
The International is the grandest tournament of the year. Valve pulls out all the stops to invite all the top fans, players, casters, and personalities to Seattle for a huge prize pool and accomadations at the finest hotels. Players and staff are treated like royalty while they are battling it out for Dota supremacy.
The prize pool was initially $1.6 million dollars, but the community has raised around ~$40 million dollars by purchasing TI4 Compendiums - digital books with rewards and reward points. The official prize pool is around $10,0

Most players will say that the money is not a big issue and that the pride of winning is more than mere dollars could ever achieve.
Preliminaries (Bellvue Westin) - July 8-14, 2014

Phase 1-3
Main Event (Key Arena) - July 18-21, 2014

Phase 4


1. What is the console auto-spectate code - I can't watch games live but want to win sweet tourney items from work?
Valve has implemented a handy check box to auto watch every match.
2. Quick! When is the next match?
3. How long is a match?
The drafting/loading stage takes about 10-15 minutes - the acutal game itself can be 15-90 minutes long. So give or take 25-100 minutes with smoke breaks inbetween.
Phase 1 is Bo3
Phase 2 is Bo1
Phase 3 and 4 is Bo3
The Grand Final is Bo5
4. What's a dota?
Dota is quite complicated to explain in a few sentences, please check out the wonderful Dota OT by Artanisix for more information
5. I've never watched dota before - what's the big deal?
-Watch "the play" from TI2012. This is the climax of a game.
6. Should I buy a compendium?
Yes! Support e-sports. $10 gets you a fantastic value: 2 free couriers, wallpapers, immortal items, battle bonus
7. I'm a total dota noob - can I ask questions here?
Feel free - the dota vets will be happy to answer your questions. The Dota wiki is also a quick reference that even the pros use.
8. Any storylines to follow?
- CIS have not received thier visa's to compete
- Fnatic tried to kick one of their players over anxiety issues, he emailed Valve and said he was ready to go, but they have been using a stand-in for over a month
- Racism claimed by DK noting that only CIS and VG will scrim with them because they are not a 100% Chinese team forcing them to scrim and practice with EG
- Popular caster Draskyl rejected his invitation to TI4 due to lack of respect of the quality of games he would be able to cast
- Who will cast the finals?
- Will China avenge TI3 where no Chinese teams were able to beat Alliance.
9. Should I enable twitch chat?
10. Shoot, I missed the matches where can I watch the games?
Youtube and TwitchTV links will be posted below as they happen - Dota TV in-game are usually available for download 10 minutes after the game ends
Aegis of Fame