While Tecmo has not confirmed the latest release date for the highly anticipated online edition of the popular Dead Or Alive series, the official Xbox website for Dead Or Alive Ultimate has been updated to show an October 2004 release. This date is a few months off the previous announcement of a summer 2004 release. Several online retailers have listed this date for some time now, but this recent update seems to hold a bit more water considering it is an official Xbox site.
Dead Or Alive Ultimate, which shattered many a gamers hopes by not being playable at May's E3, is Team Ninja's latest attempt to revolutionize the 3D fighting genre, this time by being the first to include fully functional online play. Despite the hopes of both publisher Tecmo and developer Team Ninja however, the continual delay of Dead Or Alive Ultimate may hand the title of "first online 3D fighter" over to the rival Mortal Kombat Deception, which is also slated for an early October release.
Hopefully the delays will end up making this ambitious and beautifully constructed fighter even better in the end...We'll just have to see which way things "bounce" for latest in the Dead Or Alive series.