After Megaman IV back in the day, I never really followed anything Megaman related until Megaman X rolled around and got my interested peaked in the series again. So I didn't really know what major events happened in between IV and up to X until now because of MMAC. But I'm wondering if it was common knowledge that Wily created Zero? :\
At the end of Megaman 2: The Power Fighters when finished with Bass
there's a brief cutscene between Wily and Bass, where Wily reveals a sillouete of a new robot to Bass who according to him will be able to blow both Megaman and Bass away. The shadow figure is obviously Zero, with the same exact shape as well as the trademark long hair. Bass says something along the lines of: "Do you really think this girly long-haired robot will be able to beat me?"
I knew from the X series that Dr. Light created X, obviously, and set him in a time lock that released years after Dr. Light's death. But I had assumed that Zero was created by the same people who established the Maverick Hunters, whoever they are. I had no clue that Wily actually created Zero. @_@
I remember that's definitely Zero. Also, IIRC, Mega Man X4 had an opening FMV cinema showing
Zero having some sort of flashback, with a bunch of robots he killed, and Dr. Wily ranting at him or something similar.
I'm STILL waiting for a Mega Man title that ties the original series together with X, Capcom. It would be cool to have a MM game that gets more serious, showing the end of Mega Man and the beginning of X. What could also be cool is if an X or MMZ game had a capsule containing the original Mega Man found, and he comes back to life and helps stop Sigma...AGAIN.
After Megaman IV back in the day, I never really followed anything Megaman related until Megaman X rolled around and got my interested peaked in the series again. So I didn't really know what major events happened in between IV and up to X until now because of MMAC. But I'm wondering if it was common knowledge that Wily created Zero? :\
At the end of Megaman 2: The Power Fighters when finished with Bass
there's a brief cutscene between Wily and Bass, where Wily reveals a sillouete of a new robot to Bass who according to him will be able to blow both Megaman and Bass away. The shadow figure is obviously Zero, with the same exact shape as well as the trademark long hair. Bass says something along the lines of: "Do you really think this girly long-haired robot will be able to beat me?"
I knew from the X series that Dr. Light created X, obviously, and set him in a time lock that released years after Dr. Light's death. But I had assumed that Zero was created by the same people who established the Maverick Hunters, whoever they are. I had no clue that Wily actually created Zero. @_@
If you get all of Zero's parts and defeat Sigma he makes a comment like "Why did Zero....? He was the last of the doctor's creations.". That DR was obviously Wily.
And I'll tell you another thing I've always suspected. Zero = built from Protoman.
Sigma: Mega Man X, I have lost to you again... Each defeat only makes me stronger and serves to bring you closer to your ultimate doom! But, something is not right. I... don't quite understand... Why did Zero... He is ... last... of the doctor's creations...
That's interesting. It would make sense then if Capcom revealed in a future game that Zero actually was responsible for destroying the original Megaman. It would also throw a cool plot twist into the mix and connect the two series better.
Sigma: Mega Man X, I have lost to you again... Each defeat only makes me stronger and serves to bring you closer to your ultimate doom! But, something is not right. I... don't quite understand... Why did Zero... He is ... last... of the doctor's creations...
Sigma: Mega Man X, I have lost to you again... Each defeat only makes me stronger and serves to bring you closer to your ultimate doom! But, something is not right. I... don't quite understand... Why did Zero... He is ... last... of the doctor's creations...
Hold on a sec.... can anyone detail the various Mega Man games and their connections.
Sorry if I'm totally off the base here, since it's been a while since I played Mega Man X, but I thought X was actually Mega Man from the original series who was sealed away by Dr. Light cuz he went nuts or something.
And am I also correct in assuming that X went nuts again, hence the setting for the Zero series.
I had always assumed these events were indeed the case since it sets up both the X and Zero series quite well.
Hold on a sec.... can anyone detail the various Mega Man games and their connections.
Sorry if I'm totally off the base here, since it's been a while since I played Mega Man X, but I thought X was actually Mega Man from the original series who was sealed away by Dr. Light cuz he went nuts or something.
And am I also correct in assuming that X went nuts again, hence the setting for the Zero series.
I had always assumed these events were indeed the case since it sets up both the X and Zero series quite well.
Hold on a sec.... can anyone detail the various Mega Man games and their connections.
Sorry if I'm totally off the base here, since it's been a while since I played Mega Man X, but I thought X was actually Mega Man from the original series who was sealed away by Dr. Light cuz he went nuts or something.
And am I also correct in assuming that X went nuts again, hence the setting for the Zero series.
I had always assumed these events were indeed the case since it sets up both the X and Zero series quite well.
