http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/grd/3781307720.htmlGO GREEN!This Black&Decker 18" electric mower is a GREAT way to mow your yard and has hardly ever been used!You'll NEVER need to realize that once again you're out of gas,hunt to find your gas can AND the cap,go to the overpriced store which main product in some way supports terrorizm,put todays crappy gas in a messy can while trying not to overfill it and get all smelly,OVERPAY for it,bring it back home in your nice car hopefully w/out spilling again,pour it in your thirsty mower trying carefully not to overfill again,pull the crap out of the rope a bunch of times only for it to not start,get pissed,try to figure out why the mower wont crank,kick it,hurt your foot,curse,yell at your spouse,who yells at your kids,then this goes on&on until it winds up in the middle east somewhere and people bludgeon each other to death with sticks and rocks!DON'T PERPETUATE GEEHAD!!!Buy this electric mower and never go thru all that B.S. again!Create peace on Earth!$59 cash
picture copy of the ad http://i.imgur.com/2PGAvOq.png