"(Editor's Note: Activision later informed us that 10 select Best Buy stores, covering 6 markets -- Chicago, Washington D.C., Miami, Los Angeles, New York and Dallas -- will offer the game at 12:01AM on Aug 3 as part of a special midnight madness sale. We were unable to find out if any other stores will be conducting similar promotions."
"GameSpy: We've noticed that some stores will be selling the game for a higher-than-average premium of $55 and $60. Is that Activision, id Software or retailers that are pushing the price up?
Todd Hollenshead: Activision has a minimum advertised price on the game at launch of $54.99; anything above that I would say is just retailers padding their margins. "
"GameSpy: We've noticed that some stores will be selling the game for a higher-than-average premium of $55 and $60. Is that Activision, id Software or retailers that are pushing the price up?
Todd Hollenshead: Activision has a minimum advertised price on the game at launch of $54.99; anything above that I would say is just retailers padding their margins. "