Lord Error
Insane For Sony
HDLDump is a PC based utility that allows you to install a game to your PS2 hard drive, which can later be played using the HDLoader, when you plug the drive back to PS2. Why is this good? First of all, it allows you to install the DVD9 games (goodbye loading problems in CoN), and second of all it maybe circumvents the region ID check. I know that some people here were saying that HDLoader checks for the region ID only during the installation proces, but would play the game if it was to be installed on a Japanese console, and a drive transferred to a US console. Well, the common sense tells this utility does not perform any ID checks, but I don't have a single JP game to try it with. Does someone here have an experience with this software? If it works, that would mean an insta-import of Dodonpachi Daijoy and Espgaluda...