Well from what I remember about the 'warning' at the opening to Mega Man X, it explains that Dr. Light created a new robot to succeed the original Mega Man, but that he was unstable for some reason (possible because he was too powerful) and locked him away for a future release.
I think X begins a century or two after Mega Man 8/Power Fighters? So by then Dr. Light is long dead, and Mega Man is gone because of unknown reasons. After the X series, X does fulfill the warning at the beginning of MMX1 and ends up being corrupted, which is how the Mega Man Zero series starts.
I thought X couldn't succumb to stuff like the Sigma virus because he's a robot (a noted difference between him and repliroids.) Or did I miss something?
It kinda stinks because in either MMX5 (or maybe it was X4...), there is very concrete evidence of Wily being shown, like you actually see his big old crest printed right outside the final boss door, plus I think there is a silhouette of him in the ending as I recall....
Anyway, It led many to believe that the next entry would ditch Sigma and bring WIly back into the 'X series' as the man behind the curtain.
It never happened though, and the developers went all loony with the plot threads and psycho-babble that filled X5 and X6's atrocious text bubbles. Too bad, I would have been interested to see the crazed scientist cross into the series and do some damage with Zero...
It's X5 that nearly shows Wily. Sigma talks about having a partner and it's almost certainly him. Then in X6 there's Issoc, who seems to be Wily in robot form or connected to him or something. It's just dropped in X7.
Light is also alive or at least "alive" somehow. He knows who Zero and Alia are and clearly fixed X in X5 outside a capsule.
Somehow he and Wily are alive or robots or holograms or something. They are able to exist int he future and are both in hiding.
Capcom's been stalling with the story since 3. They're never going to blow it off.
It's X5 that nearly shows Wily. Sigma talks about having a partner and it's almost certainly him. Then in X6 there's Issoc, who seems to be Wily in robot form or connected to him or something. It's just dropped in X7.
Capcom's been stalling with the story since 3. They're never going to blow it off.
Yeah, I considered the plot of the X series dead since X4, since they're just giving us the runaround. Looks like they're trying to fix that with MMZ, though (barely.)
It's X5 that nearly shows Wily. Sigma talks about having a partner and it's almost certainly him. Then in X6 there's Issoc, who seems to be Wily in robot form or connected to him or something. It's just dropped in X7.
Capcom's been stalling with the story since 3. They're never going to blow it off.
In X2, X3 and X4 they heavily built up to how X must fight and kill Zero to save the world. Then in X5 they finally have the showdown and it's really just a weaksauce fight with no winner over a misunderstanding. What a letdown. That was the point where I knew Capcom had no clue what they were doing and we never going to actually resolve the story.
Alrighty, the X nut is here! Let's see what I can sort out..
Hold on a sec.... can anyone detail the various Mega Man games and their connections.
Sorry if I'm totally off the base here, since it's been a while since I played Mega Man X, but I thought X was actually Mega Man from the original series who was sealed away by Dr. Light cuz he went nuts or something.
And am I also correct in assuming that X went nuts again, hence the setting for the Zero series.
I had always assumed these events were indeed the case since it sets up both the X and Zero series quite well.
X never ever went nuts, it's actually that Zero disappeared and X just kept fighting and fighting onward by himself until he realized there was no point to it supposedly. (I believe X also established Neo Arcadia after the maverick/elf wars) Now with some Zero 1-2 spoilers/explanations. Check this for real details on X's stance..
The X you face in Zero 1 is a copy that Ciel created that went bad, meanwhile true X is resting elsewhere but communicates via cyberelf form. Later in Zero 2, you learn that true X is actually guarding a seal on a great evil that ended the maverick wars but triggered the elf wars. Yet, as soon as you learn that, Elpizo proceeds to destroy/kill X and break the seal. The funny thing afterwards is that X still lives on as a cyberelf.
If there's anything to say about X in Zero 1, it was more like a genocide against reploids, deeming them all dangerous or useless. (Compared to Sigma's humanity genocide, which involved many reploids sacrifices anyway..) A bit about Neo Arcadia stance today:
Neo Arcadia began its Ironfisted Policy because of the energy shortage... In order to protect the human society, Reploids were discriminated against, labeled inferior citizens, and were sent to concentration camps for "retirement..." History shows that an energy shortage in an era usually triggers a large scale conflict...
Indeed it's a hundred years later, but a funny thing now is that Command Mission takes place in 220x AD (Which is when Zero takes place) but supposedly it's early 220x AD..
Well from what I remember about the 'warning' at the opening to Mega Man X, it explains that Dr. Light created a new robot to succeed the original Mega Man, but that he was unstable for some reason (possible because he was too powerful) and locked him away for a future release.
