus roulette events that can occur when specific conditions are met. Some info below taken from Gematsu give a brief explanation of the three desire system.
In order to grow, the living prison known as “Jail” is always hungry for the big three desires of “appetite,” “sexual desire,” and “desire to sleep.”
You can satisfy these desires in both battle and while exploring dungeons, and by satisfying a desire to the maximum amount, you can obtain a whimsical “Jail Bonus” from the prison.
Whether you satisfy or do not satisfy the big three desires is up to you. However, if you use these desires skillfully, you can discover new paths and overturn the course of battle.
*Credits to GematsuSatisfying Jail’s desires will trigger a roulette that will let players obtain a bonus.
The contents of the Jail Bonus changes based on whether you’re exploring the dungeon or in battle. From status recovery to an increased rare item drop rate, to the generation of a “new floor” in the dungeon, there are also special bonuses.
Satisfy the three big desires to get various bonuses.
In my own game managed to unlock a new area with this roulette system. Pretty interesting and the gauges can be filled rather quickly so its not as if your progression will really be hindered by this. Something fresh which is appreciated for a genre that is always seen as being too simplistic.
In regards to the touch mechanics with the game have not gotten to that part yet as am still exploring / leveling currently as my 2 new members started off a bit lower level than my current party due to us over leveling from collecting Blood Tokens and resources.
Overall am quite happy with the title as it has fantastic artwork both with the characters and backgrounds used. Dungeon design is nice and the varied gimmicks are appreciated. Do hope that this keeps up through all the dungeons as it makes exploring much more interesting. The game also sports a pretty good soundtrack.
The one small issue Ive seen so far is the lack of variation with the monsters currently in the first dungeon. As there are palette swap types, though seems as if they are using the colors to represent the potential elemental weakness of said monster. That and in general Compile Heart games were never good at enemy variation to begin with so there is that too. Also this game seems to be a bit on the easy side so far even on the hardest difficulty setting available for a first run through.
But overall with the characters / story and gameplay mechanics do think this is most def a title worth picking up for DRPG fans. Though as mentioned before it can be fanservice heavy as expected with some Compile Heart titles. So do keep that in mind when making the decision to purchase the game or not. This more has to do with event scenes or the purification touch minigame rather than enemy designs. (At least so far anyways)
The story though seems to be a bit more dark than the usual stuff they do which is interesting. Nice bit of mystery thrown in there too so it helps you want to progress with the story to see how things play out with the narrative. Voice acting is well done also. Though the MC is a bit irritating with how his character is written though thats more a personal issue of mine since I hate whiny motherfuckers lol. Hopefully that should improve as the story progresses. As he is not a total dumbass thankfully. While not exactly the same there is a bit of Mikasa / Eren type of chemistry going on between Alice and Jack. Though Jack is not as stupid as Eren thankfully.
While I know the whole formatting of the info and whatnots in this OP was a bit of a mess hope that helps give folks a general idea about the game. Will be editing this post a bit more but just putting it out there now as am late as is with the Import Impressions. Downgraded this from an OT as in general the import community seems to have shrank quite a bit over the years and schedule wise do not have as much time to waste on OT projects that wont get much attention. So usually smaller titles will wind up being similar to this one if I take the time to do any in the near future.
For those looking for more information on Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter check out the loads of information that Gematsu has translated.