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Do you think it was the right decision for Sony to skip this specific E3?

Was it the right decision for Sony to skip this E3?

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Texas Pride

Again. Sony doesn't need E3. E3 if anything needs Sony. Their presence was felt without being there. The PS5 tidbits they dropped with Wired forced MS to respond probably earlier than they wanted to with their next console. MS sells hopes and dreams. It's always wait till next year or the year after and on it goes. MS had the stage to themselves this year and I'd be remiss if I didn't state the obvious. They didn't take advantage of it.
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I didn't mention Sony either. So take your fanboy glasses off.

Your'e the only one specifically mentioning Microsoft games, if you have an issue with that calm down in a different thread and vent there. You seem to not be able to comprehend the conference had more than Microsoft games.
The average consumer that plays FIFA, COD, Madden and maybe Battlefield doesn't watch E3

Except they do, and they also hear about the announcements and see the trailers on social media. Heck, a couple years ago Madden was a big deal via E3.

I mean hell, FFXV shipped over 8 million units but according to you that's a franchise only forum goers and "core gamers" play and care about.

You're literally being dishonest now, you didn't say FFXV, you said FF7, not too mention a good chunk of those XV sales were from asia, and the fact it took it awhile to hit those sales and it didn't sell that in one year like COD, and the fact it had tons of budget deals and cuts, and the fact you have no idea what you're talking about.

So again, how did MS really take advantage of Sony not being in this E3? What were the big 8+ million seller games for "average consumers"

FFXV didn't sell 8 million copies in a short time frame so you're flawed comparison doesn't work here. Also various factors were in play even then, but go ahead and ignore all those popular AAA franchise sequels that were at E3, or new games from publishers that sell AAA level products.

Like I said you mix the average consumer and core gamer, and the only reason why you're even still on this is because you're being defensive, some thread will come up in a week or two you will post in it and talk about how gaf or whatever doesn't represent the average consumer and basically parrot what I am saying. Stop.


Except they do, and they also hear about the announcements and see the trailers on social media. Heck, a couple years ago Madden was a big deal via E3.

You're literally being dishonest now, you didn't say FFXV, you said FF7, not too mention a good chunk of those XV sales were from asia, and the fact it took it awhile to hit those sales and it didn't sell that in one year like COD, and the fact it had tons of budget deals and cuts, and the fact you have no idea what you're talking about.

FFXV didn't sell 8 million copies in a short time frame so you're flawed comparison doesn't work here. Also various factors were in play even then, but go ahead and ignore all those popular AAA franchise sequels that were at E3, or new games from publishers that sell AAA level products.

Like I said you mix the average consumer and core gamer, and the only reason why you're even still on this is because you're being defensive, some thread will come up in a week or two you will post in it and talk about how gaf or whatever doesn't represent the average consumer and basically parrot what I am saying. Stop.

Ok man, whatever, I'm done. Feel free to reply but you won't get an answer

You clearly have no desire to argue. All of your replies have been "no you are wrong.... because I say so"... and this is not the first thread you have done so.

"Death Stranding and FF Remake are niche games only forum goers care about.... because I say so"
"The general public was thrilled by the MS conference, only forum gores weren't blown away.... because I say so"
"FFXV having great sales isn't an indication there might be interest in a high budget remake of the most iconic, popular and nostalgia fueling entry in the franchise.... because I say so"
"Microsoft showed tons of games the average consumer is thrilled about and which will drive them to buy an Xbox instead of a Ps4.... yet despite being asked multiple times to give examples I ignore the question ... but it's totally true because I say so"
"Unlike me you have no idea what you are talking about, because I say so".
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Ok man, whatever, I'm done. Feel free to reply but you won't get an answer

You clearly have no desire to argue. All of your replies have been "no you are wrong.... because I say so"... and this is not the first thread you have done so.

"Death Stranding and FF Remake are niche game only forum goer care about.... because I say so"
"The general public was thrilled by the MS conference, only forum gores weren't blown away.... because I say so"
"FFXV having great sales isn't an indication there might be interest in a high budget remake of the most iconic, popular and nostalgia fueling entry in the franchise.... because I say so"
"Microsoft showed tons of games the average consumer is thrilled about and which will drive them to buy an Xbox instead of a Ps4.... yet despite being asked multiple times to give examples I ignore the question ... but it's totally true because I say so"
"Unlike me you have no idea what you are talking about, because I say so".
He loves to call out other users comprehension, while having absolutely none himself. Zero self awareness


Gold Member
Until they can go back to showing good first and third party games in a traditional format, than shoehorning 4 games into banquet hall format with a banjo playing DJ, best to skip.


I'm beginning to think that Sony is either run by a bunch of geniuses or just super lucky. Maybe they have a time machine.....Yeah I'm going with time machine.
I guess they'd know pretty far in advance who is going to be on their conference and what they'd have to show. They probably looked at what they had to show (nothing, it's all been shown) and what other companies had to show (CGI trailers) and made the correct decision not to waste millions of dollars.


