Lyte Edge said:I can make my penis grow in size to become a deadly weapon.
quadriplegicjon said:i totally knew you were gonna say that!
Lyte Edge said:Someone was going to say it...
impirius said:One time at a party, we got the "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" question in Loaded Questions. I wrote down something like "Turbo verb conjugation"... and one of my friends wrote down "Conjugating verbs". It was completely out of the blue and downright freaky. So yeah, I guess my power is conjugating verbs at a faster rate than Leigh.
Dunno about her... for my part, I hadn't heard them until I Googled them just now. But you knew that, of coursequadriplegicjon said:perchance.. are you guys big Enon fans?
impirius said:Dunno about her... for my part, I hadn't heard them until I Googled them just now. But you knew that, of course![]()
I'm must be your anti-hero, my feet sweat like a bitch. BUT I WEAR SANDALS ANYWAY, MWAHAHAakascream said:My superpower involves my feet. My feet are so dry, I can wear the same pair of socks for like a week! No crust, no stench!!
Doth Togo said:I can read people's minds and tell what they're thinking about. No lie. I do it every day. My grandmother has the same sense. She calls it reading people.
impirius said:One time at a party, we got the "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" question in Loaded Questions. I wrote down something like "Turbo verb conjugation"... and one of my friends wrote down "Conjugating verbs". It was completely out of the blue and downright freaky. So yeah, I guess my power is conjugating verbs at a faster rate than Leigh.
mattx5 said:On a serious note, I know someone who can stop people from bleeding. He's very conservative about it. When he was young, his mother sliced her arm open in a vital spot. He stopped the bleeding within seconds. He's done it quite a few times in his life. One of the creepiest events however was when his father saw someone get in a car accident. He helped the guy out and was afraid he was going to die of blood loss. He called his son up immediately and his son stopped the guy's bleeding from over the phone. Freaky stuff.
mattx5 said:On a serious note, I know someone who can stop people from bleeding. He's very conservative about it. When he was young, his mother sliced her arm open in a vital spot. He stopped the bleeding within seconds. He's done it quite a few times in his life. One of the creepiest events however was when his father saw someone get in a car accident. He helped the guy out and was afraid he was going to die of blood loss. He called his son up immediately and his son stopped the guy's bleeding from over the phone. Freaky stuff.
ManDudeChild said:I can produce a deadly gas that overwhelms the senses.
Hitokage said:I have the earth shattering ability to procrastinate ANY task, no matter how important.
Doth Togo said:I can read people's minds and tell what they're thinking about. No lie. I do it every day. My grandmother has the same sense. She calls it reading people.
Hitokage said:I have the earth shattering ability to procrastinate ANY task, no matter how important.