I think X begins a century or two after Mega Man 8/Power Fighters? So by then Dr. Light is long dead, and Mega Man is gone because of unknown reasons. After the X series, X does fulfill the warning at the beginning of MMX1 and ends up being corrupted, which is how the Mega Man Zero series starts.
X never fulfilled the warning. (See Zero 1/2 spoilers..) The warning was about breaking the first rule of robotics, since he's the first robot in a series that can think and decide for themselves. (Reploids)
I thought X couldn't succumb to stuff like the Sigma virus because he's a robot (a noted difference between him and repliroids.) Or did I miss something?
The virus is actually named the Zero virus. (But yet still referred to the Sigma virus in Zero)
It never happened though, and the developers went all loony with the plot threads and psycho-babble that filled X5 and X6's atrocious text bubbles. Too bad, I would have been interested to see the crazed scientist cross into the series and do some damage with Zero...
Well the funny thing about X6 is, it's not canon. Inafune ended it with X5 (to begin the Zero series) but Capcom went and milked another one. (With a sorry excuse to revive zero for the umpteen time) So you can sort of disregard 6, but it had a nice history on Alia. While 7 again isn't canon but it was about introducing Axl.
Yeah, I considered the plot of the X series dead since X4, since they're just giving us the runaround. Looks like they're trying to fix that with MMZ, though (barely.)
Even tho he's the big nemesis of Zero 3, there's still not much known, but damn if the final battle in Zero 3 isn't crazy.
Weil claims to be the reason to everything so far, and you face the true Zero at the end... wtf?
In X2, X3 and X4 they heavily built up to how X must fight and kill Zero to save the world. Then in X5 they finally have the showdown and it's really just a weaksauce fight with no winner over a misunderstanding. What a letdown. That was the point where I knew Capcom had no clue what they were doing and we never going to actually resolve the story
Ah yes, Hunter VS Hunter... and it's sorta sad how the battle broke out over stubborn reasonings. But yet, Zero dies in the end with such a dramatic ending. And it should have been left at that ~_~ On note, it was a nice touch to toss in Shadow Devil and have final Sigma as Gamma. (Then again the final area was Wily's lab, tho I don't understand how X and Zero's chambers were next to each other, must be a sick thing of Sigma to drag'em there I suppose)
Any more questions? I love the X series, and now the Zero series for aiming for an even deeper story while being the best Megaman games to play today.
edit: actually when I think about what Inafune was gonna do with X5 to Zero 1, it was basically pull a megaman 8/R&F to X1 and just move onto the next series.. Oh well.
Honestly, it's not like the MM storyline is all that deep. Just enjoy the game for the gameplay. Not that I don't love a good story, but the MM series is hardly one to take seriously.
Alrighty, the X nut is here! Let's see what I can sort out..
Well the funny thing about X6 is, it's not canon. Inafune ended it with X5 (to begin the Zero series) but Capcom went and milked another one. (With a sorry excuse to revive zero for the umpteen time) So you can sort of disregard 6, but it had a nice history on Alia. While 7 again isn't canon but it was about introducing Axl.
X5 is the real end as of far, but it makes you wonder if X8 will really mark the end.
This always had me confused. I knew that Zero was apparently sealed away in X5 which was supposed to lead up to him being found in MMZ...but he gets released in X6 and because of that is there for X7? Doesn't that mean that MMZ could have never taken place unless they decide to reseal Zero again in X8?
Well like I said, try to disregard those existed. Inafune was all wtf when they went and did 6. His impression was basically, how does the Zero series work now? hehe.
edit: with hope maybe we'll finally get a link to Zero in 8.. or 9.. or 10..... Here's hoping like Megaman that they stop at 8 or 9 though for X..Especially since Inafune hasn't been there since.
I second the notion that there needs to be a bridge game between the Megaman series and the X series and the X series and the Zero series (but the X series might end up doing that). I know that technically they could have stopped at X5 and it would have worked as a bridge to the Zero games but the fact is they didn't. Just because Inafune didn't create them doesn't mean that X6 and X7 aren't cannon. They were released. They continued the story. Therefore they are indeed cannon.
Here's hoping for a Megaman Anniversary Collection 2 in 2012 (the 25th anniversary) that covers all the games from Megaman 1-8, to Rockman & Bass, to the X series, the Zero series, and beyond. I'd love to see them set it up so that one game leads right into the next to create one long ass narrative (cutscenes and all). That would be pretty amazing. Of course, playing each game separately would also be an option.
Thanks kiryogi for all the info. It certainly shed some light on things... and made me even more confused that ever.
The Promised One said:
Honestly, it's not like the MM storyline is all that deep. Just enjoy the game for the gameplay. Not that I don't love a good story, but the MM series is hardly one to take seriously.