Gold Member
Sony shoulda showed up. They needed to after their disastrous E3 last year. The cringefest moving of venues, with the even cringier commentators who were basically buying time. Nobody knows who they are nor do they care. Fire all of them.

They need to find a balance between trying too hard (E3 2018) and not trying at all (E3 2017). This was the year to do it. They threw that opportunity away. They didn't miss much though, because Microsoft's conference this year was almost complete garbage. 90% of the games shown we knew about from before. They drip fed us gameplay. All Sony had to do was show up, have a normal ass show. No pomp, no circumstance...just get up there and show some new Tsushima, some new LOU2 and Death Stranding. GAME OVER.

Now we have to wallow in this festering pool of mediocrity because everybody is holding ALL of their cards until the next E3. That great guys...WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO DO UNTIL THEN, HUH!?


so far my highlights have been the new ryzen chips and doom...mildly hype for Avengers..i think Sony played it right, if they have nothing to show, why piss all that money away to drop a trash show


I think they were right - either they have a big announcement to make - in which case why do it against the level of background noise that E3 generates, or they don't, in which case why bother?

I also suspect that the average member of the public cares a lot less about E3 than the people on this site do.


If you don't have anything to show, don't bother. Looks like no one had anything special to announce. Just a bunch of stuff that was already announced or won't be out until 2020. Save it for next year and blow everyone away.
I wish they had been there. I got multiple laughs out of last year's Sony conference between the strange talk show format they tried, Cornelius Boots the musical meme generating machine, and them moving all those people to another building building in the middle of the conference for some reason.

I think this year was lacking overall in the embarrassment I crave from E3. What a boring E3.


Gold Member
If you don't have anything to show, don't bother. Looks like no one had anything special to announce. Just a bunch of stuff that was already announced or won't be out until 2020. Save it for next year and blow everyone away.
For THE industry shows, you got to show up.

It's like car shows. Every big auto show has every maker showing their latest cars. Even if it's just another annual tweak, you still show up because tons of people are interested in checking out vehicles.

You don't just do auto shows when the model gets it's refresh once every 5 years.


I mean they do not have anything...

Even a year ago they had nothing, which is why their E3 Presentation was garbage last year.

Sony is in that transitional period, between generations.

They are still dominating with the PS4, But any new stuff they could announce at E3 2020, with the new console well it makes sense for them to wait closer to the 2020 console.


Writes a lot, says very little
Nintendo has been at almost every E3 with events, trailers, and even direct during or around E3. Also directs don't have anywhere near the press or consumer impact that their conferences used to half, the issue is that Nintendo doesn't really have anything to show to warrant a conference and that was admitted years ago. Lack of TP doesn't help with that either.

"almost every" yea thats my point. "almost" as in, many times they skipped E3. Their trailers on Youtube did millions of views, so much so that its clear the likes of Sony saw how effect it actually is.

"Also directs don't have anywhere near the press or consumer impact that their conferences" ??? You sure? You know of someone not buying a game cause they didn't see it at some press event? By the logic Smash Bros Ultimate should have failed, it was revealed IN A DIRECT. No one cares about how or where bud, its on Youtube and I'd argue the general public that buys games doesn't even know nor cares what event it was revealed at, they watch it on Youtube, pre-order, buy at release etc.

So good luck with that "don't have anywhere near the press or consumer impact" theory bud.

7 million views. No big arena, expensive event or press conference needed. So by such logic Death Stranding should fail too, Call Of Duty should fail too, was not revealed at any major event, Red Dead Redemption 2 should be a massive flop, was not revealed at any event, one of the best selling games of all time GTAV was never revealed at E3.... What those titles are showing Sony, is that folks like Acitivsion, Nintendo, Rockstar etc are able to move massive units and not actually reveal their titles or release dates etc at events and still move massive units.

People play games, they do not play "events", where it was revealed is irrelevant to gamers, they PLAY GAMES, show em a trailer and they'll hit like, share, pre-order etc. If you can even show me anyone on here the is buying games based on simply being on events and nothing more, then I'd gladly take the statement back, but I've never bought a game cause it was at E3, as in if the trailer was at any other event, it would change my mind or something lol

Heck, most of us are watching E3 on Twitch, Youtube, Facebook etc. So Sony needs not to be in LA to put a damn trailer on Youtube folks.... the irony is that most of us are literally watching the even on the exact distribution methods of media used by Sony, Nintendo, Rockstar, Acitivsion etc to launch reveals outside of E3 anyway.

"2001 wants their excuses back" ??? That isn't an excuse bud, its a fact that MS is putting all their titles on PC, the next XB would be the first to launch with this new policy making it questionable on how they'd move more units making it known they don't have exclusives any longer.

For those that own a gaming PC, it makes it that much harder to actually justify buying a XB. With XB, 360, XONE etc, it still launched with exclusives even if those came to PC at later dates, now the next XB is basically launching with it 100% known it won't have exclusives and to expect all their games on PC. So that isn't an excuse, that is a solid fact. So I'm not sure how they'll do better letting folks know ahead of time they don't have anything that is ONLY found on that device. That is at least something they had with their other platforms.

I see no reason trying to avoid that elephant in the room. Sony more then ever doesn't care about what MS is releasing, MS basically gave Sony the next generation. PS and Nintendo are now the only consoles that actually must be bought to play those publishers content, MS is even putting THEIR GAMES on PS and Nintendo systems. How this is going to move XB units is beyond me bud, they are legit moving backwards. As a PC gamer and console gamer, they've given me even less reasons to ever own a XB quite easily.
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There's a ton of games I want this year, only 3 aren't on Switch. The lack of Sony doing anything this year is making me question if we even need them anymore.


Gold Member
After seeing the lackluster conference we had outside of Square and Nintendo, all other companies should of had the foresight that Sony did to opt out.

Square did the big FF7 blowout for them anyhow, and announced a bunch of PS4/Switch only games as well.
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I'd rather a company downsize their E3 than skip it entirely, but if you don't have the goods to showcase, then wait. Better to not prime the world for next generation if you still have things you need to sell in the here and now.

Naturally, this raises the stakes immensely for PS Experience. At some point, each of these companies has to start talking and I would be stunned if Sony didn't start the conversation for themselves there.


Until they can go back to showing good first and third party games in a traditional format, than shoehorning 4 games into banquet hall format with a banjo playing DJ, best to skip.
They ended up showing like 20 games in that conference, including the awesome RE2 trailer. They screw up by making the crowd move from one place to another but after that the show was pretty lit.
Fbh Fbh you're an idiot. You've even called ff7 a game for the core in older threads
You are incompetent and not able to separate a gaming forum from the average consumer who plays games like Madden, which is more well known to casual gamers despite recent entries selling low. You can't use core gamer sales to determine if a game is popular with casual consumers unless it's a major hit in a reasonably short amount of time. You not only contradict your own older posts but you aren't capable of separating reality from what you want. Sad. Try going outside sometime. You make a large amount of text not addressing your inconsistencies but only attacking me hoping you have an out from losing the argument. Poor guy.

EDMIX EDMIX good job proving my point since their big directs are during E3. Also, they have been to the last several e3s making your point invalid, they clearly still show up because it's an important event. Further. Their E3 cons were higher than any of their directs and using youtube views that accumulate on videos over years actually makes your stance worse. The old conferences were spread on platforms across the Web doing more in one 48 hours that what their best direct did In one week.
Again. Sony doesn't need E3. E3 if anything needs Sony. Their presence was felt without being there. The PS5 tidbits they dropped with Wired forced MS to respond probably earlier than they wanted to with their next console. MS sells hopes and dreams. It's always wait till next year or the year after and on it goes. MS had the stage to themselves this year and I'd be remiss if I didn't state the obvious. They didn't take advantage of it.

You do realize they said next Xbox would be talked about a E3 before the Sony spec drop right?

Not sure where you're getting this conspiracy from.


Writes a lot, says very little
Fbh Fbh you're an idiot. You've even called ff7 a game for the core in older threads
You are incompetent and not able to separate a gaming forum from the average consumer who plays games like Madden, which is more well known to casual gamers despite recent entries selling low. You can't use core gamer sales to determine if a game is popular with casual consumers unless it's a major hit in a reasonably short amount of time. You not only contradict your own older posts but you aren't capable of separating reality from what you want. Sad. Try going outside sometime. You make a large amount of text not addressing your inconsistencies but only attacking me hoping you have an out from losing the argument. Poor guy.

EDMIX EDMIX good job proving my point since their big directs are during E3. Also, they have been to the last several e3s making your point invalid, they clearly still show up because it's an important event. Further. Their E3 cons were higher than any of their directs and using youtube views that accumulate on videos over years actually makes your stance worse. The old conferences were spread on platforms across the Web doing more in one 48 hours that what their best direct did In one week.

" using youtube views that accumulate on videos over years actually makes your stance worse" Nope. It shows Youtube is a platform they use to get views, thus don't need to show up at E3.

Call Of Duty, Red Dead 2 and many more didn't show up at E3, show trailers on Youtube and then move over 20 million like its nothing.

Thus....its not needed bud. No other example is needed, if E3 was soooooo important, Red Dead 2 should have failed, Call Of Duty should fail etc.

Sorry man, its pretty plain to see the event isn't needed as much as you are trying to stress to push some agenda.


I won't lie E3 this year was mediocre to okay sans two great shows (thanks Square and Nintendo) and Sony still somehow won mindshare lol

The game of the show for many is currently a PS4 exclusive and right before E3 Kojima blew our minds with another PS4 exclusive (FF7 RE, Death Stranding) and the bulk of third party output will be on the PS4 as well

MS had this E3 it was theirs to lose and their show didn't suck, but it didn't wow either, when the most memorable moment of your show is (albeit a badass) celebrity appearance for a third party game (aka PS4 also) you done goofed.

Sony didn't need E3 this year, next year will be a different story :D
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